Comments 485

Re: Horizon Zero Dawn Sequel Targeting 'Industry-Benchmark Graphics' on PS5


the graphics can be as good as they want to, but if this game end up like the sjw trash fire tlou2, graphics will not matter at all.

until i see and know what sonys exlusive games are gonna be about storywise. i will have no hype whats so ever for any sony exlusives at all.

and that damage sony can thank themself for with letting neil cuckmann ruin tlou2.

Re: PS5's Price Could Be Undercut by Xbox Series X, Analysts Suggest



i did hold out until 2016 as a demostration against psplus. but i was over run by all the dimwits (most likely the enrichment from xbox360 refugees that had been indoctrinated since the og xbox) that did drow money at it and claimed psn need it and its much better now that you pay for it (what a lot of bs that was). so in the end i was forced to get psplus, or else i would not experience half of the games i bough, since they had online components. at the time a year cost $48 but i did see sony had cut down the price to $27, so i bought a year, and then i bought for another year. i found out it stacked so i ended up with 5 years of psplus, and now sony have raised the price to $60 (for something that dont cost them nothing). i was lucky and got it for $27 a year. will i buy psplus in 5 years when sony ask for $100 (only gullible dont think the price will go up to this absurdity) a year for their psplus, i will definitive not. when the ps6 arrive i am pretty much done with gaming as a hobby, its gonna be all digital when the ps6 arrive and the price for a game will be over $100 (we are nearly there right now) and its all digital, no thanks, i am done.

Re: PS5's Price Could Be Undercut by Xbox Series X, Analysts Suggest



you are absolutley right...

"You make a great a great point about the gamepass/gold live issue. If im being 100% honest, its the one thing i would strongly urge sony to change. Basic network access to play with friends should always be free.

I have seen arguments saying that it costs money to run those servers, but with all due respect its absolute rubbish. Basic network access is incredibly cheap. So cheap infact that on PC i cant think of a single digital platform that charges for this, not a single one. Uplay, Origin, Steam and Epic Games Store to name but a few, all free to play online. Why? because it so cheap you cannot possibly justify adding it as a cost.

You use more bandwidth downloading game patches (which are free no less) than you ever would in a lifetime of online gameplay.

The main issue i have with PS Plus is that i am forced to buy games i dont nessesarly want (you dont get free games each month, think about it, you really are paying for them), on a digital format that i dont use (i buy all my games physical, why would i want digital as a collector?).

So, if i want to play with my friends, i have to pay for all these extras that i dont want or need. It almost feels as though network play is being held for ransom unless you are willing to buy things you dont want.

It would be the easiest thing in the world to call myself a stingy person, but its certainly far from the truth. In my above comment i mentioned that i own a little over 110 physical games, for the ps4 alone, as well as both a PS4 and a PS4 Pro. But not once, since the console has released have i paid for PS Plus, and nor will i. Its the only way i can protest it.

If sony want a re-occuring monthly subscription service, thats fine, but it should be catered to those who use the platform in that way, and not penalize every single customer.

RDR2 is the perfect example of this, on rockstar PC games app, its 100% free to play online, but if you bought it on PS4, the entire online experience is locked behind a monthly paywall. I paid £60 for a pre-order on that game, only to find that half the content was going to be locked behind a subscription. Rockstar use thier own servers, it litrilly costs sony nothing to allow passthough traffic, yet it still remains a chargable service.

Game streaming (aka PS Now) is completly different, it uses a stupid amount of bandwith and is costly in terms of processing power, that i fully understand. But basic online gameplay should always be free."

Re: PS5's Price Could Be Undercut by Xbox Series X, Analysts Suggest


after what we have seen happen to tlou2 that ended up as sjw trash fire, the sony exlusive is not that important anymore. so if xbox can announce a 400 dollar console with gamepass and no more gold live but free online gameplay for all. that will punch sony hard under the belt. if that happen i will buy my first xbox.

Re: Call of Duty PS5 on Target for 2020 Release


i am good with modern warfare for now. but i might pick up this new one on sale next spring. since it takes a while before these cod games go down in price. if not they meet their sales expectations, then they fall in price very fast.

Re: PlayStation Store Hidden Gems Sale Has Great PS4 Games Going Cheap


DOOM Eternal Deluxe Edition which includes the season pass was $110 at release. talk about ridiculous pricing, and now you can get it for $60 digital. NEVER BUY DAY ONE FOLKS!

and you would think the physical version would include something worthy the $110 price tag, but no all it had was reversible cover art, talk about a rip off..

Re: Soapbox: Sony Needs to Share a PS5 Roadmap


"the Japanese giant needs to be careful it doesn’t allow its competitor to set the agenda"

the competition have already set the agenda. they have shown of their new xbox and been talking about their roadmap for months. ms are gearing up for release and the new xbox is in production as we speak. now they are ready to show the games.

all sony have done is empty talk and shown off a controller so far. thats what happen when you get lazy and fat while resting on your laurels.

Re: DOOM Developer Ditches Composer Amid Public Spat


Last year DOOM Eternal was one of this year most anticipated and hyped games. Then it released and no one talks about it anymore, except for this public spat with the composer. So the conclusion is and lets be honest, after everything have been said and done. It was just not a really good game, and everyone just jumped to the next thing..

But in all this i find it strange that no one ever mention, that Bethesda tried to force everyone to make a Bethesda online account for the game. If you try play DOOM Eternal offline singleplayer, you will be constantly reminded you must have a Bethesda online account with a flashing sign on the screen.

When bs like this is put into singleplayer games, where is the journos to critic this bs, was it not in their review copy??..

Re: Evidence of a New Tony Hawk's Pro Skater Game Continues to Surface


Former pro skateboard and entrepreneur Jason Dill let slip that EA had contacted him about appearing in a new Skate game.

"I got a call from the EA people about 10 months ago, and they said, "Hey, we want to talk about the Skate game." I said, that's fine.

[They] said, basically, "We want to do a mobile version of Skate 3." I wrote back, and I said, "What else?" She wrote back, "No, that's it."

So there you go, SKATE 3 mobile game....

Re: Codemasters Gearing Up to Announce a 'Different' DiRT Racing Game Soon


for me it feels like the dirty series are done on the ps4, it have reached its peek. people that like arcade racing pick dirt4 and the ones that like sim racing pick dirt rally (dirt rally2.0 was a horrible live service game). where is there to go from here?? at this point they are just milking racing game and their name for whats it worth. i only expect mediocre until we get dirt5 that hopefully will be a great arcade racer, after all that is their main game and what they are known for.

Re: PS Vita Support Shows No Signs of Slowing in 2020


clearly the idiots at sony pullet the plug to early, the psvita is on a high when it comes to new releases, and there is big demand for the psvita at the moment at the secondhand marked. but whats dying and sony dont talk about anymore, is the psvr crap sony was trying to push on everyone the last two years. i said it a long time ago, psvita is gonna live longer than the psvr crap even when sony killed off the psvita. sony should have released a psvita2 more powerful and bc with psvita1 games. it would be a killer product that would take down nintendo switch a few notches. but no sony had to do psvr crap instead and lose money, idiots.