Comments 28

Re: In the UK, You Can't Buy a PS5 Pro Disc Drive without Paying a Premium


@siofwolves Absolutely.
I have the Pro on pre order and saw this fiasco with the disc drives.
I was contemplating going all digital and replacing my physical games with the digital ones.
First game I looked at was Spiderman 2. It is £69.99 on the PS Store. I would probably get £30 for my disc version if I sold it. That's a £40 loss to me straight away.

Re: Talking Point: What Free May 2021 PS Plus Games Do You Want?


@Jslade I have honestly never been so disappointed with a game.
I played it for 6 or so hours just to give it a chance and I hated it.
I'm a huge Del Toro fan too, so I actively wanted to like it to see his story in the game. But it transpired that is was such a poor story that I cared more about using the play time to try other games.

Re: Returnal PS5 Pre-Load Available Now, Weighs in at 56GB


I see quite a few comments on here about doing the price comparison and finding the game for sub £65. However, will these stores be able to get the game to me on launch date?
When you have little free time, a spare Friday evening is rare and to play a game for 4 hours or so. If the shop can't get the game to me until Monday perhaps, then I'll be sitting with it in the cellophane until the following weekend whilst reading the (hopefully) amazing impressions of others.

Does a anyone know if the likes of Asda and Tesco will have this physically in their stores? They will likely be £64.99 or similar.

Re: Review: DOOM VFR (PS4)


This is pretty amazing!
I'm playing with the Aim controller and it is really accurate and smooth.
As soon as you get the hang of teleportation through enemies it becomes so strategic and fluid.
A bargain at £20, let's just hope they add some multiplayer in the future.