Comments 22

Re: Feature: 15 Samurai Games, Movies, and Anime That Will Help You Get Hyped for Ghost of Tsushima


I need to dig out my kurosawa bluray set and give them a rewatch. Same goes with the last samurai, such a brilliant movie, i can't wait to play ghost of tsushima. For years i hoped the AC series would have gone with the feudal japan setting, but at least now we're getting a game from a more competent developer. This could be the samurai equivalent of red dead redemption.

Re: PS5 Is Gorgeous in Person, There Are Surprising Features


I personally love the design, it's quite a stark design compared to previous playstations. Usually consoles are just plain black and not really anything to write home about in regards to the actual look of it. But this is seriously different and unique, easily has its own visual language that makes it instantly recognisable among oyher systems and cuts a distinctive figure. Although, i will say that the design is not the most important part of the machine, it's how it handles games and the overall features that truly sell me. I'll be getting a series x in a couple of years anyway as i am looking forward to that aswell. But this is merely my opinion regarding the design, i completely understand that it's subjective and welcome different opinions.

Re: There's a Free Marvel's Spider-Man PS4 Theme Up for Grabs Right Now


That theme is really cool, but what pisses me off is when stuff like this is only available in a certain region. There's millions of spideys fans across the globe and we get diddly squat. It annoys me as a UK customer and spidey super fan that us and the rest of europe as well as aisa and Australia all miss out, don't alienate you're customers, sony.

Re: Brand New ANTHEM Assets Unearthed Ahead of E3 2018


I want this to be good, hell, it's probably the closest thing to an iron man simulator we'll ever have.

In all honesty, it genuinely could be a great game, it's been in development for 6+ years, the gameplay looks fun and it's visually stunning and that's a good mixture for a game like this. Although, i will wait until after launch to see if it turns out to be a good game, f*** preordering.

Re: This Spider-Man PS4 Billboard in Los Angeles Is Bad Ass


That is pretty sweet, also, that music... it's brilliant, i really hope that's the actual theme because it's a soundtrack I'd consider purchasing. Also it reminds me a little of the homecoming theme.

These last couple of years and the next 18 months are a big deal for spidey fans. Excelsior.

Re: Guide: Spider-Man PS4 FAQ - Everything You Need to Know


@Toadie I liked both versions, the asylum one felt like a freddy krueger type with that whole getup, the claws, the glowing eyes. Although the arkham knight version seemed more cunning, more disciplined... colder and also quite intimidating, he carried a great on screen presence. I hope one day someone takes that design and makes him the central villain of the matt reeves batman film. He needs justice doing to his character.

Re: Guide: Spider-Man PS4 FAQ - Everything You Need to Know


@Toadie Agreed, arkham knight made the player feel like batman, visually stunning and the gothic architecture was a nice throwback to the keaton era and the animated series, but the game was too focused on the batmobile all the time, the boss fights ( particularly deathstroke) were a major slap in the face to those who adored arkham city's boss fights and how scarecrow was yet again shunned by joker who had his own spotlight in the previous 4 games, it felt dishonest to the character of scarecrow.

90's hobgoblin, you sir are my friend now, mark hamill was unhinged in his voice acting for that, it was the joker voice but..... more cold.... more unnerving, with a hint of highly intelligent but also... something sinister, it was clear he wasn't another knock off but a terrifying threat all his own.

Re: Guide: Spider-Man PS4 FAQ - Everything You Need to Know


I need this in my life, now that this property is no longer with Activision, it has potential to be a massive hit and spidermans' arkham city, the game looks smooth, vibrant and really seems to capture the ethos and magic that the character has had on people for the last 56 years. My most anticipated game since it's unveiling in 2016. On a side note, i really hope hobgoblin is in this game, a criminaly underused and underrated villain.