Comments 262

Re: UK Scalper Group Claims It's Snagged 3,500 PS5 Consoles


@Th3solution Hey nothing foolish about at least trying! Scalpers can't have them all lol. For Walmart, you'll have better luck if you use the Walmart App. I hear the best way is to add it to your cart on desktop, then immediately checkout through the mobile app as it just processes more easily that way.

Retailers like Best Buy, Game Stop and I believe Target are all funneling their stock online to make it harder for bots to snap them up. Best Buy in particular was pretty effective with a limit of 1 per customer and pick up only. You have to wait for stock to be available every 5-10 minutes and by clicking the Add To Cart button when it isn't available yet forces you back to the top of the screen so bots can't spam it and refreshing the page frequently causes the site to think you're a bot and simply never unlock your Add To Cart button. Target should drop any day now and Walmart is on Wednesday 9EST. Best of luck!

Re: UK Scalper Group Claims It's Snagged 3,500 PS5 Consoles


@Yaycandy But money IS an object for most other people and by gladly giving it up to these scalpers YOU are the one creating a market for them, which makes it harder for literally everyone else in the world trying to get one. Also paying more than double for an item is never a "good deal". With business sense like that, I'm surprised you're so well off and even more surprised that you can't understand why people here are calling you a fool. Enjoy your PS5

Re: UK Scalper Group Claims It's Snagged 3,500 PS5 Consoles


@Th3solution Unfortunately Captcha can be easily bypassed with the right software, which these scalpers are definitely using. Here in the States, Walmart sold out in 4 seconds last Thursday while us regular people were stuck in a Captcha Hell. This means that Captcha actually ends up helping scalpers because it slows everyone else down.

Re: New Game+ Expo Brings SEGA, Atlus, More Together 23rd June


@ShogunRok If I remember right, Koei Tecmo already confirmed an English localization was in the works so we're most likely getting an English trailer and release date. Although if I'm being honest, what I really want is SMT V news and maybe even a teaser on Project Re Fantasy

Re: Site News: Where's Our Persona 5 Royal Review?


@ShogunRok My absolute biggest problem with the original game was it's pacing and how that combined with it's length to make what I found to be a pretty bloated JRPG. Now that even more has been added, how do you feel it affects the overall pacing of the game? Does the added content break up some of the otherwise slower points of the game? Thanks

Re: Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair - A Great Example of Less Is More


@clvr Playtonic have already previously stated that Impossible Lair is more of a side game and that a proper Yooka-Laylee sequel is still to come. Think of this as more of a small quality game to help bolster the Yooka-Laylee brand name before that eventual sequel. I'm pretty sure the team was worried that after the reputation of the first game, interest in a sequel would suffer until they made the brand look better.

Re: Persona 5 R Announced for PS4, More Details Coming in 2019


@Hapuc You misunderstand. From my two comments above, I mentioned that I actually PREFER PushSquare to NintendoLife. I think that they generally have a tighter knit community and even though there's usually less comments and activity on articles compared to NintendoLife, what is here is usually of higher quality in my opinion. I even called this site's moderators "fairly fantastic". Which is a compliment, not an attack.

Re: Persona 5 R Announced for PS4, More Details Coming in 2019


@Derpie1 I'm on both PushSquare and NintendoLife pretty much every day. Yes I know that they're sister sites with a fair amount of overlap in their community but they still have their differences. But if you look at most NintendoLife comment sections, it's usually around 200+ comments of near insanity where as PushSquare rarely gets past 70 comments with tons of interaction from their (fairly fantastic) moderators. The comments here just usually aren't this bad

Re: Persona 5 R Announced for PS4, More Details Coming in 2019


Wow. Come on guys. Persona 5 was one of the biggest PS4 games of last year. We should all be curious or excited about this new announcement but instead this comment section has devolved into a bunch of childish trolling. The PS4 and Switch are both great systems and there's no reason to belittle each other over ones home console of choice. I like this community because it's usually above petty things like this and generally more mature than NintendoLife. You can do better people, better get some sleep for the day.

Re: YIIK Brings a Postmodern RPG Experience to PS4 on 19th January


Oh wow. I saw this at PSX years ago. The dev I talked to was very nice. If I remember right, this game is a heavy blend of Earthbound and Persona with a battle system full of whacky timing based mini games like a Mario RPG. So happy to see this finally make it to PS4. i'll probably pick this up.

Re: Final Fantasy XV Director Hajime Tabata Reveals New Game Studio


"Tabata left Square Enix at the end of October, and not long after, we found out that DLC plans for Final Fantasy XV had been reduced significantly."
Hahaha that's an understatement. Wasn't it mere minutes later? It's like Square had to deliver a bad news good news scenario but didn't actually have any good news lol

Re: Battlefield V - Multiplayer Mayhem Excuses Features Missing in Action


OK guys, this is it. No really. If you're really unsatisfied with the trend of games releasing unfinished and having to wait for patches, bug fixes, and cut content: Just don't buy the game until it's finished. If there's one thing we all know about the big name publishers, it's that they won't put out something they don't think we'll buy. So this is it. Let's start making them question those practices.
And on that note, I still haven't bought my copy of FFXV haha