Comments 25

Re: Soapbox: Spending My Christmas with PlayStation VR


@Turismo4GT $1200? Jeez man! I'd move. That's nearly triple the price of my monthly house payment. I paid quite a bit for my PSVR back in November 2016, but in spite of having to buy the headset, move controllers, and camera separately, it totalled just $630 (USD).

Locally, now, PSVR bundles average around $350 (USD).

Re: Soapbox: PSVR Has Quietly Had an Outstanding Year


@get2sammyb TrinusVR allows PSVR to be used on a PC. Google it. I checked it out a while back but the PC I had was too low end for it --but I'm buying or building a new one soon. Anyways, there is a solution for PSVR as a PCVR solution, only thing is, its limited by the headset's optical tracking.

Re: Review: 2MD VR Football (PS4)


Sammy has asked for us to move on and this comment section has been quite for a few days now. Your comment was unnecessary and would only start trouble again, best to leave sleeping bears lie. Thanks for understanding -Tasuki-

Re: The Elder Scrolls Online Expands to the Summerset Isles This June


Will this release force existing players to upgrade like Morrowind did? It was several months after the Morrowind expansion release before I could pick it up, but in the interim time period, I couldn't login at all until I upgraded... which makes me not want to bother with it again unless that part is rectified... and really... I don't care to pick that one back up unless it gets VR support similar to Skyrim VR --which I doubt will happen at this point.

Re: Sony's Sending Out Free PS4 Themes for the Holidays


@Tasuki Its not. I got a code for the theme... just checked my email and there it was.

Thing is, they can keep it. I've spent a ton of money on software with them this past year, and they thank me with a holiday theme? Thanks, but no. I'll keep my custom Decepticons theme, thank you!

Re: PSVR Dominating as Virtual Reality Sector Passes Major Milestone


So, what kind of hoops would have to be jumped to get "VR Chat" ported to PSVR?

Even if we can't get that particular app, a massive free-form social-VR app would go a long way toward bringing a permanent social community to the platform.

I watched a few hours worth of videos captured from VR Chat; OMG those freakin' hilarious!!! Though... now that I think about it, VR Chat would likely never get past Sony's review and certification; the ability to import and upload 3D character models would likely violate their submission process or some such rubbish. I guess it would also depend on what exactly Sony would have to host in terms of clientware... if the model were similar to Rec Room, that might actually pass --but I don't know. What do you all think?

Re: Hands On: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Has Improved Massively with PlayStation VR


This will be the 3rd time I've bought Skyrim... and I don't have a problem with that.

1st copy was on Xbox360 --I still have it... my only remaining disc, everything else is now digital download on an external HD.

2nd copy was the SE remaster for PS4. While I've crafted a nearly identical character in terms of race (Dark Elf) and appearance, each individual character's journey has been unique. I buy quite a few games per year, so when I picked up SE on sale, it sat there on the drive for about a month until I loaded it up one long weekend and fell in love with the game all over again.

I'm looking forward to the VR release... something fierce. I turn 45 the day after Skyrim VR releases, and have been a fan of D&D since I was like 6. I've played all of the Elder scrolls games going back to the 2nd one, on MS-DOS, prior to the first console release, Morrowind (TES3) on the Original Xbox (which I still have a copy of, in mint condition).

To me, this release will be like Christmas come early. My only gripe.. if you can call it that, is that there isn't a VR mode addon coming to ESO. ESO, with all of it's social capabilities would be sick in VR. But hey, Skyrim's a great start as far as I'm concerned. It's sorta testing the waters to see how huge scale RPGs do in VR on a massive distribution scale.... something I'm curious to see myself. There's not really been any extensive testing of VR in terms of hundreds of hours of use. I don't mind being a lab-rat... seems familiar some how.

Re: November PlayStation Plus Games Announced


Rush Of Blood... great... another game I bought a year ago. I think its high time that I email Sony and find out what thei policy is for members who own half or more of the (so called) free GOTM. They should credit us when we already own what they're pushing.

Re: Hands On: Bravo Team Fails to Make Its Mark


Its a shame that folks are still having problems sourcing an Aim Controller. I got mine a week after launch, and the only problems I've had were quickly corrected by adjusting my cam along with the level of room-lighting and by turning off all ceiling fans in the area because they cause a strobe effect on the cam that causes it to track much less accurately.

When its setup correctly, Farpoint on the Aim Controller is one of my favorite games because of how it plays --especially the areas beyond the first encounter with alien robotic drones... the firefights get pretty insane.

Its disappointing to hear that there were issues during the reviewed demo, but I'll take that as a subjective experience that may be just reflective of the per-player calibration (or lack there-of), light polution causing reduced tracking accuracy, or the need of the system to be rebooted... it helps my PS4's performance noticably to reboot it at least twice per week, mainly because not every game is perfect and tends to often leave tmp-file remnants behind... after all, the PS4 is running an OS that uses a BSD-Unix kernel, and both Linux and Unix when used on embedded devices need the occasional flush to clean out and refresh the runtime environment.

Anyway, regardless, I'll still put this game to the Pepsi Challenge when it hits.

Re: Farpoint's Cryo Pack DLC Pack Is Looking Pretty Cool


@seanobi If you're in the US, Walmart has had them in stock recently --but you might have to drive to one of their stores that are away from a metro area if you're close to one. I got my bundle at a local Walmart a week after launch, and I've gotta say... this is a hard game to put down. I've already beat it twice, and still want more of it. It's the feel of it; there have been points where the combat felt real because of the tactics that I was able to use.

From what I understand, "Special Forces VR", which is currently under development, also uses the Aim Controller. From what I've seen of gameplay footage so far, it looks to be a first-person tactical shooter, closer to Ghost Recon or RainbowSix than Halo or Call of Duty. That game will be worth having the Aim Controller on hand for, at launch, if you're into those type of games.

Even if it's tough to find at the moment, the Aim Controller is worth the effort --even on it's own.