Comments 173

Re: Don't Expect Assassin's Creed Valhalla to Run at 60 Frames-Per-Second on PS5


I'd never really understood the hype about 60fps, I just figured you wouldn't be able to tell. Movies and TV are 25fps after all.
But after reading these comments, I booted up TLOU to try the different modes. Holy crap, I can actually head shot someone with a pistol. It's so much smoother. Need to try some more now. What other games have the 60fps option?

Re: The Last of Us 2 Trailer Showcases Incredible Gameplay and Visuals


Looks great. I like that it seems like they are going to delve into the deeper moral issues of revenge/killing. Always a brushed over plot point in the Uncharted series .
And it did make me laugh in Days Gone (and don't get me wrong I love the game, 10/10 for me) when Deacon grumbles about the marauders killing, as you sneak around the ambush camps brutally slaughtering every single one of them.

Re: PS5's DualSense Controller Explodes on Social Media


It's quite interesting how different people have different ways of thinking of the buttons. Honestly, if someone had asked me yesterday if the DS4 buttons were coloured, I wouldn't have known. It's all about the shapes, those are the iconic parts to me.

But then, is it because after 20+ years, I know that x is blue, triangle is green, without them actually being coloured.

Re: Control - Was Remedy's Return to PlayStation Worth the Wait?


Just adding a note for anyone looking at this review and wondering.
Completed on PS4 Pro, very occasional slowdown, mostly when coming out of the pause menu for some reason, but for the most part it runs perfectly fine, and evidently miles better than on a base PS4. Loading times a little slow, but not the worst I've seen.
Very good story led game, but the plot is dense and opaque. You have to read the files to really fill in your knowledge. I thought it did a great job of pulling you in to the world and mystery.

Re: PS5's Backwards Compatibility with PS4 Has Fans Baffled


Just watched it again. He said AMD made backwards compatibility a key part of the design process, and have done a masterful job. Then he mentioned a boost mode for PS4 games, but some game code just can't handle the boost. So needs to be tested game by game. They've looked at the top 100 and results are excellent, and expect almost all of them to be playable on launch.

There are so many ways to interpret that. Is there a non boost mode where everything will work? Is that almost all of the top 100? Or almost all of the ps4 catalogue?

I'll definitely get a ps5 at some point, they have the far better exclusives, so the possible power difference is irrelevant to me. But the backwards compatibility thing will be the deciding factor on if I pick one up at launch or not.