Comments 325

Re: The Witcher 3 Livestream Set for This Week


@ApostateMage Are you kidding me? I can't remember much about the story of HZD because I hated it, but the ending had you saving the whole kingdom on your own. That's painfully contrived. And the quest design throughout was terrible. The Witcher 3 is by no means a perfect game, but it's leaps and bounds superior to Assassin's Creed Zero Dawn.

Re: Rumour: God of War Ragnarok Had Starfield's Old Release Date Before Being Moved at the Last Minute


@UltimateOtaku91 Not really. Unlike most developers Bethesda are actually ambitious. They make big games with some exciting ideas that they can never fully realize or polish and they move on to the next thing.

It would be cool to see them release Starfield in a good state, but I prefer that Elder Scrolls 6 gets released before I die. Now that game should be industry defining.

Re: The Witcher 3 Livestream Set for This Week


@WallyWest They are only standard because studios like Ubisoft and Guerilla are lazy. CDPR moved on.

There are all sorts of different fictional universes with all sorts of magics and dragons, but robot dinosaurs is just stupid.

@Uncharted2007 I am right though. I am the only person on here that's saying the truth.

Re: The Witcher 3 Livestream Set for This Week


@WallyWest Wrong. The quest and world design in both games is exactly the same. They are the same thing under the hood, but at least the Witcher has good lore written by a talented author. Horizon is about robot animals and dinosaurs which lazy and silly at the same time.

Re: Rumour: God of War Ragnarok Will Have 60fps, 30fps Options on PS5


@GreatAuk This is something that Sony and Microsoft should communicate better to less tech savvy consumers: There will always be a limit. They can target 4k without dynamic upscaling/60hz and even 120hz for every exclusive, but the graphics will take a massive downgrade. Be happy that you at least have a choice.

Or buy a PC.

Re: Until Dawn, The Quarry Dev Acquired by Nordisk Games


@Artois2 Do you blame me? Most people are still excited for Until Dawn and Assassin's Creed clones. That doesn't make them bad or stupid, but it simply means that they have low standards. They will consume everything and pay for whatever microtransaction is offered to them.

Re: PS5 Remake The Last of Us: Part I Has Gone Gold


I am kinda bummed out that PC players still have to wait for months before getting to play these games. The day 1 boost in full price sales should compensate for the 3 people that will actually throw their PS5s in the bin or whatever.