Comments 725

Re: God of War PS4 Director Says Accessibility Will Never Compromise His Vision


@playstation1995 Have you got the sales figures to back that up? Do you work for Activision to know how many copies sold they consider satisfactory? I wouldn't call from Software legendary they have a cult status but there far from legendary in my eyes they have there niche which they do well but being in that niche stops them being legendary. Least I know you wont be complaining if there is no Sekiro 2 word up son

Re: God of War PS4 Director Says Accessibility Will Never Compromise His Vision


@playstation1995 You know its hard I know its hard but I would guess at least 95% of Playststions customer base don't read websites like this to know its hard so there will be a lot of people seeing it on shelves and thinking that looks good getting it home and finding out for themselves about the difficulty. People need to remember we are in the minority not every PS4 owners read gaming websites often.

Re: God of War PS4 Director Says Accessibility Will Never Compromise His Vision


In my opinion I cant see having more options is a bad thing, it would most likely increase sales. Surely it could be a simple case of putting things like costumes, gun skins, trophies or concept art behind tasks done on the intended difficulty so people still have the sense of accomplishment they so crave for beating these games. Then it will let other people just enjoy the story.

Re: The Huge Spring Sale Begins Today on EU PlayStation Store


@tomassi I have regularly seen Agents of Mayhem for £2.99 brand new and Just Cause 3 was free on Ps plus a while ago. But I do agree if you happy to wait you can grab some great bargains digitally. I have picked up Dragons Crown and Odin Sphere for around a tenner each. Last sale Sherlock Holmes game was £5.

Re: PS Plus April 2019 PS4 Games Announced


@JJ2 I didn’t think it was that convoluted but basically people that defend every Sony action and dismiss any differing point of view. You are correct good and bad feedback are needed but dismissing everyone’s bad feedback that they are toxic or trolls is just burying your head in the sand in my opinion. I have made some feedback last few days not seems you once agree with anything negative you just seem to dismiss everyone’s problems. Even if you do disagree with everything I say I don’t think I deserve to be called toxic

Re: PS Plus April 2019 PS4 Games Announced


@AdamNovice I get your point but could be argued the other extreme of Sony can do no wrong which some people posts come across including some of yours is not level headed.

You write off a lot of issues as non issues but they are issues for a lot of people even if they are not for you. As I have said these are slowly adding up.

I agree the presentation style was very good but surely you have to admit its a little disappointing that after not hearing much from Sony for 9 months or so they didnt announce mid to large new game something akin to a puppeteer or Medievil also no news what so ever on Dreams. Dreams could be one of the biggest game changers but I feel Sony are doing it a massive disservice so far.

Re: PS Plus April 2019 PS4 Games Announced


@AdamNovice But surely sites like this are good to bring up debate. Just because you thought State of Play was great doesn't mean other people did. I am a big Sony fan have been since the PS1 but I thought State of Play was poor and I have PSVR so am I wrong and shouldn't post on this site because that's not your view? I am glad your happy with everything Sony are doing but to me these niggling issues are adding up. Sony had a great year last year but do think they are taking there eye of the ball with PS4 which probably is understandable with the PS5 just round the corner.

Re: PS Plus April 2019 PS4 Games Announced


guess this is why the didnt announce it in the state of play as would of brought more hate. Neither of them interest me but I suppose these kinda games would be good for plus smaller AA games that you probably overlook. With the state of play focusing a lot on PSVR it would of been nice to throw and PSVR game in each month or every other month.

Re: EA Makes 350 Redundant As It Aims to Be World's Greatest Games Company


“We have a vision to be the World’s Greatest Games Company,”
If we’re honest with ourselves, we’re not there right now.

But it definitely isn't our fault in upper management we came up with the great idea of micro-transacting games to death and gamers love us for it.

Some people dont live in the real world and quick to blame anyone but themselves.

Re: Reaction: State of Play Can and Will Be Great Assuming Sony Sticks with It


The format was good the game choices let it down. It was nice to see VR support but the balance to Standard Ps4 games and indies was way off. This is the first time we have heard from Sony since E3 and they needed a biggish announcement even if it was just announcing whatever bluepoint is working on or even a 1 minute clip of Final Fantasy 7 Remake gameplay just to show it still exists. With Sony skipping E3 and no PSX last year it gives the impression the PS4 is limping its way to the PS5 announcement. I am sure thats not the case and they have some stuff it would of been nice to see something. Seems Medievil and Dreams dont get very much love from Sony they are hardly shown.

Re: Poll: Are You Happy with Your PS Plus Games for March 2019?


Well they have a lot of there own games they could of given away a quick list of the top of my head
Infamous Second Son
Everybodys Golf
Knack 2
The Order
Last of Us Remastered
Gravity Rush 1 or 2
Drive club
Last Guardiann
Any one of the unchartered remasters
Plus quite a few VR titles

Anyone of these would of been a good addition and I would personally say not unrealistic games maybe exception of Horizon and they wouldn't have had to do a deal with a publisher

Re: Changes to ANTHEM's Awful Loot System are Incoming


Doesn't really solve my main issue with the loot. It was very dull with not much variety think there were only 3 or 4 guns in each category and you just get different colour versions of them. And you only get the cool guns when your nearly max level. At least in Destiny you got quite a few Legendarys and a couple of exotics when you were low level.

Re: Poll: Are You Happy with Your PS Plus Games for March 2019?


Hasn't The Witness been on GWG as well so if you subscribe to both it would be very disappointing. Already have The Witness its a decent enough game but has been on sale a lot. I would say last months PS4 games were a lot better value and selection. For Honor and Hitman, 2 high profile recentish games. If there plan is to keep it to 2 games a month they kinda needed to go big this month. I would possibly say they should of swapped this February's and March's games around.

Re: ANTHEM - Fun Combat Can't Save This Unfinished, Terribly Structured Looter Shooter


You can see there is potential in the game its just the mind boggling decisions they made on stuff that really lets it down. Its like they either never looked and games like borderlands or destiny or looked at them and said we have to do the complete opposite of what they have done. In 12 months this could be a really good game if EA let Bioware fix it properly but I think I feel like most people in that EA wont let that happen.

Re: First ANTHEM Sales Info Suggests Retail Struggle in the UK


I only bought it cause I got it for £30 and knew I could probably sell it for same price if I didnt like it. Not many games I buy digitally day one due to the excessive cost and the inability to resell. There is a good game in there somewhere just multiple mind boggling decisions they made let it down in my opinion will probably finish the campaign then sell as long as I can muster up the will power to do those challenge road block.

Re: Poll: What Did You Think of the ANTHEM Public Demo?


@ShogunRok I feel the same some very odd design choices as well like the Fort Tarsis stuff being in first person and so slow to move. I am leaning towards keeping my pre-order as I got it at a reduced price but if I was paying full price would probably skip it. Most of my Destiny buddies are getting it so that's another plus as I wouldn't get this if I was playing solo.

Re: PlayStation Plus February 2019 Games Announced


Very good month I have been tempted on multiple occasions to get Hitman after watching Giant bombs streams of the game I always thought I would be bad at it so always talked myself out of it now I have no excuses not to try it

Re: Hands On: ANTHEM Shows Promise in VIP Demo, But the Finished Game Needs to Be So Much Better


My thoughts were its Destiny with worst shooting but better looking world. I agree the Fort Tarsis stuff was slow and dull seemed a strange decision to do that in first person mode. The gunplay was ok nothing special Destiny's is so much better. Moving on to the loot the guns seemed a bit meh to me didnt really feel very futuristic just standard assault rifles, snipers, shotguns and hand cannons. But as this was early in the game the cool guns could come near the end of the game at higher levels think they missed a trick by not giving you a legeandary/exotic level gun to play around with to show the potential.

The flying was fun and the world look good. I played with 3 Mass effect lovers and they all were commenting on how it was a lot like Mass effect and they were liking it. So it seems if you love Mass Effect you will likely like Anthem.

Re: Soapbox: The Destiny Divorce - What Bungie and Activision's Split Could Mean for Destiny


It will be interesting to see how this goes as at the moment it can go so many different ways. I think who was responsible for each blunder got very blurred in the end. I have seen a lot of people blaming Activision for Tess when it was Bungies idea to put her in. Sadly I think Tess was the start of the downfall of Destiny as a whole. It seemed to me all the cool stuff was being designed for Eververse to try to entice players to pay money to them. With the blander cosmetics put into the main game. It does make you think how much time was devoted to making new things to sell in Eververse and whether that time could of been used to make an extra mission or strike.

I think the grand vision for Destiny is so big that I worry how Bungie are going to achieve that without the money from Activision. They will have a core playerbase but it depends how big that playerbase is by the time Destiny 3 rolls around. If Anthem or Division 2 get it right they could take a chunk of the dwindling playerbase. Another problem I see is Destiny 2 just limping to the end as Bungie wont be that bothered but just want to see out there duties of the contract for Forsaken DLC. Which in turn could lose some more of the playerbase.

Re: Bungie Splits from Activision, Takes the Rights to Destiny


Well this will be interesting. We get to see who the real villian is, as it seemed to be split who was making a lot of the shadier decisions with Destiny some would blame Activision others would blame Bungie. But as Sammy has mentioned they need to make money for themselves so it could get worse.

Re: Destiny 2 Streamers Have Been Trying to Solve an In-Game Puzzle for 24 Hours Straight


Put a crazy amount of hours into Destiny 1. I haven't put in 10% of that time into Destiny 2. I give credit to bungie they are good at these intricate puzzles in the game shame in this case it is behind yet another paywall. That's my biggest bugbear with Destiny is the constant wanting more money for little content. I enjoyed Forsaken picked it up for £20 and got to play the expansions I missed but as soon as it became the weekly grind of the same stuff I lost interest.