Comments 100

Re: Blizzard Insists Overwatch 2's In 'Best State It's Ever Been' as Review Bombing Continues


He’s not wrong that the game is in a really good place in some ways - new content, good balance. But it’s so easy to see why he’s responding to PvE complaints and not the other biggest complaint: monetization.

With PvE, you can say “sorry guys, we know we screwed up but we have to move on.” The monetization is an ongoing choice that blizzard makes every day and isn’t going anywhere. Would love to see them find a way to be profitable without treating community positivity as a sunk cost, but it’s hard to imagine them doing anything that could earn good will at the cost of a few dollars.

Re: Preview: Eternights Puts Some Indie in Your Persona


Does this game have a silent protagonist? Whenever I’ve played a persona-adjacent game with a fully voiced protagonist (Tokyo Mirage Sessions, Tokyo Xanadu), I’ve ended up hating the guy I’m controlling.

As others have said, Persona does a generally good job of walking the edge of pervosity without falling off. So similar games with less restraint make me nervous.

Re: Persona 5 Tactica Is Launching This Year, But No Mention of PS5, PS4 Yet


@Tharsman Yeah, that could be their thinking. Still, Sumi’s on the cover of the game and everyone who played Royal knows she’s a persona-user at least. Obviously her [spoiler] being different might be a surprise, but I don’t think that’s a big enough deal to not include her. They could allude to Joker helping her out without laying out the full story of the final semester.

Re: Persona 5 Tactica Is Launching This Year, But No Mention of PS5, PS4 Yet


I’m a big enough Persona fan to play it regardless, but ehhh…

If they were going to do this art style + magical setting, I wish they’d just made a Persona Q successor with characters from the 3 games. Strikers actually moved the characters forward a bit, but I don’t see that happening here. And why are they still treating Royal as non-canon?

Re: Forspoken Is a Modern PS5 Open World Game, Alright


I love when trailers spell out basic mechanics like they’re unique and need explaining. “She will collect coins, which she can then use to purchase items from vendors.” Cutting edge stuff, guys.

But seriously, I hope this turns out. A big magical world combat game is exactly what I want, but the aforementioned “fire out of my freaking hands” trailer has me worried the story and script are going to hold it back.

Re: Persona 25th Anniversary Celebration Ends, Director Regrets Not Being Able to Share New Info


I tend to be an Atlus apologist, but man was this event a bummer. After releasing Persona Q2, two dancing spin-offs, and Strikers, they announced this big year-long anniversary event that mostly consisted of a merch store and some Japan-only events.

They could’ve just said nothing and there wouldn’t have been any expectations at all. At least the ports happened - if only one thing of note was going to happen, I’m glad it was that.

Re: Atlus Wants to Sell You Another Persona 5 Royal Collector's Edition, This Time on PS5


@Rafie weirdly confrontational reply, but ok. My point is that saying “Atlus wants to sell you another collectors edition” online makes sense if you’re ignoring other platforms. This is the first time the game is available for other platforms, so it’s not surprising they’d have a new edition for those folks IMO.

It’s a new current-gen launch of the game - all this “we’re supposed to buy it again!?!?” stuff acts likely PS players are the only ones affected here. Again, my opinion. You may disagree, but I think the broader context is relevant.

Re: The Callisto Protocol's Boss Underfire for Appearing to Glorify 15 Hour Shifts


@BritneyfR_ee We don’t know whether it’s forced or expected in this case, but when bosses and managers celebrate people specifically for working unsustainable schedules (rather than, say, the quality of their work), that definitely sends the message that this is what management/leadership wants from you.

And by this point we’ve seen plenty of instances of workers in game development who do feel exhausted and taken advantage of. Assuming this isn’tthe case here feels overly optimistic..

Re: NieR: Automata Community Left 'in Shambles' After Discovery of 'Impossible' Door


@The_Pixel_King for what it’s worth, this is an action game that requires lots of perfect dodging while the screen fills up with the largest number of projectiles I’ve ever seen in a game. It’s really hard to imagine the Switch port pulling everything off smoothly, but maybe wait for reviews? IMO this is the kind of game you play at 60fps when you have the option.

As others have said, the whole “multiple playthroughs” thing is less onerous than it sounds. Only the first two really overlap heavily, and the second has new mechanics that speed things up as well as added story stuff keeps it interesting.

Re: Soapbox: No Free PS5 Upgrade for Persona 5 Royal Is an Insult to Fans and the Game Itself


OK, hear me out.

Atlus is releasing the PS5 version at the same time as the Xbox, PC, and Switch releases. They want parity in pricing, apart from Game Pass where they're obviously getting paid a ton for licensing. Persona 5 Royal Deluxe Edition is on sale in NA right now for $20.99. So a $10 upgrade path would let you get it for ~$30, or half the price of other versions. Microsoft wants this game to help sell game pass, which it wouldn't if you could own it for the same price as 3 months of game pass (with no lasting ownership).

I get how this is a bummer for owners of the PS4 version (myself included). But through backwards-compatibility, you can already play P5 in 4k/HDR. 60fps would be nice, but it's not the kind of game where you really notice unless you're extremely sensitive to lower fps (in which case, you're probably buying on PC anyway).

I dunno, maybe I'm being a bootlicker here. But I feel like I got my $60 worth out of my PS4 copy. I bought the game for what it was, not because I expected a discount on a newer version 2 years later. There would be nothing to complain about if there was never a PS5 version, which only even exists because of ports to other platforms. I honestly just think some folks are mad because they don't like the idea of there being a better version than what they have, even if the thing they have is great and exactly what they paid for.

Re: NEO: The World Ends With You (PS4) - Kingdom Hearts' Little Brother Finally Gets Its Long Awaited Sequel


@NEStalgia Thanks for the context. I don't really buy the 90s thing though. Cell phones like the one Rindo uses didn't exist even 10 years ago. The prevalence of texting and using highly detailed emoji is way more 2021 than 90s. And I dunno, I just find "Rindude" cringe. Maybe it's just me. I'll have to find a gen-X Andrew and ask him if his friends in the 90s ever called him "Andude".
If I ever play the game, I'll try it with Japanese VO - some things are less annoying to read than hear voice acted repeatedly in every battle and cutscene. And from a quick youtube watch, it sounds like he just says "Rin" or "Rindo" in Japanese, so this might be the result of localization taking an unnecessary swing. Again, it's entirely possible I'm the only person in the world bothered by this ¯(ツ)

Re: NEO: The World Ends With You (PS4) - Kingdom Hearts' Little Brother Finally Gets Its Long Awaited Sequel


The demo lost me so quickly. First I realized that my guy's friend was going to call him "Rindude" the entire game, even though that sounds stupid and unlike anything an actual teen would ever say. Then the game said I'd have to do a puzzle but the 'puzzle' was actually just 'walk to 4 different places and read dialogue'. Then a math-themed tough guy showed up and started calling everyone 'zeptogram' as an insult.

Battles seemed fun enough, but it felt like everything else was designed for maximum irritation.

Re: Days Gone Director on Skipped Sequel: 'If You Love a Game, Buy It at F***ing Full Price'


We can cut him a little slack since he still seems very much in this heated moment. I get the logic - I bought Persona 4 and Strikers on PC at launch because I wanted to help prove that these ports were worthwhile for Atlus.

But at the same time, I just don't think Days Gone was the kind of game to inspire that kind of loyalty at launch. The vibe I got from the community at the time was a lot of "another zombie game, and another open world game with jaded beardy man thanks".

If there's a message for anyone it's that you shouldn't wait to buy a game at $20 AND THEN complain when the sequel gets canned. We just kind of have to accept that a game didn't inspire a bunch of people to pay $60, then there probably won't be a series. That's ok - there is no shortage of cheaper and more interesting games out there.

Re: Preview: Persona 5 Strikers Is Much More than a Hack and Slash Spin-Off


@Gaming365247 I wouldn't say it's essential to play both. There are some developments in Royal that hit a little harder knowing how the original plays out, but otherwise Royal has just about the entire vanilla experience plus more.

It also has a ton of quality-of-life improvements that make it more enjoyable and less restrictive than the original. In the end the decision depends on how much time you want to commit. It took me ~180 hours between the two of them. If you want to do the same, go for it. If you're not sure, just Royal is fine.

Re: Don't Panic, But More PlayStation Exclusives Will Come to PC


@avenovah I won't buy a PS5 regardless as a high-end PC owner. I suspect things will be different for people who don't have a PC powerful enough to run new games, or people who are wealthy enough to just buy everything. Sony may as well get the odd $50 from me down the line - I'm not about to spend another $500 on hardware for a handful of exclusives.

Re: Interview: Dustborn Dev on Word Play, Diversity, and Representation


@Olmaz Unrelated to my earlier comment, just responding to the Rowling stuff. She posted that tweet in response to a headline using using the phrase "people who menstruate". The publisher of that article used that phrase instead of "women", presumably because they either wanted to include trans men who menstruate in the conversation or wanted to avoid suggesting that people who do not menstruate at not women (probably both). I don't think I'm making a leap to suggest that this was their thinking, since they would've just said "women" if they weren't trying to be trans-inclusive.

So I think nessisonett's interpretation is mostly correct (though I think her target was trans men more so than trans women). The context matters here - she took umbrage (pun intended) at an editor using trans-inclusive language so she wrote her sarcastic little tweet, seemingly without considering those who would be hurt by it.

Re: Talking Point: Can PS5 Make Sony the King of Indie Games Again?


As noted above, there's not really any reason to go to playstation for indies if you have other options. So many big indies spend months exclusively on Steam or Epic before landing on console. And when they do, there's really no reason to play less graphically demanding games on a playstation instead of switch. You're not really going to appreciate the 4k fully playing a game like Spelunky.

Re: Round Up: Borderlands 3 Reviews Hit the Bullseye with Strong Scores


@ShogunRok I really wish they'd tried to return to the lonely, even mysterious tone of BL1 instead of making another meme-fest where you can't get a moment's peace without someone yelling in your ear. Hopefully more is skippable - it's a real problem having a game that encourages multiple play-throughs where you're forced to stand around listening to the same dialogue again.

Re: The Persona Series Hits 10 Million Copies Sold


In the era of massive open world games and endlessly re-playable roguelikes, it feels like games are increasingly designed to be played until the player gets bored and moves on. Hats off to Atlus for making 80+ hour games that stay engaging to the end.

Re: The Famous Cross-Dressing Mission in Final Fantasy VII Is 'More Modern' in the Remake


@Gamer83 You make it sound like none of these millennials are actually playing games - they are. You and your friends may not care about, say, portrayal of lgbt people in games, but that doesn't mean that people who do aren't real gamers or whatever.

Regardless, your problem seems to be that people are complaining too much about things that don't actually affect them. But here you are complaining about Cyberpunk being having to explain a poster in their game. Because you think it gives a win to your opponents in the culture war? Do you see what I'm getting at?

Re: Guide: Should I Play Borderlands 2 or Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel First?


@NathanUC Weird, I feel exactly the opposite. From the beginning of PS you're jumping across huge stretches of empty moon. And then there's that mission to get the AI where the little boy sends you running back and forth across the same area for like an hour. I love the classes in PS and there's some great moments, but it sure can be slog.

Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake Will Still Be an Episodic Release


I don't mind the idea of having multiple separate releases in and of itself. My fear is that taking a 40-hour game and making it into multiple 40-hour games will kill the pacing of the original, which is probably the quality of ffvii that has aged best.

Basically, I really hope we don't have to spend 5 hours doing fetch quests in Kalm...

Re: Persona 5: The Royal Is an Enhanced Version of Persona 5, Launches on PS4 This Year in Japan


@nessisonett Agreed. Squenix seemed to obsess over cutting edge graphics and developing new gameplay systems that are divisive at best. Meanwhile, Atlus focused on style and refining traditional RPG mechanics to the point that they feel fresh but accessible. Final Fantasy never really figured out setting difficulty at a level where turn-based battles remain compelling, but that's been Atlus's bread and butter.

Re: Persona 5: The Royal Is an Enhanced Version of Persona 5, Launches on PS4 This Year in Japan


@ApostateMage I've been replaying P4G recently and have mixed feelings. I appreciate that it's more efficient in its pacing and has a more chill vibe overall, but I just don't find myself connecting to the characters and themes in the same way. I think it's mainly that the comic relief doesn't work for me. I still find Yosuke to be whiny and Teddie's aggressiveness with the ladies was never as charming to me as it was clearly meant to be.

That said, Kanji is perfect. God bless that kid.

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