Comments 321

Re: Soapbox: Why PS4's E3 2015 Press Conference Will Likely Disappoint


I personally enjoy Sony's policy. 3rd party games are generally better than 1st party games, so I'd rather they focused on those. Batman and Battlefront will be all the better for having the PS4 as their lead console, and on top of that, Assassins Creed won't be a cluster-muck since it's coming back home to Playstation. These games will dominate 2015 so it's really for the best that they partner with Sony and not Microsoft.

Re: Round Up: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt PS4 Reviews Echo Across the Land


@john81 I don't generally like RPGs, but I like Bloodborne, if that helps. I doubt you will get much advice for Witcher 3 because it's not out yet, but Witcher 2 is a good example of an RPG I don't care for because the story is stupid and the action is not interesting. Also talking, endless talking, and meaningless dialogue options. But Witcher 3 seems more interesting because of it's world building and open worldy-ness, so maybe you should give it a try.

Re: Rumour: Dishonored: Definitive Edition Sneaks Up on PS4


@MadchesterManc You're buying the wrong games mate. Why would you buy this year's Bloodborne, MK10, or Dying Light when you could have got DMC, Borderlands 2 and Dark Souls 2? If they bring out remasters of PS3 games that means that you can't buy fresh PS4 games, because PS4 is all about the remakes, didn't you hear?

Re: Rumour: Dishonored: Definitive Edition Sneaks Up on PS4


Why are people mad about this? It's not like there weren't any PS2 remasters for the PS3, in fact there were loads of them. Why wouldn't you want games to be be the best that they can be? Not everyone plays games when they are released, so if they missed it the first time round, they can play a newer, better version. Doesn't bother me. Maybe it'll come to PS Plus and I'll play it again on PS4.

Re: Behold! More Witcher 3 PS4 Gameplay Footage


Do you guys know, last year at E3, CD Projekt Red were saying that the PS4 was difficult to develop for, even though nearly every other dev said the opposite. Also, this game is being co-marketed with Microsoft. I wouldn't be so sure that the PS4 optimization will be that great.

Re: Review: Tropico 5 (PlayStation 4)


@get2sammyb I figured they must be fine as you didn't mention the controls, but it's nice to get that confirmed, anyway. I will probably buy this game in the future. Nice to have these types of games on PS4. Civ Rev sequel would also be very welcome.