Comments 212

Re: Rumour: PS Plus June 2021 Line-Up Leaked Ahead of Time


Personally I think this is one of the worst line ups of the year. It comes at a good time though because there are a bunch of games out over May/June I want to get caught up on. Mass Effect alone is like 100+ hours. Then add in R&C and a few other games I play like COD, Wreckfest, and Fall Guys and Im good for the month.

Re: Poll: Is PlayStation Losing Ground to Xbox?


@vapidwolf i mean if you took the past year with both companies at even ground. Xbox got Bethesda and had a bunch of their games updated and added to gamepass, got a PS game on gamepass, theyve announced a bunch of new games for the near future, and they are rumored to be getting the next Kojima game.

Playstation charged full price for their game when it was free(ish) on xbox, theyve had studios shut down, Days Gone 2 was denied, and they’re overall pretty quiet. There probably more im forgetting but you get my point.

If you took all of last generation and included it with this generation then yes PlayStation is definitely still ahead but they need to do something to convince people to stick with them. A lot of people are making decisions on what console the will own over the next 6+ years so this is a bad time for PlayStation to let xbox look better to the average consumer.

Re: Poll: Is PlayStation Losing Ground to Xbox?


Short term xbox is ahead. They've been doing good recently. Overall PlayStation is definitely still ahead though they do need to step it up. Maybe PS+ and PS Now the same service, buy Bluepoint, and be more open about what they are doing.

Re: Days Gone 2 Not Given the Greenlight, Sony Bend Working on Something New


I bought the game on release day and tried twice to get into it but never really caught on. I got maybe 10 or so hours in. I still plan on giving it one last shot, which i was hoping would be a few months before the second game were to be announced. Its not the end of the world for me but i do kinda wish they made another as it definitely had a lot of potential to be a big franchise for Sony.

Re: Soapbox: My Colleagues Bet On How Far I'd Make It Through Final Fantasy VII Remake


I was in the same boat to start the game. My first experience with FF was about 15 years ago (I couldn't even tell you the name of it at this point). My sister worked next to a GameStop and they threw out a bunch of old games that weren't selling and FF was one of them.

I remember looking at the case and thinking, “Well this is... different” and tried it out. I made it maybe 10 minutes before I decided it wasn't for me. So I completely gave up on the series and had no plans of going back.

Then FF7R was announced and i thought it looked pretty cool but remember my experience with the previous game and figured I’d give it a shot if I could get it for cheap.

Then there is was. Free in the PS+ collection. Of course i had to give it another shot. And man was I surprised. I was very thrown off at first like you were with the dialog and the gameplay mechanics and I was very overwhelmed with it all. But I pushed through and loved it.

I agree some of the game really felt like a grind. The side missions (like finding all the cats), the tunnels, trying to figure out materia and what they all meant/did. But after figuring it all out i really enjoyed my time with it (about 50 hours).

Right after beating it I went strait to IGN to read what the ending means for the story and I’m so excited for the next game (FF7R part 2 or what ever its called), Integrade, and FF16. Once I have more time I’d love to sit down and play FF15.

Re: Sony Game MLB The Show 21 Will Be Free with Game Pass on Xbox, Full-Price on PS5, PS4


@Medic_Alert by you also have to subtract everything they are spends which is A LOT right now. 7+ Billion for Zenimax, the cost of the consoles at a loss (I’m not even gonna try to guess what that is lol), and all of these other deals behind the scenes. With them being a big company they aren’t going to be content with what they are making now. It just doesn’t work that way. Prices will almost always go up.

Re: Sony Game MLB The Show 21 Will Be Free with Game Pass on Xbox, Full-Price on PS5, PS4


@Medic_Alert I don’t believe they make that much profit off of dlc and mtx’s. They don’t make profit off their consoles either so I just see it as Microsoft telling them to going on a spending spree to suck up a bigger portion of the market so they can start squeezing them for money by increasing prices and lowering the quality of games in the service. That should in turn make more people buy their games at full cost (which will have a smaller production budget due to losses in other areas and the previous generation)