Comments 325

Re: Horizon Forbidden West Will Have Strong Moral Choices Leading to an Impactful Ending on PS5, PS4


@riceNpea 'I can see both sides of the argument you and XOF are saying. Both of you have valid points and somewhere in the middle is the truth.'

The big difference is that I live on planet earth. Around these parts it's not feasible to create a huge AAA game without bloat. No one will finance it. On the other hand AA games that don't require copy pasting and watering down of concepts are both better and cheaper than your average open world game.

@Would_you_kindly That game started development before game pass and clearly had many issues. Around 10 hours in a main story objective made me go in a circle to take over 4 towers or whatever. I uninstalled the game right then and there. F that and F open world games.

Re: Horizon Forbidden West Will Have Strong Moral Choices Leading to an Impactful Ending on PS5, PS4


@XOF Games like HZD cost as much as they do not because they are ambitious or ground breaking, but because they simply used the tried and tested Ubisoft formula. That obviously requires an industry standard dev cycle and budget. If they didn't need to sell the game for 60$ they could have made a game with a lot more interesting quest design and story. Length has nothing to do with quality.

There will obviously be games like GTA and Star Citizen which push the industry forward and they will do things their own way, but there is no need for games like HZD to be open world. It does nothing new or interesting. Ubisoft game with robot dinosaurs.

Re: Horizon Forbidden West Will Have Strong Moral Choices Leading to an Impactful Ending on PS5, PS4


@XOF 2 things:
1. You are again not acting like an adult by stating that there are no worthwhile games on GP. Ori for example is as good as any Sony exclusive imo.

2.They added the bloat because they needed a formula for their 60$ game and decided to copy Ubisoft. If they didn't have to create a stereotypical modern AAA game a lot more effort could have been put into the story and game design.

Re: Horizon Forbidden West Will Have Strong Moral Choices Leading to an Impactful Ending on PS5, PS4


@XOF Do you really think that Guerilla games DEMANDED to make an open world game with repetitive side missions, activities, collectibles and scannable thingies? Do you really think that any of those things were the final result of thoughtful discussion about what would have made the story or game better?

This is all bloat. A formula COPIED from other open world games because it's a proven way to sell a 60$ game.

Game pass/Spartacus will allow them to experiment. Why can't you see that?

Re: Horizon Forbidden West Will Have Strong Moral Choices Leading to an Impactful Ending on PS5, PS4


@XOF You are not thinking like an adult. No studio out there can create a 50+ hour long game with unique hand crafted content. It's too expensive and time consuming and a logistical nightmare because you will need to employ and direct thousands of developers.

I want developers to create the games they want to create, you want them to continue treading the same ground until the end of time while throwing money out the window.

Open world games and bloat are problems that game pass has already started solving slowly but surely.

Re: Horizon Forbidden West Will Have Strong Moral Choices Leading to an Impactful Ending on PS5, PS4


The only reason developers create so much bloat is because the average consumer won't pay 60$ unless he knows that he will spend a lot of time with the game. Which leads to stagnation and bigger budgets every time a new console comes out.

Services like game pass and spartacus will allow developers to create the games they want. Change may be scary, but open world games have to go. They are too expensive to create.

And if you really want to waste 100 hours in a SP game then I just have to ask what the f*** is wrong with you?

Re: Horizon Forbidden West Will Have Strong Moral Choices Leading to an Impactful Ending on PS5, PS4


@XOF Actually it's YOU who wants games to continue being shackled by their ever increasing budgets.

There is absolutely no good reason why any modern open game needs to be longer than 20 hours or open world. You must have no clue about how games get developed or you are not expressing what's on your mind very well.

Why would you want to mindlessly waste time in a single player game of all things? 90% of it's content was soullessly mass produced in the last year or 2 of the dev cycle after the textures and gameplay systems were finalized.

Re: Horizon Forbidden West Will Have Strong Moral Choices Leading to an Impactful Ending on PS5, PS4


@zebric21 What do you mean by that?

@Col_McCafferty Playing a long game seems like a typical thing right now(side quests, challenges, collecting, backtracking etc), but game pass allows games to thrive without all of that bloat. I personally got tired of open world games a decade ago and they haven't progressed AT ALL since then. Change is scary, but I personally believe it would be for the best.

Re: Horizon Forbidden West Will Have Strong Moral Choices Leading to an Impactful Ending on PS5, PS4


@zebric21 The games sold better on the PS because more people had a PS. Also, most people buy consoles because they are cheap so a competitor to game pass will be a huge success.

@Col_McCafferty I am sure that you would enjoy all of these AAA games more if they weren't as bloated as they are now. And if you disagree with that statement and want games to remain being 10 to 100 hours longer than they really should be... what the ***** is wrong with you?

@XOF Again you will definitely enjoy Horizon more if the boring open world and side activities were scaled back in favor of a more streamlined experience. Let's not pretend that for the past ~10 years open world games have been evolving. They have remained the same. Devs spend their time on graphics not game design or main mission scale. Let me remind you that the main character of HZD had to save the kingdom all on her own. F that. I got tired of open world games a decade ago and I welcome game pass/spartacus with open arms and most people(the ones who buy COD FIFA and shorter games in general) would agree with me.

Re: Horizon Forbidden West Will Have Strong Moral Choices Leading to an Impactful Ending on PS5, PS4


@Col_McCafferty Think about why this game is so expensive. Giant open world, cutting edge graphics and cinematics, a huge amount of side content. None of these things make a game necessarily good. Games needed to be long in the past to justify their high pricing, but thanks to game pass this doesn't have to be the case anymore. Ori and the Will of the Wisps is as good as any AAA imo. I am ready for the change.

Re: EA Is the Next Major Publisher Tipped for a Takeover


AFAIK Microsoft paid 45% premium for Activision Blizzard even though they were as cheap as they were ever going to be. They have the cash to buy EA and Take Two, but I hope that the government doesn't allow it. Sony should try to buy Square Enix or Capcom.

Re: Sony's Own First-Party Studios Championed PC Ports


@NEStalgia You can use the ds4 and dualsense controllers wirelessly with ds4windows by: tricking the ps now game into thinking you are using a xbox360 controller and then switching the emulation setting to ds4. It works. Any experienced PC user will discover this. It's what we do. BTW f*** Sony for being lazy.

If you buy a decent BT receiver you will experience 0 input lag.

Re: Sony's Own First-Party Studios Championed PC Ports


@NEStalgia Sony doesn't allow PS users to take advantage of the controller's unique features so why would they create a piece of software for PC gamers(not to mention that on pc there are already multiple programs that do just that)? Also, as I said I have a quality mobo with a BT antenna and there is 0 input delay vs wired.

Re: Sony's Own First-Party Studios Championed PC Ports


@Porco 1. How ignorant of you to presume that there are no good games on pc. I think that Deus Ex, Stalker and Hearts Of Iron 4 are just 3 examples of games that are better than anything on consoles. My opinion is just as valid as yours.

2.PC is an ever expanding platform that can never die. Every game should be released on there eventually. The alternatives are streaming and emulation which generate less revenue.

Re: Sony's Own First-Party Studios Championed PC Ports


@NEStalgia DS4/Dualsense guide for PS Now: Download ds4windows and create a xbox360 profile. Launch a game. Go into the settings of the profile and change it to ds4 while the game is still running. Now you can use the ds4/dualsense controller and all of it's features wirelessly with PS Now. No need for an expensive dongle.