Who cares. Seriously. Only a complete loser would get jolly over a headline like this. Are Sony fanboys really this desperate for validation through useless sales metrics? And I say useless because at the end of the day MS is a boot compared to Sony's ant. These so called sales victories are irrelevant to the bigger picture that most of these fanboys ignore.
@Tr3mm0r You were good until you made the comment about the door. Now it's obvious you're a trend follower. Play Starfield before commenting on it again and save yourself some embarrassment.
The arrogance of Sony fanboys last generation? Here's your reward for shilling for Sony. 70 dollar games and anti consumer friendly practices. For the Payers indeed.
No 3rd person, behind the back, rock climbing, stealth-but-not-really, one and done exclusives. No wonder the fanboys are up in arms. Sony has conditioned them to think that crap is the cream of the crop.
It'd have been fine if Sony would give up a third game after gutting PS+. One game is niche and the other everyone and their mother have played. Poor month, though LOU fits for October admittedly
@Neolit Also that whole thing about PS3 emulation? Moot. Why? Because THE PLAYERS want player choice and this PS Now crap ain't cutting the mustard. A full PS3 emulation solution should have been in the works from the word go with the PS4 but Sony had to make that Gaikai money back. A piss poor investment. Again this is not newsworthy. Im waiting to be impressed. PS5 next system more powerful? Who knows. Who cares really as they both will probably be neck and neck as always anyways. Just like the last two gens, one does somethings better than the other and vice versa.
@Neolit cross gen XB1 vs 360 gaming via backwards compatibility has been a thing. For as long as BC on XB1 has been a thing. What PS branded rock have you been living under?
This is not noteworthy news. Xbox has been doing this a while now. Know what would really impress me? Spend some of this PS4 bank and make a van damme PS3 emulator for this thing. Show how much "For the Players" you really are
Sony is starting to remind me of MS post Kinect. Arrogant and tone deaf. 6 games down to 2 at the same price? This is not good. At. All. A VR game or one of the billion indies they love to tout would have been an acceptable compromise. But no, we're in the lead so take it in the hole. Our overrated first partyexclusives will ensure our fans will take it and love every inch.
Got mine in October. I wasn't even interested in VR but the price was too good to skip. PSVR has impressed the hell out of me so far. Astrobot is probably my favorite 3d platformer since Mario Galaxy. Had me wondering if Sony had poached some of Nintendo's finest. I only hope that Sony makes this thing compatible with PS5 and not screw it up like MS did Kinect
@Jay767 TLOU is one of my all time favorites but Sony is going to the third person, cinematic well too damn often. Where's the risk taking Sony of the PS1 era? As i said, yawn. Multiplayer has obviously become a taboo word at Sony HQ. Where's SOCOM? Killzone? Twisted Metal?
GreenManGaming had/has? a deal on Astrobot Rescue Mission PSN code. May not be available by now in Europe but it won't hurt to take a look. I got mine quickly.
Comments 25
Re: Sorry Xbox, But Even PS Portal Is Outselling You in Spain
Who cares.
Only a complete loser would get jolly over a headline like this.
Are Sony fanboys really this desperate for validation through useless sales metrics? And I say useless because at the end of the day MS is a boot compared to Sony's ant. These so called sales victories are irrelevant to the bigger picture that most of these fanboys ignore.
Re: A Whopping 80% of Modern Warfare 3's Physical UK Sales Were on PS5, PS4
@Tr3mm0r You were good until you made the comment about the door. Now it's obvious you're a trend follower. Play Starfield before commenting on it again and save yourself some embarrassment.
Re: Sony Will Make You Pay Extra to Upgrade Horizon Forbidden West from PS4 to PS5
The arrogance of Sony fanboys last generation? Here's your reward for shilling for Sony. 70 dollar games and anti consumer friendly practices. For the Payers indeed.
Re: Reaction: Xbox Game Pass Is the Thorn in PS5's Side
No 3rd person, behind the back, rock climbing, stealth-but-not-really, one and done exclusives. No wonder the fanboys are up in arms. Sony has conditioned them to think that crap is the cream of the crop.
Re: Xbox Sure Did Announce a Lot of Timed Exclusives This Week
Stoking the console warrior flames. This site has turned into a joke.
Re: PS Now July 2020 Update Adds Watch Dogs 2, Street Fighter 5, and More
What a waste of money this service is
Re: Rumour: Bluepoint Games Working on Both Demon's Souls Remake and Bloodborne Remaster for PS5
Remasterstation 5
Here we go again 🙄
Re: Talking Point: What PS5 Games Do You Expect at Sony's Next-Gen Reveal Event?
A remaster, a walking sim and a 3rd person cinematic movi...err "game"
Re: PS5 Unreal Engine 5 Gameplay Demo Finally Shows Us What Next-Gen Games Look Like
Next gen look like the same Sony movi.... games we been playing since the first Uncharted. Just prettier.
Re: Death Stranding - Hideo Kojima's Next Revolutionary Masterpiece
Fetch Quest
A Hideo Kojima Game
Pass until it hits 10 bucks in a couple of years
Re: Poll: Are You Happy With Your PS Plus Games for October 2019?
It'd have been fine if Sony would give up a third game after gutting PS+. One game is niche and the other everyone and their mother have played. Poor month, though LOU fits for October admittedly
Re: PS5 Players Can Play with PS4 Players Using Backwards Compatibility, Sony Confirms
@Neolit Also that whole thing about PS3 emulation? Moot. Why? Because THE PLAYERS want player choice and this PS Now crap ain't cutting the mustard. A full PS3 emulation solution should have been in the works from the word go with the PS4 but Sony had to make that Gaikai money back. A piss poor investment.
Again this is not newsworthy. Im waiting to be impressed. PS5 next system more powerful? Who knows. Who cares really as they both will probably be neck and neck as always anyways. Just like the last two gens, one does somethings better than the other and vice versa.
Re: PS5 Players Can Play with PS4 Players Using Backwards Compatibility, Sony Confirms
@Neolit cross gen XB1 vs 360 gaming via backwards compatibility has been a thing. For as long as BC on XB1 has been a thing. What PS branded rock have you been living under?
Re: PS5 Players Can Play with PS4 Players Using Backwards Compatibility, Sony Confirms
This is not noteworthy news. Xbox has been doing this a while now. Know what would really impress me? Spend some of this PS4 bank and make a van damme PS3 emulator for this thing. Show how much "For the Players" you really are
Re: Poll: One Year Old Today, Have Your Thoughts on God of War Changed?
Nope. Still an overrated Sony TPCA much like Horizon was 2 years ago.
Re: Poll: Are You Happy with Your PS Plus Games for March 2019?
Sony is starting to remind me of MS post Kinect. Arrogant and tone deaf.
6 games down to 2 at the same price? This is not good. At. All. A VR game or one of the billion indies they love to tout would have been an acceptable compromise. But no, we're in the lead so take it in the hole. Our overrated first partyexclusives will ensure our fans will take it and love every inch.
Re: Feature: Why You Shouldn't Worry About PS5 Backwards Compatibility
Only an idiot would write off BC as a novelty or unimportant. In what alternate dimension is MORE games a bad thing?
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 255
PS Vita- Persona 4 Golden
XB1- Monster Hunter World
PS4- Arizona Sunshine VR
Re: Bungie Splits from Activision, Takes the Rights to Destiny
@Sanquine $ony needs a multiplayer franchise BADLY
Re: Soapbox: Spending My Christmas with PlayStation VR
Got mine in October. I wasn't even interested in VR but the price was too good to skip. PSVR has impressed the hell out of me so far. Astrobot is probably my favorite 3d platformer since Mario Galaxy. Had me wondering if Sony had poached some of Nintendo's finest. I only hope that Sony makes this thing compatible with PS5 and not screw it up like MS did Kinect
Re: Days Gone Multiplayer Was Pitched, But Sony Said No
@Jay767 TLOU is one of my all time favorites but Sony is going to the third person, cinematic well too damn often. Where's the risk taking Sony of the PS1 era? As i said, yawn. Multiplayer has obviously become a taboo word at Sony HQ. Where's SOCOM? Killzone? Twisted Metal?
Re: Days Gone Multiplayer Was Pitched, But Sony Said No
@Jay767 an open world re-skin of TLOU. Yawn. These games are starting to blend together at this point. But I'll concede to your correction.
Re: Days Gone Multiplayer Was Pitched, But Sony Said No
Linear, one and done, over the shoulder with a sidekick or two, third person cinematic snoozefsts or BUST
Re: Guide: Best Black Friday 2018 PSVR Deals
GreenManGaming had/has? a deal on Astrobot Rescue Mission PSN code. May not be available by now in Europe but it won't hurt to take a look. I got mine quickly.
Re: PS Plus Members Will Get Two Games Per Month from March 2019
Backwards compatibility sure sounds nice right about now. And I don't mean the dumpster fire called PS Now.