Comments 267

Re: Soapbox: You Shouldn't Feel Bad for Liking Destiny


Similar to @johnny30, Destiny only really clicked for me with The Taken King. I've made my peace with what Destiny is, and can enjoy playing it, rather than being down on it because it wasn't what I hoped it'd be - which is how I felt when it first came out.

I'm comfortable that it's a title I'll play for a month or two every time there's a new expansion, and then it goes back on the shelf until the next time.

Re: Video: Is 7 Days to Die on PS4 Crafty or Crappy?


@dryrain I have to say from my time playing 7 Days to Die it's clear it has a lot of potential. That said, my biggest problem is that it's essentially an early access game being sold as a final product, and I find that concerning, especially since it's being clearly labelled as such on Steam.

I only hope the game gets ample support post release so the developer can make good on the promise, especially considering what they're charging for this right now.

Re: Review: Mirror's Edge Catalyst (PS4)


@SanderEvers I've not played Street Fighter V so I can't comment on how good, or bad it is.

But back to Mirror's Edge, It's not that the combat is hard, it just isn't anywhere near as good as the rest of the game, and when they force it on you, it's detrimental to the experience.

Re: Review: Mirror's Edge Catalyst (PS4)


@SanderEvers I would genuinely be interested to see how you feel about the combat once you've played the full game. Especially after the part that forces you to fight waves of enemies in what amounts to an arena.

Re: Review: Mirror's Edge Catalyst (PS4)


@Mergatro1d There are two moves that need to be unlocked that I would class as core skills in Mirror's Edge. The first is the roll you use to maintain your momentum when hitting the ground from a decent height, and the other is the 180 degree quick turn.

The roll is unlocked really quickly, and the other a little bit later. Most of the other upgrades serve to mainly enhance your moves, or equipment, rather than giving you something completely new.

Personally, I didn't find anything to really take exception to in the upgrade system.

Re: Review: Overwatch (PS4)


@Bazza78 Yeah, Genji is bloody brilliant. There's nothing sweeter than bating a Bastion into unloading at you, and then sending it right back at them.

Re: Review: Overwatch (PS4)


@Tasuki Yeah, Widowmaker is great for removing them, until you've got four or more Torbjorns throwing down all at once that is

It only seems to be an issue on certain parts of specific maps where there aren't any long range sight lines for Widowmaker to do her thing.

Re: Review: Overwatch (PS4)


@xMEADx I was saying exactly the same thing about Torbjorn last night!

I wouldn't be surprised to see his turrets get nerfed in the next patch.That said, maybe the strategy for dealing with a team packed with Torbjorns hasn't been found yet. After all it seems like everyone worked out how to deal with Bastion.

Re: Review: Invisible, Inc. (PS4)


@themcnoisy I've not played Alienation, but both R&C and Invisible, Inc. represent excellent entries in their respective genres. I guess the decision comes down to which type of game you ultimately prefer.

There are archived live streams of both on the Push Square YouTube channel if you've not seen them already.

Re: And Here's Battleborn's PS4 Launch Trailer


@Yaster If you think this news post was specifically designed to appease 2K/Gearbox, or is purely a stealth ad, then it's doing a pretty poor job as either.

Besides, any video content that comes from a publisher is an advert of some kind at the end of the day, even if it's our choice alone if it's posted or not, but lets not open up that can of worms.

Finally, the "plastered in ads" bit of my post was also part of the joke about a nightmare situation where I'm parading around in sponsored underwear. Believe me, no one here wants that. .

Re: And Here's Battleborn's PS4 Launch Trailer


@Grawlog Just to be clear the positivity about SMITE on Push Square has been completely driven by me.

This is nothing new, I've been banging on about it since I started playing SMITE on Xbox One last year, and I've been dying for it to come to PS4 ever since. In fact if you read any of our weekend pieces there are numerous instances where I talk about playing it.

My guide and live streams on SMITE come purely from my enjoyment of the game, not any promotional activity on the site. There's no faking here, and Sammy's view on Battleborn - whether you agree with them or not - are just another example of that.

As @get2sammyb said, I'll be reviewing Battleborn, and you can be assured that I will be giving you my honest opinion whether good or bad, even if the site's plastered with ads, and I've been issued with Battleborn branded Y-fronts.

Re: Review: Ratchet & Clank (PS4)


If by any chance you're interested in seeing Ratchet & Clank being played semi-competently, I'll be live streaming the first hour or so on our YouTube channel at 10:00pm BST.


Re: Borderlands Dev's Battleborn Beta Will Begin 8th April on PS4


@TheMightyPunram @Grawlog Did someone mention Smite? Didn't you know that if you write it three times I appear?

All this talk of divergent viewpoints is amusing given that earlier today I told @get2sammyb how I was interested to see how Battleborn turned out, and he turned around and made fun of me!

Anyhow, it's these differing interests that make Push Square so great and not an echo chamber for the same opinions.

Re: Review: Tom Clancy's The Division (PS4)


@ElkinFencer10 As @ShogunRok said, I liked the story missions purely from an environment and encounter design point of view. I - like you - didn't find the overarching story that interesting and this point of view was expressed in the main body of the article.