And this is why i still have a 1080p TV with my PS5, since i always prefer performance theres no point for me to upgrade. Ive been gaming with the same tv since the ps3 generation and seems like i can go on another gen with the same tv until the PS6 comes out and can finally run games at 4k 60fps locked
@ShogunRok i would like to ask, are we going to explore the same areas of the realms we've already been before in gow2018 or is it going to be new areas of those previous realms?
(Im aware there's 3 new realms but just wanted to know about the previous ones)
Comments 119
Re: Hogwarts Legacy Soars with 12 Million Copies Sold in First Two Weeks
Unbelievable!! This game is a massive success!!
Re: Forspoken PS5 Patch Will Address Performance, Graphics, and More as Dev Remains 'Committed'
This game wasn't ready to release at all
Re: PS5 Finally Takes Control of Japanese Charts, As Forspoken Flops
Forspoken will be forgotten
Re: Sony Cuts PSVR2 Launch Sale Estimates by Half, New Report Claims
This is going to flop just like the ps vita did
Re: Forspoken Put Through Its Paces in Latest Digital Foundry PS5 Tech Test
Sony must be kicking themselves at their HQ regretting buying exclusivity for this game
Re: Sony Could Skip PS5 Pro for PS6, Says Social Media Scuttlebutt
Im still gaming on my 1080p TV, i prioritize performance over resolution so i dont need a PS5 pro
Re: Skull and Bones Delayed Yet Again as Ubisoft Cancels Three Games
Not surprised, when was the last time ubisoft released a good game? Exactly.
Re: Forspoken Continues to Divide Opinion Following PS5 Demo
The thing i didnt like the most was hearing the main character talk, she would always come up as a smartass everytime she talked
Re: Shocking: Sony Has Plans for PS6
PS6 showcasing 8K graphics with a turbo engine dualsense controller. Cannot wait for the future
Re: Random: Kratos Doesn't Want to Discuss PS All-Stars Battle Royale in God of War Ragnarok
Kratos is just embarrassed to have participated in such a tournament
Re: Multiple Voice Actors Discuss Becoming Kratos in God of War Ragnarok Dev Diary
@AhmadSumadi he was the perfect voice for this character
Re: Multiple Voice Actors Discuss Becoming Kratos in God of War Ragnarok Dev Diary
I wish kratos still had the original voice actor cuz he was the perfect one for this character
Re: Evil West's PS5 Performance Mode Is a Bit of a Kicker at 1080p, 60fps
And this is why i still have a 1080p TV with my PS5, since i always prefer performance theres no point for me to upgrade. Ive been gaming with the same tv since the ps3 generation and seems like i can go on another gen with the same tv until the PS6 comes out and can finally run games at 4k 60fps locked
Re: Death Stranding Celebrates 10 Million Porters on Original Game's Third Anniversary
Im glad i didnt waste $60 on this boring ass walking simulator. Hell im even a premium subscriber and i dont even bother dowloading the game for free
Re: Sonic Frontiers (PS5) - Bold New Gamble for the Series Pays Off
What was sega thinking releasing this game a day before gow ragnarok? Its gonna be just when horizonFW released so closely to elden ring
Re: UK Sales Charts: Modern Warfare 2 Keeps Top Spot as Gotham Knights Slips
Bayonetta nowhere to be seen lol
Re: God of War Ragnarok: Is It Good on PS4?
@ATaco you might have to wait like 2 or 3 years, ratchet rift apart and kena bridge of spirits are over a year old and not on the service yet
Re: God of War Ragnarok Equals Ridiculously High Review Rating of Its Predecessor
@SilkySmile89 exactly, this jordan dude thinks he knows but he doesnt know what hes talking about
Re: God of War Ragnarok (PS5) - A Dazzling Crown Jewel in Sony's Catalogue
@ShogunRok i would like to ask, are we going to explore the same areas of the realms we've already been before in gow2018 or is it going to be new areas of those previous realms?
(Im aware there's 3 new realms but just wanted to know about the previous ones)