Comments 375

Re: PS Plus Premium Members Bemused by Sony Once Again


Stuff like this is exactly why my PS4 stays gathering dust in an Xbox box, soon as they scammed people with the mods switcheroo on bethesda games i knew it would only be downhill from there and dipped, people gonna take whatever scraps are given i am sure and find some way to defend it, ratchet and clank streamed in low quality via a terrible service like ps now for the highest ps plus tier is a complete joke no matter the price, who actually likes ps now? PS3 games should be backwards compatible not streamed which will always mean poorer quality no matter how fast your internet.

Re: Sony Won't Let Microsoft's $69 Billion Activision Acquisition Go, Stresses It's Bad for Gaming


@AdamNovice it is a good thing if you have a PC or Xbox, i find it funny how nobody said anything when final fantasy and street fighter were purposely kept off of Xbox and i refuse to buy them on an old launch ps4 they should send me a ps5.

If sony is for the players why do they constantly keep multiplat games off of other platforms? They gave some money to capcom for SFV yet it's also on PC but not Xbox and final fantasy 7 original is on Xbox why not the remake? Everyone with knowledge of business knows call of duty will never not be on PlayStation, they literally would lose money not having it on ps, a lot of you need to tell the truth you just can't stand the idea of not getting exclusive content or having to pay for cod while gamepass users get it free or discounted.

Re: Microsoft Accuses Sony of Paying to Block Games from Xbox Game Pass


@Rafie Timed exclusive that isn't on Xbox and didn't come to steam until recently, there is no evidence it will ever come to Xbox until it does you can't say anything.

As for the SFV thing just because sony gave capcom some money doesn't mean they developed the game if that was the case it wouldn't have came to steam at release it would be solely on PS the fact that it is also on steam shows Sony had litte control over the development besides keeping it off xbox, if SFV was actually developed by Sony and not just funded it wouldn't be on steam at release if at all since everyone knows Sony isn't big on working with other platforms

Big difference between street fighter and dead rising too, Street fighter was never exclusive to Sony or Microsoft systems, dead rising started out exclusive to the 360 so you're comparing an ip that was third party pretty much since coming to consoles with an ip that started out on a single system.

Re: Microsoft, Sony Signed Agreement to Keep Call of Duty on PlayStation for 'Several More Years' Beyond Current Contract


@SerJosh97 God of war is garbage how are you gonna insinuate that is quality? They couldn't even be bothered to make more than one death animation for kratos in that overrated snoozefest, just another generic third person action adventure, when games like that and tlou are seen as revolutionary and a game like days gone is seen as bad you know you got poor taste

Re: Microsoft Accuses Sony of Paying to Block Games from Xbox Game Pass


Sony is the person in a relationship who will accuse you of cheating because they are cheating, scared because they don't want what they did with SFV and FF7 remake to happen to them.

Call of duty will never be exclusive to a single console if Microsoft buys Activision, seems to me sony doesn't want to lose that deal they have where they keep content like survival mode off of other systems the entire lifecycle of a cod game.

Re: UK Sales Charts: 92% of Sniper Elite 5 Sales Are on PS5, PS4


@UltimateOtaku91 Gamepass is bundled with gold making it a better offer than ps plus or just gold by itself. I didn't buy for game pass i buy the console which offers me the best value at the time 360 over PS3, PS4 over Xbox one and now series x over PS5 and now backwards compatibility i refuse to give sony any money for ps now to play games are trash resolution with input delay and low fps