Comments 30

Re: Game of the Year: Sammy's Top 5 PS5, PS4 Games of 2020


I'm just gutted I came across the spoilers of TLOU2 before playing it. I would have loved to have played it without others ruining it.

I think those that didn't like it get a bad wrap because they are the ones who flooded message boards and twitter with the spoilers and claiming SJW this and that, death threats etc.

It's fine not to like a game, it's when it consumes you, you ruin things for others and can't get over that times have progressed.

Again, it's perfectly valid and fair if people didn't like the story (I can understand that). It's the vocal minority that ruined it.

Re: Bethesda Games Are Looking Increasingly Unlikely on PS5


@get2sammyb it would force me into buying an Xbox and I always wanted a reason to buy one.

But if their plan is really to sell as many games as possible on many platforms, rather than shift consoles and sell exclusively then it would make sense for them to be released on PS5.

I just don't see them allowing it to be sold on PS5

Re: The Last of Us 2 Is Sony's Third Best-Seller in US History


@Noob_Saibot get over it already. You really sound pathetic.

Grow a pair of balls, mix it in the real world with people other than yourself and expand your mind.

Stories are not there just to cater to you.

Also, I saw no marketing which claimed it was a Joel and Ellie adventure. I mean, who CARES?!?!

Re: Talking Point: The Last of Us 2 Spoilers Discussion



"They set it up to look like Ellie hates dogs, Abby loves dogs."

See this is the stuff I can't stand. You make out everything is an agenda. This thinking is pathetic and noone who played the game without being pre-triggered would come to this conclusion.

It's ridiculous.

Re: The Last of Us 2 Has Gone Gold, Neil Druckmann Confirms in Heartfelt Message


@Paranoimia it doesn't I'm afraid. Your view as to something being an agenda is because you may or may not agree with that view. If Druckman was a woman and lesbian, would it have been ok for him to tell the story of a lesbian because it is his life view? Like a straight man telling the love story between a man and a woman like 99% of games?

The fact you have gay family is moot. Parents of gay kids disown their kids for being gay, so that does not hold water.