@zhoont Happy to clarify! As I’m sure you know, in previous years the ladder minigame was a spinning circle that you had to push a ball through. They’ve now changed this to a far less frustrating button matching game. Finish three sets of these to win the match. Gameplay-wise you’ve got the return of chain wrestling (with more control over how it plays out), climbing onto and jumping off barricades, running along and leaping off the ring apron etc - lots of little tweaks essentially. Hope this helps!
One of the most egregious aspects of the last couple of games has been the locking away of pretty much all customisation options (not just clothing but taunts, entrance moves, entrance music etc) behind in game currencies. Having to grind to buy random content packs was so detrimental to what would otherwise be an excellent creation suite. That'll prove to be a real difference maker this year for me at least
Played this at EGX last year and was seriously unimpressed. Nice to see they've fixed the performance issues since then, because it had a slew of inexcusable stutters. Shame all the same.
I'm far more interested in seeing how much money it makes, as I still have absolutely no idea how many people actually wanted a R&C film in the first place.
@Gamer83 The sad fact is that the majority of business for them would've been the novelty of being in physical form. Digital is where originally-physical mags go to die - it's an overcrowded market where the established sites do what they do but without a cost for entry.
I love Borderlands, and while what Gearbox did with Aliens; Colonial Marines should never be forgotten, I still believe in them as a studio, but this does absolutely nothing for me.
Looks like someone slowed the trailer down to half speed. Does it not play faster than that?
@DerMeister Allow me to clarify: I have played Ratchet and Clank before (borrowed it/played at friend's house), but never really got into it enough to own any of them.
I understand what they're about and see the appeal, but it's not really for me. Also, it's not even close to being on the same shame-o-scale as having not played Uncharted!
@get2sammyb 'the software will start searching for a PS4 on your network' - Do you know how to set it up for a PS4 that doesn't share the same network as your PC? Lunchtime play sessions at work would be amazing.
@get2sammyb Can't wait to give @BenTarrant the coordinates for a planet I discover. He'll arrive and it'll be called Uncharted. He'll land and find every animal and plant is named Play It.
@Octane Thanks! This is just the beginning. Once we've got the format down, we're going to be the smoothest and most arousing (probably) podcast around.
I was hoping for a TLoU-style story of survival when it was first announced, but the beta made it perfectly clear just how shoot 'n loot-focussed it's going to be.
Comments 434
Re: WWE 2K25 (PS5) - Unbeatable Value from 2K’s Dominant Wrestling Series
@zhoont Happy to clarify! As I’m sure you know, in previous years the ladder minigame was a spinning circle that you had to push a ball through. They’ve now changed this to a far less frustrating button matching game. Finish three sets of these to win the match. Gameplay-wise you’ve got the return of chain wrestling (with more control over how it plays out), climbing onto and jumping off barricades, running along and leaping off the ring apron etc - lots of little tweaks essentially. Hope this helps!
Re: WWE 2K25 (PS5) - Unbeatable Value from 2K’s Dominant Wrestling Series
@Anke Thanks so much!
Re: WWE 2K22 Tangles with PS5, PS4 from 11th March
One of the most egregious aspects of the last couple of games has been the locking away of pretty much all customisation options (not just clothing but taunts, entrance moves, entrance music etc) behind in game currencies. Having to grind to buy random content packs was so detrimental to what would otherwise be an excellent creation suite. That'll prove to be a real difference maker this year for me at least
Re: Video: Finally Finding a Friend to Play We Were Here Together on PS4
Re: Five Dates Is an Interactive RomCom for the Zoom Era
Looks absolutely terrible. I love it.
Re: Random: Ghost of Tsushima Player Finds a Way to Turn Jin's Life into a Never-Ending Arrow Hell
Absolutely incredible
Re: Random: Drink from the Holy Grail with Official PlayStation Trophy Glass
I have 2 of these. Oh dear.
Re: WWE 2K20 - 2K Sports' Wrestling Sim Hits Rock Bottom
@Rudy_Manchego A-hem.
Hope that helps.
Re: WWE 2K20 - 2K Sports Should Have Suplexed This Awful Wrestling Sim
@Genrou my mistake! I meant it was the only WWE game on the market. Should be updated shortly.
Re: The Famous Cross-Dressing Mission in Final Fantasy VII Is 'More Modern' in the Remake
Oh man, what is happening in this comments section.
Re: Gamescom 2018: Horror as Fortnite Fan Takes a Public Dump and Leaves It to Stink
This is the best article I've ever read. It's incredible. I literally can't think of a way to improve it. Poetry. Art. Perfection.
Re: Slick and Stylish Persona 5 PS4 Theme Is Free on EU PlayStation Store
Couldn't find it on the PS4 store, but it's still live on the browser version: https://store.playstation.com/#!/en-gb/games/avatars/persona-5-ryuji-sakamoto-special-theme-avatar-set/cid=EP4062-CUSA06638_00-PERSON5TWITCHSET
Re: Review: 100ft Robot Golf (PS4)
This game is my everything.
Re: WWE 2K17's Cover Star Has a Sword on His Chest
You can never be too careful with Bork, Sammy. He'll find you.
Re: PS4 Smashes 3 Million Units Milestone in Japan
I don't know how, but every part of that photo looks photoshopped.
Re: Cast Your Vote to Decide One Piece: Burning Blood's DLC Characters
Re: Podcast: Episode 8 - The Best Games of 2016
@baldybill Thanks for giving us a go, Bill! We source all our questions from here:
Stick it in there and we'll cover it next show
Re: The Witcher 3's Standalone Gwent Game Seems to Be Real
Re: Podcast: Episode 7 - What Can Sony Do to Top E3 2015?
@themcnoisy some of them are truly horrible. My trick for success was to:
Re: Round Up: Homefront: The Revolution PS4 Reviews Stage an Uprising
Played this at EGX last year and was seriously unimpressed. Nice to see they've fixed the performance issues since then, because it had a slew of inexcusable stutters. Shame all the same.
Re: Podcast: Episode 6 - What's in Development at Sony?
@Rudy_Manchego Right?! Just can't get a read on that guy.
Re: Podcast: Episode 6 - What's in Development at Sony?
@Gamer83 While I've personally never heard of this 'Colin' or this 'Greg', I can tell you think highly of them, so thank you for the kind words
Re: Film Critics Aren't Being Kind to the Ratchet & Clank Movie
I'm far more interested in seeing how much money it makes, as I still have absolutely no idea how many people actually wanted a R&C film in the first place.
Re: UK Magazine Play Calls Paper Based Issues a Day
@Gamer83 The sad fact is that the majority of business for them would've been the novelty of being in physical form. Digital is where originally-physical mags go to die - it's an overcrowded market where the established sites do what they do but without a cost for entry.
Still miss PSM3.
Re: And Here's Battleborn's PS4 Launch Trailer
I love Borderlands, and while what Gearbox did with Aliens; Colonial Marines should never be forgotten, I still believe in them as a studio, but this does absolutely nothing for me.
Looks like someone slowed the trailer down to half speed. Does it not play faster than that?
Re: Podcast: Episode 5 - What Makes the Souls Games So Good?
@DerMeister Allow me to clarify: I have played Ratchet and Clank before (borrowed it/played at friend's house), but never really got into it enough to own any of them.
I understand what they're about and see the appeal, but it's not really for me. Also, it's not even close to being on the same shame-o-scale as having not played Uncharted!
Re: Podcast: Episode 5 - What Makes the Souls Games So Good?
@Gamer83 Thanks for your support, bud.
Re: Podcast: Episode 4 - Is the PS4K a Good Idea?
@DerMeister You got it, Dermie-Star
Re: Guide: How to Use PS4 Remote Play on Your PC, Mac
@get2sammyb Perfect! Cheers, Sammy
Re: Guide: How to Use PS4 Remote Play on Your PC, Mac
@get2sammyb 'the software will start searching for a PS4 on your network' - Do you know how to set it up for a PS4 that doesn't share the same network as your PC? Lunchtime play sessions at work would be amazing.
Re: This Time, PSN Avatars Have Gone Too Far
My current avatar:

Re: Video: I've Never Played... Uncharted: Drake's Fortune - Part 2
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi I'd buy it.
Re: 10 Years Later, Final Fantasy XV Has a Confirmed Worldwide Release Date
Definitely delayed to Spring 2017. Mark my words. MARK THEM.
Re: Video: I've Never Played... Uncharted: Drake's Fortune - Part 1
Re: Soapbox: Evolution Studios Had Miserable Luck But Will Be Greatly Missed
I'm rubbish at car games, but bloody loved Motorstorm: Pacific Rift. I'm going to miss them.
Re: LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens Gets a New Gameplay Trailer
While I'm tempted, that VO lays it on a bit thick, eh?
Re: Shadow Complex Remastered Brings a Second Blast of Nolan North to PS4 in May
Ah yes, the 2007-2009 era. Where every character was played by Nolan North and every character sounded like Nolan North.
Glad he's allowed to show off his acting range now.
Re: Video: Top 4 PlayStation Games - February 2016
@Churchy Mr. @shogunrok was once interviewed for local TV news about some tourist trap. He tried to hide the clip. We found it. #Neva4get
Re: Podcast: Episode 2 - The Return
@AyanamiReign Glad you're liking it!
The intro/outro music can be purchased here:
Re: Podcast: Episode 2 - The Return
Re: Podcast: Episode 2 - The Return
@get2sammyb Can't wait to give @BenTarrant the coordinates for a planet I discover. He'll arrive and it'll be called Uncharted. He'll land and find every animal and plant is named Play It.
Re: Video: Top 4 PlayStation Games - February 2016
@AyeHaley Racism and Homophobia are still real issues in today's society. You can dislike the word, but there's really no comparison.
Re: Video: Top 4 PlayStation Games - February 2016
@ShogunRok I would, but none of my local shops stock it because it's TOO NICHE .
Re: Video: Top 4 PlayStation Games - February 2016
@ShogunRok I will fight you.
Re: Video: Top 4 PlayStation Games - February 2016
@ShogunRok NEVER
Re: Podcast: Episode 1 - The Pilot
@Octane Thanks! This is just the beginning. Once we've got the format down, we're going to be the smoothest and most arousing (probably) podcast around.
Re: Podcast: Episode 1 - The Pilot
@mrobinson91 We had a big list of sample names to begin with, and it was surprising how many of them popped up in that forum post
However, I am willing to change the name to 'Push Square Podcast as named (kind of) by Mr. Robinson91.' Pretty catchy, eh?
Re: The Division's Launch Trailer Is Just as Predictable as You'd Expect
I was hoping for a TLoU-style story of survival when it was first announced, but the beta made it perfectly clear just how shoot 'n loot-focussed it's going to be.
Non-Destiny fans beware.
Re: So, Uncharted 4 Has Apparently Stolen Some Assassin's Creed Artwork
Well they're going to have to scrap it all and start again now.
Re: Er, There May Be a Knack Sequel in Production for PS4
Knack was a bland, frustrating adventure through boringville. Didn't like it at all.