Comments 553

Re: Soapbox: The Sims 4 Is a Travesty on PS4


For starters, fonts are microscopic great quote which is my biggest ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff anoying thing in gaming. on laptop pc etc fine but late night vegging on sofa having put my glasses on play a ffffff game really pisses me off

Re: Pick Up DOOM Eternal Early from UK GAME Stores


glad there is digital as wont be picking anything up switzerland in total lock down only food stores open borders closed and army being mobalized. wife cat 2 kids all at home. have toilet roll but no sanity. only day 2 into 5 week shutdown. im tempted just take monitor beer, crips and ps4 into the nuclear shelter and lock it.

Re: Talking Point: Why Isn't Sony Saying More About PS5?


living in a country where state of emergancy declared today borders closed everything shut. I think like most people sony realise their is more important issues at moment than the ps5. You wont hear anything till this crisis settles down if sony has half a brain