Comments 262

Re: Review: BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle (PS4)


@GKO900 That was a different reviewer for that game. Several other reviews from different sites did in fact give Street Fighter V a lower score for those omissions. Push Square's reviewer simply thought that the game's strengths outshone it's weaknesses and was just too fun not to give a 9 to, especially with the cut content being added in later. Cross Tag Battle is a bit different in that half of the roster is DLC. In a genre like tag fighters that lives and dies by its roster size and thoughtful team composition, this really is a huge blow to an otherwise enjoyable game. Especially when you consider a lot of those DLC characters are actually already present as CPUs

Re: Review: BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle (PS4)


@ShogunRok Haha you're welcome I know a lot of people are more accepting of these kinds of things but as an older gamer who grew up before the days of post release patches and day one DLC, it can be really jarring some times and I quite miss getting a complete package on release day

Re: Review: BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle (PS4)


@ShogunRok Also, kudos to you for calling Arc System Works out on their questionable practices and making them pay for it through the game's review score. If more reviewers were like you, we could have less controversial practices on our hands. And just out of curiosity, what do you think you would have given this game if 30, 35, or even all 40 characters were included in the base game?

Re: Review: BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle (PS4)


I think it's worth mentioning that the other two RWBY characters Blake and Yang are a free download (though Yang isn't available yet), while Kanji, Platinum, and Orie are free for the first two weeks of release. That brings the roster to 24 (plus Yang on the way) with the other 15 as paid DLC that will release later

Re: Review: SEGA Mega Drive Classics (PS4)


Lol they still won't put Sonic 3 & Knuckles in one of these collections? Haven't seen the game on consoles since Sonic Mega Collection on PS2/GameCube/Xbox. Also Ecco 2 is one of my favorites (that sweet music!) Disappointed and will not be getting this

Re: Guide: The Best PS4 RPGs


Probably going to get flack for this, but I feel that Persona 5 should be much lower on this list. Plenty of other more deserving games here.

Re: Guide: Monster Hunter: World Weapons - All Sword & Shields, Upgrade Trees, and How to Craft Them


Thanks again for the update! Sword and Shield seems like one of the hardest trees to make. So many of the final element or status ailment weapons require Elder Dragon materials that a lot of other weapon trees don't have to deal with. Also, although I appreciate this guide, element and status attack numbers have been left out and that's the most important part for a Sword and Shield user.

Re: Poll: What Do You Think of Monster Hunter: World After Trying the PS4 Beta?


Been playing this series since Monster Hunter Freedom Unite on PSP and it's fascinating to see a new audience's take on the beta. Getting into Monster Hunter early on would have been impossible without my friends explaining everything. This Beta did a much better job than any other entry so far in showing you the basics and letting you get a feel for your weapon of choice. But come on guys, 20 minutes isn't long enough? Pick up the pace! That first monster can be beaten in 3 minutes easy! The second one in 6 or 7!

Re: Naughty Dog Responds to Sexual Harassment Allegations


Not that it really matters, but I'd be very curious to know the gender of the alleged harasser. It's so rare for male victims of any kind of sexual harassment to come forward about it, and seemingly even more rare to hear about instances where the harasser is a woman. Either way I think as long as these allegations are true, it's great that Ballard is speaking up about his experiences and I hope others in this situation so the same.

Re: Soapbox: Why PS4's Big 2017 Titles Handle Female Leads the Right Way


So legitimate question here. Why does no one ever mention Jodie from Beyond Two Souls during these conversations? Sure I get that David Cage gets a lot of flack here on this site, but I still think that Jodie was an amazing female lead regardless. She did extraordinary things that only she could have done and learns to accept that responsibility, but also did simple things any good person could have done, all while struggling to just be normal and experience life like anyone else. On top of that, they also have her go through experiences that are more in line with her gender like being called a slut at a party or nearly being raped in a seedy bar because she went in alone (which later develops as post traumatic stress). I felt that she was portrayed very well.

Re: Two Brand New Persona Dancing Games Announced for PS4, Vita


Yeah I put like 25-30 hours into Persona 5 and felt like it wasn't going anywhere. Likewise, I got SMT IV Apocalypse and started that out of curiosity and was blown away by just how much better the pacing is. The opening hour is also one of the strongest I've seen in an RPG period and now I'm on the final dungeon at 55+ hours with every intention of playing the other route to get the second ending. Sometimes less is more.

Re: Lost Sphear Brings More Turn Based JRPG Action to PS4 in Early 2018


Yeah I don't know. Visually it looks nice for a classic styled game, but if that trailer is anything to go by, I'm a bit worried about the quality of writing.
"With all our strength combined, it's time...It's time to wake up the world."
"The beautiful cold moon must shine upon fate."
A bit cheesy isn't it? Either these are poorly translated or the game is just going for a completely melodramatic tone and neither of those impress me.

Re: Final Fantasy XV's Free Power Ranger Suits Make You Invincible for 30 Minutes


@FullbringIchigo Anyway, it's not the combat that was going to make Final Fantasy stale. Look at Dragon Quest, Pokémon, SMT, even the Tales series. All of these series change up their combat and mechanics very little and ALL of them do very well among their fan base. There's consistency and identity there. Fans know what they're getting there. Aside from moody protagonists with amazing hair, fans of Final Fantasy don't know what they're getting anymore. And I'm not just talking about combat. Narrative structure, gameplay, writing quality, composers, none of it has been consistent since the PlayStation era. That's why even though these games might be enjoyable to someone, odds are you're going to find more criticism among Final Fantasy fans.

Re: Final Fantasy XV's Free Power Ranger Suits Make You Invincible for 30 Minutes


@FullbringIchigo Honestly Square has been getting a lot of flack for the last 10 years ever since they started putting out lower quality games, so I don't think I'd use the word's "right now". If you grew up in the SNES and PlayStation era of Squaresoft, then it's easier to understand what people mean. Shortly after their merger with Enix, they became so focused on making money and expanding their company that they just started releasing whatever they thought would make them money and lost sight of what made their games great in the first place. They put out games we didn't ask for like Dirge Of Cerberus, Final Fantasy VII everything, and the many, many Kingdom Hearts side games that only hurt both of those brands. Then there were the half hearted releases like The Last Remnant, Infinite Undiscovery, Dawn of Mana and Heroes of Mana, The Third Birthday, and the last two Star Ocean games. It was a long string of disappointment. Then we see Square-Enix shift focus a bit with the XIII Trilogy, Type-0, Bravely Default, and World Of Final Fantasy and now XV. And are these games enjoyable? Sure. But do they have the charming characters, well written stories and unforgettable moments of their past games that could really invest a player? Not even close.