Comments 17

Re: PS Plus Essential Games for October 2024 Announced


Dead space is a fantastic offering, had predicted it would be on extra before the end of the year, surprised to see it on essential.

Sick of seeing the same annual releases every single year though, when was the last year we didn't get a WWE/wrestling game? I must have every version of wwe for the last half a decade in my library via ps+ and never downloaded any of them. Add some variety or at the very least, stick them on extra for a couple of months instead of essential, servers usually get turned off after about a year anyway making most of the game redundant.

Re: God of War Ragnarok PC Review Bombed Over PSN Requirement


Anybody unaware of the psn requirement by now, It's completely their own fault, anybody aware and still purchasing it and then complaining about it doesn't have a leg to stand on, you don't have to buy it. Sony has every right to make psn sign in a requirement, it's their product. Don't like it, don't buy it, stop with the petty review bombing, that should be reserves for actual unknown issues with the game not something you're entirely aware before purchase but then still choose to purchase.

Re: Reaction: Why There Are So Many Unnecessary PS5 Remasters for Games That Don't Need Them


Personally, I couldn't be any less interested, nothing later than ps2 requires a remaster or remake in my opinion however for Sony and indeed Xbox and Nintendo to be repeatedly churning them out to the point where they're doing it for fairly recent games, there has to be a demand for it from somewhere. They wouldn't be doing it if it wasn't worthwhile for them financially.

Re: Poll: Are You Happy with Your PS Plus Extra, Premium Games for September 2024?


Plucky squire and chernoblyite for me. Will play Mr mosquito again from premium if it's got trophies, if it doesn't I'll simply wait until the inevitable patch.

I'm actually a big fan of the more obscure/indie games coming to extra, I usually find most value from the service there most months but it has to be in tandem with the bigger releases, there simply isn't any of those this month though.

Really dislike this approach of removing ubisoft games only to re-add them a few months later, it's very clear it's a deliberate ploy to give them something to re-add later and not a licensing issue. Any games they are re-adding to the service should be a footnote only and not part of the advertised monthly additions.

Re: Sony: It's Massively Important PS Studios Develops Games in Various Genres



Firstly, totally agree on bringing back dormant IP, in addition to some of those you mentioned, I'd love the likes of resistance, Infamous and killzone to return too.

I know there is some new IP coming was just pointing out most of sony's major studios have massive franchises they simply cannot ignore and with excessive game dev times nowadays if they're not working on the next game straight away there's every chance that franchise skips a generation entirely. As you pointed out, sony have a boat load of IP they can bring back they just need more teams.

Re: 80s Synthpop Stars Heaven 17 Resist the Temptation of PS5's GTA 6


Don't think the fee is necessarily an insult, it's 1 song likely from hundreds of them which when combined makes up a very small part of the game, anybody expecting fortunes for such a tiny contribution to the game is deluded. If they granted royalties from the games future income to every miniscule contribution. They wouldn't make a penny.

Fact is they would be getting that money for something they did 30 years ago and doing absolutely nothing else. The exposure they'd go would see money come in for them from elsewhere.

They clearly have no issue with selling the rights to their song to be included, they just want to milk the cash cow for all they possibly can.

It's a great song, that would fit vice city perfectly, that's pptentially even a trailer worthy song but gta won't suffer a single iota from not having that song in the game, they'll simply get another one, and the owners of that will get the windfall, meanwhile, these lose out on a decent wedge and a monumental publicity boost.

Re: Sony: It's Massively Important PS Studios Develops Games in Various Genres


Saying the right things but let's see it. Insomniac are married to marvel games for the next decade, naughty dog can't ignore the last of us and have uncharted to return to, sucker punch have ghosts sequel, Santa Monica have something new lined up but they aren't ditching God of war anytime soon and guerilla are pushing forward with horizon. That's sony's big 5 studios all tied to existing IP that you can loosely categorise all as action/adventure.

I'm not suggesting any of these studios should move away from those games, they're widely successful for a reason, they will and should continue to make those games, i'm simply asking where the variety and the new IP is going to come from. They should be looking to expand their flagship studios to accommodate work on multiple games simultaneously rather than creating studios. Much safer bet of maintaining quality that way.

Re: Internal Sony Fairgame$ PS5, PC Chatter Is Reportedly Quite Positive


They'd have to be absolutely insane to release this anytime soon. It doesn't matter if it's nothing remotely like concord or if it's incredible, it's currently being grouped together with concord, that's a death sentence in itself regardless, nothing can survive being grouped in with that in the next 12-18months.

Even if it's ready to go anytime in the next 18 months they need to just give the devs more time to polish it further or simply just sit on it as nintendo do and wait until concord is a distant memory before they think about releasing it, you probably don't even want to show anything either in that timeframe, just stay quiet.

Re: PS Plus Essential Games for September 2024 Announced


As bad as it gets in my eyes. An online multi-player game that's destined to be free to play within 6 months if the servers remain for that long and also a sports title that practically nobody outside of the US cares one iota about.

They're the 2 genres of games most people want to avoid getting every month and Sony has nailed us with both this time.

Little nightmares 2 isn't really for me, but it is a very respectable offering at least.

I cannot remember a more disappointing month in recent memory and there's been some stinkers.

Re: PS5, PC FPS Concord's Poor Player Numbers Have Predictably Gone Viral


My online multiplayer days are long behind me so it was never going to interest me no matter how good it was much like helldivers 2 didn't even though i really liked the first one so i'm not the target audience for this but Concords impending failure might end up having severe adverse effects on future titles. If they're providing a fully complete game with no pay to win garbage, providing free updates and supporting it long term and it spectacular bombs as predicted, Sony are probably going to rethink that approach in the future and any multi-player game afterwards may see it flooded with micro transactions and pay to win mechanics instead.