@get2sammyb I cut and pasted it from Eurogamer. They also went through a phase of not publishing it, but they started again, so I'm guessing it's allowed now.
I also never knew there was a previous editor, I thought you were always the boss
Project Cars Wolfenstein: The Old Blood Grand Theft Auto 5 Mortal Kombat 10 Final Fantasy 10 / 10-2 HD Remaster FIFA 15 Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Dying Light Destiny Battlefield: Hardline
I personally enjoy Sony's policy. 3rd party games are generally better than 1st party games, so I'd rather they focused on those. Batman and Battlefront will be all the better for having the PS4 as their lead console, and on top of that, Assassins Creed won't be a cluster-muck since it's coming back home to Playstation. These games will dominate 2015 so it's really for the best that they partner with Sony and not Microsoft.
This is just taking advantage of kids who don't know better. They fully explore their story, and the mechanics they have developed, within the main game. Those exclusive missions are basically facsimiles of what's already there.
@john81 I don't generally like RPGs, but I like Bloodborne, if that helps. I doubt you will get much advice for Witcher 3 because it's not out yet, but Witcher 2 is a good example of an RPG I don't care for because the story is stupid and the action is not interesting. Also talking, endless talking, and meaningless dialogue options. But Witcher 3 seems more interesting because of it's world building and open worldy-ness, so maybe you should give it a try.
@get2sammyb I never got GT6 because it was so late in the PS3's cycle, but if it was like GT5, navigating the menus and loading up the races took too long. And the non-premium cars spoiled the presentation of the races.
@MadchesterManc You're buying the wrong games mate. Why would you buy this year's Bloodborne, MK10, or Dying Light when you could have got DMC, Borderlands 2 and Dark Souls 2? If they bring out remasters of PS3 games that means that you can't buy fresh PS4 games, because PS4 is all about the remakes, didn't you hear?
Why are people mad about this? It's not like there weren't any PS2 remasters for the PS3, in fact there were loads of them. Why wouldn't you want games to be be the best that they can be? Not everyone plays games when they are released, so if they missed it the first time round, they can play a newer, better version. Doesn't bother me. Maybe it'll come to PS Plus and I'll play it again on PS4.
It does look good, but even in this short video there is noticeable dropping of frames and texture pops. When there is more going on in the environment, that's only going to get worse.
Do you guys know, last year at E3, CD Projekt Red were saying that the PS4 was difficult to develop for, even though nearly every other dev said the opposite. Also, this game is being co-marketed with Microsoft. I wouldn't be so sure that the PS4 optimization will be that great.
@themcnoisy The random number generator hasn't been too kind to you. As Wiggy says, take 150 Vanguard marks and a Vanguard commendation to the vendor in the hanger and buy yourself a legendary scout rifle.
@Gemuarto Really? I don't know about the legendarys, but I'm sure they said exotics wouldn't reset with an upgrade, like they did for the last expansion. So I guess it's the same for legendarys.
@realbehan88 You have to play the game at a pedestrian pace and not get spotted.The games really struggles when there's a lot going on and you're sprinting around.
@kyleforrester87 Eurogamer is touting the career mode as the best in almost a decade, so could be good. I don't know if you played the TOCA series, because they're comparing it to that.
@get2sammyb I figured they must be fine as you didn't mention the controls, but it's nice to get that confirmed, anyway. I will probably buy this game in the future. Nice to have these types of games on PS4. Civ Rev sequel would also be very welcome.
Destiny and Assassins Creed Unity. Assassins still has a lot of performance issues, if anyone was wondering, but I guess they've given up trying to improve it by now. Still, a pretty amazing game.
I liked Watch Dogs, but understand why some people didn't. There were a lot of things ripped from other Ubi games, and most the of the time hacking basically meant holding down square when the prompt came up, but it was still a good open world game IMO with some interesting ideas.
Comments 321
Re: UK Sales Charts: Project CARS Remains at the Front of the Pack
@get2sammyb I cut and pasted it from Eurogamer. They also went through a phase of not publishing it, but they started again, so I'm guessing it's allowed now.
I also never knew there was a previous editor, I thought you were always the boss
Re: UK Sales Charts: Project CARS Remains at the Front of the Pack
Here's the top 10:
Project Cars
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood
Grand Theft Auto 5
Mortal Kombat 10
Final Fantasy 10 / 10-2 HD Remaster
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
Dying Light
Battlefield: Hardline
Re: Sony: Bloodborne's Stellar PS4 Sales Took Us by Surprise
@BLPs Sold is better than shipped. Also, that's Sammy's analysis, not Mr. Sony Exec's.
Re: DiRT Rally May Yet Get Stuck in the PS4's Mud
This looks amazing and has to come to PS4!! I love this series.
Re: Soapbox: Why PS4's E3 2015 Press Conference Will Likely Disappoint
@BLPs LOL. You stole his cookie!
Re: Soapbox: Why PS4's E3 2015 Press Conference Will Likely Disappoint
I personally enjoy Sony's policy. 3rd party games are generally better than 1st party games, so I'd rather they focused on those. Batman and Battlefront will be all the better for having the PS4 as their lead console, and on top of that, Assassins Creed won't be a cluster-muck since it's coming back home to Playstation. These games will dominate 2015 so it's really for the best that they partner with Sony and not Microsoft.
Re: The Number of Assassin's Creed Syndicate Special Editions Is Embarrassing
This is just taking advantage of kids who don't know better. They fully explore their story, and the mechanics they have developed, within the main game. Those exclusive missions are basically facsimiles of what's already there.
Re: Round Up: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt PS4 Reviews Echo Across the Land
@john81 I don't generally like RPGs, but I like Bloodborne, if that helps. I doubt you will get much advice for Witcher 3 because it's not out yet, but Witcher 2 is a good example of an RPG I don't care for because the story is stupid and the action is not interesting. Also talking, endless talking, and meaningless dialogue options. But Witcher 3 seems more interesting because of it's world building and open worldy-ness, so maybe you should give it a try.
Re: Castlevania's Koji Igarashi Returns with Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night on PS4
I prefer the Castlevanias without leveling, but beggars can't be choosers. By the way, David Hayter is a stretch goal
Re: PS4 Owners Are Clearly Gagging for Gran Turismo
@get2sammyb I never got GT6 because it was so late in the PS3's cycle, but if it was like GT5, navigating the menus and loading up the races took too long. And the non-premium cars spoiled the presentation of the races.
Re: CD Projekt Red Has Been Making Late Tweaks to The Witcher 3's Performance on PS4
I'm skeptical about this game, but hope to be proved wrong.
Re: Out This Week: Final Fantasy X|X-2 PS4, The Last of Us: Left Behind, Double Dragon
@Melucine None of the above. Keep money for Batman: Arkham Knight is the right answer
Re: Rumour: Fallout 4 to Make Its PS4 Premiere at E3 2015
@ShogunRok Wet 2. You know you want it.
Re: People Are Already Playing The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt on PS4
Polish diplomacy.
Re: Rumour: Dishonored: Definitive Edition Sneaks Up on PS4
@MadchesterManc You're buying the wrong games mate. Why would you buy this year's Bloodborne, MK10, or Dying Light when you could have got DMC, Borderlands 2 and Dark Souls 2? If they bring out remasters of PS3 games that means that you can't buy fresh PS4 games, because PS4 is all about the remakes, didn't you hear?
Re: Not Up to Speed with Destiny's House of Wolves DLC? Watch This Trailer
@Scorpio73 I found the story for you: https://www.bungie.net/en/Grimoire/ Hope you like reading.
Re: Rumour: Dishonored: Definitive Edition Sneaks Up on PS4
Why are people mad about this? It's not like there weren't any PS2 remasters for the PS3, in fact there were loads of them. Why wouldn't you want games to be be the best that they can be? Not everyone plays games when they are released, so if they missed it the first time round, they can play a newer, better version. Doesn't bother me. Maybe it'll come to PS Plus and I'll play it again on PS4.
Re: Behold! More Witcher 3 PS4 Gameplay Footage
It does look good, but even in this short video there is noticeable dropping of frames and texture pops. When there is more going on in the environment, that's only going to get worse.
Re: Behold! More Witcher 3 PS4 Gameplay Footage
@kyleforrester87 That's kind of the problem.
Re: Behold! More Witcher 3 PS4 Gameplay Footage
Do you guys know, last year at E3, CD Projekt Red were saying that the PS4 was difficult to develop for, even though nearly every other dev said the opposite. Also, this game is being co-marketed with Microsoft. I wouldn't be so sure that the PS4 optimization will be that great.
Re: Not Up to Speed with Destiny's House of Wolves DLC? Watch This Trailer
@themcnoisy The random number generator hasn't been too kind to you. As Wiggy says, take 150 Vanguard marks and a Vanguard commendation to the vendor in the hanger and buy yourself a legendary scout rifle.
Re: Not Up to Speed with Destiny's House of Wolves DLC? Watch This Trailer
I have 3 exotics weapons. I'm pacing myself.
Re: Not Up to Speed with Destiny's House of Wolves DLC? Watch This Trailer
@Gemuarto Haha! I should hope so. Watching progress bars fill up is Destiny's main narrative hook.
Re: Not Up to Speed with Destiny's House of Wolves DLC? Watch This Trailer
@Gemuarto Really? I don't know about the legendarys, but I'm sure they said exotics wouldn't reset with an upgrade, like they did for the last expansion. So I guess it's the same for legendarys.
Re: Behold! More Witcher 3 PS4 Gameplay Footage
Some of these Skyrim mods are beginning to look really impressive. Almost looks like a different game.
Re: Not Up to Speed with Destiny's House of Wolves DLC? Watch This Trailer
By the way, he says all legendary armor and weapons can be brought up to level 34, which suggest it's not just Raid gear like we thought before.
Re: The Next PS4 Assassin's Creed Game Is Apparently Subtitled Syndicate
@realbehan88 Exactly!
Re: New Witcher 3 Gameplay Makes Conan O'Brien Hot Under the Collar
You should post the video every time Conan does these segments (I have no idea how frequent that is). This really tickled my funny bone.
Re: Not Up to Speed with Destiny's House of Wolves DLC? Watch This Trailer
I hope they can tell a good story with this expansion. I feel like that's what this game lacks the most.
Re: The Next PS4 Assassin's Creed Game Is Apparently Subtitled Syndicate
@realbehan88 You have to play the game at a pedestrian pace and not get spotted.The games really struggles when there's a lot going on and you're sprinting around.
Re: The Next PS4 Assassin's Creed Game Is Apparently Subtitled Syndicate
Does anyone else think it's strange that they haven't announced Assassin's Creed Rogue for PS4 yet?
Re: Review: Wolfenstein: The Old Blood (PlayStation 4)
@DualWielding That could be just the Unfinished Swan. It made me feel a little queasy too.
Re: New Witcher 3 Gameplay Makes Conan O'Brien Hot Under the Collar
That was hilarious.
Re: Live: Say Goodbye to Raids and Hello to Destiny's Prison of Elders Right Here
@Davros79 It's a sidearm. New gun.
Re: Live: Say Goodbye to Raids and Hello to Destiny's Prison of Elders Right Here
thanks. I pretty much have this on mute because of that annoying dude.
Re: Live: Say Goodbye to Raids and Hello to Destiny's Prison of Elders Right Here
Did they mention if this has matchmaking?
Re: Round Up: Project CARS PS4 Reviews Target a Podium Place
@Scollurio A new Midnight Club would be nice. Don't think Rockstar are interested in bringing that back, though.
Re: Round Up: Project CARS PS4 Reviews Target a Podium Place
@kyleforrester87 Eurogamer is touting the career mode as the best in almost a decade, so could be good. I don't know if you played the TOCA series, because they're comparing it to that.
Re: Finally, This Is How The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Looks on PS4
@Davros79 But does it have an intriguing story-line, satisfying game-play and motivating incentives to keep you coming back for more? We'll see.
Re: Finally, This Is How The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Looks on PS4
@Davros79 Bloodborne puts this to shame in many other areas though. Like combat, for example. Quite important for a game like this.
Re: This Week's EU PlayStation Store Deals Feature Far Cry 4 and More PS3 Games Than We Can Count
Hmm... Wonder if the Far Cry 4 DLC is worth getting for £11.99. That doesn't seem like a bad deal considering the season has only just finished.
Re: Review: Tropico 5 (PlayStation 4)
@get2sammyb I figured they must be fine as you didn't mention the controls, but it's nice to get that confirmed, anyway. I will probably buy this game in the future. Nice to have these types of games on PS4. Civ Rev sequel would also be very welcome.
Re: Review: Tropico 5 (PlayStation 4)
I guess it controls OK. Sometimes these types of games on console have you yearning for a mouse.
Re: Batgirl Will Be Playable with Arkham Knight's Extortionate Season Pass
I'll wait to see if the main game is good first. It's exactly a given.
Re: PS4's Crushing the Competition in Germany by Some Margin
This is great, but to be honest, the PS3 also dominated in mainland Europe.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 66
@SteveButler2210 I agree. You can tell that the game is worked on by many different teams all around the world. As you say, it's a shambles.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 66
Destiny and Assassins Creed Unity. Assassins still has a lot of performance issues, if anyone was wondering, but I guess they've given up trying to improve it by now. Still, a pretty amazing game.
Re: Rumour: Watch Dogs 2 Goes Walkies on Ubisoft Employee's CV
I liked Watch Dogs, but understand why some people didn't. There were a lot of things ripped from other Ubi games, and most the of the time hacking basically meant holding down square when the prompt came up, but it was still a good open world game IMO with some interesting ideas.
Re: Dead Island 2 Decayed into 2016
@Scollurio Hell yeah!
Re: Dead Island 2 Decayed into 2016