So I didn’t do very well with Sieko and I’m not a Demon Souls player but I am very much interested in this game? With that being said should I pass on this on? I ask because I buy games that I think I will like and ending up not playing them. I loved sleeping dogs but I’m not getting the vibe this game is arcade fighting. Any advice?
For me - Alan Wake, I’ve played all of the far cry games but I’m skipping this one. I haven’t figured out why yet but I am. I’m also skipping call of duty abs picking up battlefield this year. House of ashes looks good. No one mentioned back for blood???
Comments 13
Re: Rumour: Gears of War, Hellblade 2 Both Set for PS5 This Year
Gears of War will be a day 1 purchase!
Re: PS5 Accessories to Get New Midnight Black Colourway, Pre-Order from 16th January
Yes. The black duelsense edge looks awesome!
Re: Panned Co-Op Shooter Crime Boss: Rockay City Avoids Final Fantasy 16's PS5 Release Date
@Czar_Khastik 😂
Re: The Crew Motorfest PS5 Footage Is Leaking Ahead of Big Reveal
Can we get a motorstorm remake???? Asking for a friend!
Re: Rumour: Mortal Kombat 1 Is the Next Main Entry on PS5
HIGHLANDER!!!!!!!! Nuff said!
Re: Feature: What Are Your Most Anticipated PS5, PS4 Games for the Rest of 2022?
God of War, Callisto Protocal, Forspoken, Saints Row and Modern Warfare 2 in that order!!!
Re: Max Payne 1 and 2 Remakes Coming to PS5
Max Payne 3 and I’m sold!
Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Sifu?
@Constable_What thank you! Exactly what I needed to know appreciate it!!!
Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Sifu?
So I didn’t do very well with Sieko and I’m not a Demon Souls player but I am very much interested in this game? With that being said should I pass on this on? I ask because I buy games that I think I will like and ending up not playing them. I loved sleeping dogs but I’m not getting the vibe this game is arcade fighting. Any advice?
Re: Saints Row Gameplay Shows Combat and Chaotic Cop Chases
I think the game looks great and it’s likely a purchase for me!
Re: Upcoming PS5, PS4 Games for October and November 2021
For me - Alan Wake, I’ve played all of the far cry games but I’m skipping this one. I haven’t figured out why yet but I am. I’m also skipping call of duty abs picking up battlefield this year. House of ashes looks good. No one mentioned back for blood???
Re: Rustler
Who’s picking this up?
Re: Guide: New PS5, PS4 Games This Week (1st February to 7th February)
@Wormold exactly! Thank you for asking what we all need want to know!!