Comments 262

Re: All The Game Awards 2022 Winners


@Arisen I mean, every single nominee in the Score category was more deserving than GoW. πŸ˜‚ Ragnarok was great, and probably should've won GotY, but it had no business winning best score against that competition

Re: All The Game Awards 2022 Winners


@KAIRU I mean, glitched quest lines, bugs, poor balancing in character builds, reused bosses, lazy copy pasted endings and worse boss design than the last 3 Souls games? It was good for what it was but I wouldn't call it the best. It definitely deserved to be nominated in all it's categories though

Re: Best Platformers on PS5


Either Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair or Kaze and the Wild Masks should have been listed here. A Hat In Time also could've been included. Pretty poor list honestly

Re: Soul Hackers 2 (PS5) - SMT on a Budget


@Judal27 The dungeons in TMS are fine. They're quite a few steps up from Persona 3 and 4, but one step back from Persona 5, which from what I've seen, is still quite better than Soul Hackers 2.

See, this is why I like Devil Survivor as a series. No dungeons to worry about lol

Re: Elden Ring (PS5) - Likely Another FromSoftware Great


So I take it the Embargo doesn't allow for reviewers to discuss any of George R.R. Martin's involvement with the game? I was kind of hoping that with a big writer attached, we could see just a bit more from the story and character department. I would love to know more

Re: Horizon Forbidden West (PS5) - Excellent Sequel Is a PS5 Essential


@Quintumply Not sure if this has already been covered but is there any carry over between save files from the first to the second game? Sometimes sequels will carry over gear or decisions made in the first game and other times they'll reward returning players with something else. Any of that here? My PS4's Hard Drive crashed a couple years ago and took my original Zero Dawn save with it Just wondering if I'd be missing anything if I just started the sequel fresh. Thank you!

Re: Tales of Arise (PS5) - A Fantastic JRPG, and the Strongest Tales Game in a Long Time


@ShogunRok Thank you so much for this brilliant review as well as taking the time to respond to so many of these questions! I have to ask, dungeon design was a bit of a sore spot for me with Tales of games, so much so that I dropped both Graces F and Berseria at the final dungeon because I didn't want to slog through awful dungeon design. Do you feel Arise avoids this? I don't want to get burnt again lol