Comments 341

Re: Talking Point: Is E3 Still Relevant?


I dont think E3 is going anywhere soon. I personally love e3 (even if it aint as big as it used to be). Its always exciting seeing predictions and speculations and rumors popping up all over the web and seeing what came true and what didnt. Its just fun for me. But I do see it getting replaced by the companies eventually just doing their own nintendo direct style streams

Re: Guide: All PS5 Games Confirmed or Rumoured


I just want devs to take risks and make some fresh and new IPs. I'm personally tired of seeing sequels and games that have been around since the beginning of freakin time. Dont get me wrong we've gotten some great stuff of course. Re 2 was great, MK11 looks sick, and DMC5 is my all time favorite game now, but how long can they just keep giving the same stuff? Can capcom start a new fighitng game franchise with all new characters? Can naughty dog make a new adventure series that isnt uncharted? Lets get more originals like Horizon, bloodborne, gravity rush, etc

Re: Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice PS4 Trophies Will Test Your Mettle


Seems like an easy Platinum. Just gotta play the game which I am just fine with. I hate it when a platinum trophy is dang near impossible cuz the devs would do something like beat the game on insane BS difficulty without getting hit a single time, jumping only twice, and you must deal the final blow while in the air with your weakest weapon equipped

Re: Sony Underfire in Renewed PS4 Censorship Row


I'm against censoring most of the time. Like when they try to censor jiggle physics especially in games like soulcal and doa where its been present since early entries but the senran kagura thing is dumb. Just stick to the T&A. No need to go into molesty territory