Comments 375

Re: Players Reporting PSN Account Bans in Seemingly Widespread Issue


I'm sure now they will magically be able to unban these people and then revert to telling others how "once it's done it's done" wouldn't be surprised if this was just Sony being Sony and going back on a backlog to enforce their archaic tos which treats the consumer like a newborn baby.

No bad words when you're playing games where your character is killing people 🥺

Re: Microsoft Still Wants to Put Xbox Game Pass on PS5, PS4


@Nei You guys are delusional if you think that Microsoft are just gonna stop making consoles and why does that need to happen for Xbox titles to be on the playstation system? It doesn't, this is just Sony once again dragging their feet just like they did with the crossplay thing to the detriment of their players.

Re: Reaction: PS5's Success Is Not Luck, Because Sony's Spent Years Putting in the Hard Yards


I think you're dead wrong about ps plus "cloud" because all streaming of games is just terrible, i used ps now and it was terrible, not the way to play games unless you have nasa internet probably... even then who wants to stream a game? You're never gonna have as good an experience as someone who is playing via physical disk or digital download.

India is a dead market for consoles due to high prices i believe besides pc is just better than a console in most aspects and steam is less restrictive in what games you can play and such.

If anything i think much of Sony's success has a lot to do with diehard fans, fanboys and casuals who purchase systems based on exclusives. Xbox doesn't have what Sony and Nintendo have in ravenous fans that will both love and loathe them, any fans Xbox did have jumped ship during the terrible Xbox one reveal which has effectively put the brand in quicksand, a lot of this seems like luck to me, the dice have fallen perfectly for Sony which makes all the overreactions from people here during the Bethesda/Activision acquisitions hilarious especially when all Sony has to do is make a killzone game using bungie/guerilla and revive kotor, Bethesda has been in a downward spiral since fallout 4 which sucked.

Re: God of War Studio Recruits Former Gears of War Narrative Director


@AK4tywill You mean the writing which has kratos getting clowned from all angles? A once no nonsense taking character turned into a crusty old guy despite being immortal who's kid disobeys and disrespects him and who gets beat up by a woman despite having previously killed the likes of Hades and Poseidon.

Sounds like great writing if your name is Neil Druckmann, new god of war games are written for those who like marvel movies whereas the gears of war trilogy is written for those who like terminator, Alien, predator

Re: It's Utter Domination for PS5 in Europe as Xbox Continues to Lose Significant Ground


@Nem They aren't ever gonna be competing, again they make gimmick systems WiU was a failure and switch has been superseded by the steam deck.

Don't talk about thinking in business because i guarantee you were one of the ones who thought Microsoft would make call of duty exclusive and you are saying pressure of Microsoft what pressure? According to this article there is none.

Sony downgrading for Nintendo is such a fanboy cope, if they did that it'd be first party games only for sony because no way the likes of CDPR would sacrifice ambitious titles on pc just so they would work on a console that can't even run full versions of games, MK11 on switch for example isn't even the full game where are the xrays?

Re: Forget Kong, GameMill's The Walking Dead: Destinies Could Be Amongst 2023's Worst


@naruball the game is good, i think it's hilarious I would definitely buy it on sale of course but it's so bad it is good and I'm not mad at the devs I understand they most certainly had nothing for a budget, this falls on amc and the publisher most likely for being cheap. Somehow the devs managed to get Lori and Tdogs actors to voice their characters and they got Carl's actor but curiously had him voice a random npc guard instead of Carl himself.

Re: PS5 Is Now Above PS4 in USA, While Its New-Gen Rival Flounders


@Nem No point even debating someone who doesn't even know about the mods bait and switch, a lot of people purchased Xbox one's and/or pc's purely because of that. There are no tiered subs on Xbox either, gold never had tiers and gamepass was either gamepass alone or gamepass bundled with gold.

If i get gamepass i can use it on two different systems, I have to pull out a dusty launch PS4 or buy a PS5 to get two games a month and online play that is free on pc, you tell me who's getting gouged here besides people who buy systems based on exclusives.

Re: PS5 Is Now Above PS4 in USA, While Its New-Gen Rival Flounders


@Intr1n5ic take two doesn't produce consoles and remind me how many titles have they released in the past 10 years that havent been re releases, like two?

You explain to me why the bigwigs at Sony think it's ok to charge their consumers 70 GBP for a game that came out on the PS3 and was re released on PS4 🤔 i do not recall taketwo doing that with their multiple gta 5 releases, a two time re release costs more than RDR2 did at launch how is this even defendable.

Re: PS5 Is Now Above PS4 in USA, While Its New-Gen Rival Flounders


@StonyKL Without Xbox you'd be buying games for 100+ GBP and I'm not talking about any premium edition just the base game, need i remind everyone sony were the one's who raised the price of games this gen and everyone else just copied that blueprint.

There would be no key site to get games cheaply either, CDkeys never seems to have any PS keys aside from memberships.

Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Has Some of the Worst PS5, PS4 Review Scores of the Year


@DETfaninATL Dude the open combat missions are trash this was clear from the first announcement, you literally wander around the warzone map alone like it's sniper ghost warrior or something and the only reason the campaign is like that is because of the 18 months same for the multiplayer maps no new one's just really low quality overhauls.

I have modded SSE a game from 2016 which is a a remaster of a 2011 game, i have modded this to a point it looks better than this year's call of duty, lazy game made by a scummy company that exists to trick naive kids into spending their pocket money on it hence why they put dumb stuff like celebrities, teddy bear outfits and superheroes when it's supposed to be military shooter not a children's entertainment circus

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 Dominates Golden Joystick Awards, Wins Game of the Year


Why has BG3 managed to stir the mainstream casuals from their EA sports gacha games and call of duty but previous isometric rpgs which are just as good haven't 🤔

Don't agree with the community award that should have definitely gone to deep rock, are people really playing turn based games co-op? Never seen how that could appeal to anyone unless you are someone who just skips dialogue and cutscenes in other games

Re: Maligned Modern Warfare 3 Developed in Just 18 Months, Staff Required to Work Nights and Weekends


They'll keep getting away with it as long as people keep buying it, hyping it then complaining about it and repeating to the cycle.

I haven't purchased a call of duty game since cold war and only then because that went on a good sale a couple months after release, these new games stay a ludicrous price for six hours of my time because multiplayer hasn't been supported properly since warzone came out so all i get is campaign.

Re: The Battle for Game of the Year in a Superb 2023 Begins on Monday


@MikeOrator I don't think the people who complained about what they did to Joel and the character on TRT are the minority. Really Druckmann should have gone further and had Abby take out Ellie at the end too so i don't have to suffer the ravenous fans of a game series that was never above mediocrity chomping at the bit at another game.

The first game was balls too and only gained popularity because the YouTube grifters crying over a character that was in the game was a mere 10 minutes, game is pretty much move box so ai can climb obstacle and throw bottles at corners so blind enemy doesn't instantly cutscene you.

Re: The Battle for Game of the Year in a Superb 2023 Begins on Monday


It's another year of shlock that's gonna be worshipped because goty has meant nothing for a decade hence why tlou2 got goty when players lambasted it.

Console release of warhammer darktide or the long awaited dead island 2 those would be my votes because those are what i have played and thought were well crafted and enjoyable.

Re: It Sounds Like PS5 Is Handily Outselling Its New-Gen Rival in France


@SlipperyFish playstation players don't vote with their wallet at all that's why games like forspoken and last of us 2 still sold 😂 , the only Sony exclusives i ever purchased were days gone , killzone and uncharted this was back when days gone wasn't on pc.

I wouldn't pay the prices sony want now, spiderman was on sale on steam this weekend and it was still too much for me especially since superheroes are corny to me.