Comments 325

Re: As Bargain Bin Tomb Raider Goes to Embracer, PlayStation Seeks Acquisition Expert


Microsoft has trillions of dollars and they still struggle to release good, finished and exciting games. Maybe owning a billion IPs and employing thousands of people isn't necessarily good for business.

AFAIK one of the many problems that plagued the development of Cyberpunk 2077 was that too many people worked on the game. CDPR will now split their developers into smaller groups.

Re: The New Era of Call of Duty Awaits in Modern Warfare 2


Controversial opinion: Games need more levels like 'No Russian". It was actually memorable and impactful. The OG Modern Warfare 2 had a more interesting story than 90% of modern games. I played Horizon Forbidden West last month and I already can't remember anything that happened in the main quest.

Re: PSVR2 Is Playable at GDC and Is Already Blowing Minds


@lolwhatno Everything is compatible with PC. A lot of people will buy PSVR2 for that platform if the price is reasonable even if Sony chooses to lose money by keeping games exclusive to consoles.

For example I use the Dualsense on PC because through emulators, mods and PS Now I can utilize it's special features in many different ways. Some games even support it natively.