Comments 382

Re: Resident Evil Village Has You Killing Animals for Upgrades


I will never understand why we all agree that gunning down civilians in GTA left right and centre is just fine, but shooting animals is some weird controversy. It's bizarre to me. Obviously you need limits, somewhere, (e.g. child characters in games) but animals? Especially ones that are attacking you? What's the problem?

Re: Play Hitman 3 for Free with a Starter Pack Until Monday


@ShiningStar I agree with you on the TV dramas. I hate this trend of weekly releases made to keep people subscribed for longer. I just wait until the whole thing is released and watch one or two episodes a day! That's the best way for me, as I don't like watching two series (or playing two games) at once.

Re: Marvel's Avengers Is the Straw That Broke the Camel's Back with PS4 to PS5 Upgrades


@Rob_230 I'm guessing people are getting rubbed the wrong way by how bad the PS5's games' values seem compared to Game Pass. This massive upheaval in game consumption, kind of makes Sony look like a rip-off merchant even though they're doing what was seen as normal, a year ago. It's good really, though. When publishers feel the heat and have their backs against the wall, that's when we get their best efforts.

Re: Instinction May Scratch Your Dino Crisis Itch on PS5, PS4 in 2022


@Playstation I will never understand this logic. If shooting humans left right and centre is fine in games, why are people so squeamish about shooting animals? Especially animals that are basically mythical to all intents and purposes. (i.e. They probably won't have feathers etc.) If this really is the reason we never get dinosaur games, then this is the one 'anti-snowflake' thing, I'll get behind.