Comments 325

Re: What Remains of Edith Finch PS5 Version Supposedly in the Works


WROEF is the first and only emotional walking simulator I ever enjoyed and finished. I know that there are a million more, but they get as repetitive as Ubisoft games and don't even get me started on all of those 5 hour long horror games. Those developers went to the Harvard class for copy and pasting.

Can't someone give a decent budget to these people?

Re: Deus Ex, Guardians of the Galaxy Writer to Lead Narrative on the Next Mass Effect


@Blackjay I love the DE games more than I will love my second born child, but they never sell well. No big studio even if it's staffed by people who love complex gameplay will ever try to make something similar. And let's not forget that even GOTG was a financial disappointment. I have 0 idea why Bioware hired a writer that has worked on failed games. Maybe they don't care anymore.

Re: Deus Ex, Guardians of the Galaxy Writer to Lead Narrative on the Next Mass Effect


@SplooshDmg I disagree completely. The story in GOTG is painfully childish, cliched and contrived. And the worst part is that the movies and the Telltale game did the exact same thing. That guy is not great and he brought nothing new or interesting. I have no idea why you want him leading a franchise like Mass Effect which during it's peak was better and had a more serious tone than 99% of other games.

Re: First Photo of PSVR2 in the Flesh Emerges


@ScepticDK Most people don't care about VR because it's still not ready and big studios are not producing content for it. It's not worth the time of day. Maybe you have low standards and are willing to enjoy everything.

Re: First Photo of PSVR2 in the Flesh Emerges


@thefourfoldroot1 And you called flat games rubbish while stating that you live in the future. You are actually living in a mini fad that will stop receiving support after about 2 years unless Sony releases PC drivers for the device.

Re: Ubisoft Set to Showcase Its Upcoming Titles at Gamescom in August


The scope and production value of Rockstar games compensate for their somewhat formulaic game design. They are the only people who do the term 'open world' justice.

Wither 3's story and world were created with the help of one of the most successful fantasy book series ever.

Ubisoft created a wonderful formula with games like AC3 and FC3, but immediately afterwards they got rid of their writers and just started producing the same thing over and over again. Without the great world of the Witcher and with only a fraction of the talent of Rockstar their games are the McDonalds of gaming. Even if you enjoyed AC Origins for example did you really enjoy the light and contrived story, goofy characters, obnoxious UI, grindy leveling system and that brain dead turn on Batman Vision and follow the map markers quest design?

Nowadays I can only stomach playing games like GOW Ragnarok. Anything less seems like a genuine waste of time and brain cells.

Re: Final Fantasy 16 Has a 'Support System' for Players Who Aren't Confident with Action Combat


This type of accessibility seems nice, but it's actually bad for gaming in the long term, imo. For the past decade or so almost every big studio relies heavily on cutscenes for pretty much everything and I expect that this trend will only get worse.

I imagine that after another decade gaming will look like the MGS pachinko machines: pretty cutscenes, one button gameplay and loots of monetization.