Comments 1,676

Re: Microsoft Can't Deny Xbox Game Pass Cannibalises Software Sales



ABK won't kill anyone. A single franchise can't do that. The series might stop selling if it's not on PS, maybe. We have no clue how many will jump ships just for cod, and that's for next gen. This gen is another big loss for ms already and cod wonn't change that. Older and present cods will be enough for people not to jump.

Even then the deal should not be approved, even if I don't care about ABK, but because it really doesn't fix MS horrible management at making games. They have more studios than sony, more money to back those studios and still it is not enough, so please let us buy AB because we made multiple mistakes?

AB is also bad at managing games because they have all their studios making cod now... and diablo 4.

One random out of nowhere fps could come in and kill cod and that is that. Look at pubg, fortnite, apex legends. Anything can happen. It took fortnite a few months to become the most popular game... and still is.

Re: Microsoft Can't Deny Xbox Game Pass Cannibalises Software Sales


This gamepass thing is a failed attempt to get fools believing in the best deal of gaming (it kind of is), then get them accustomed to getting less when they take the bait, because it feels like free. But it failed, because ultimately people can have fun for a whole year with just 2 or 3 games, because the games aren't bombshells of massive appeal and xbox's management sucks. Half of the xbox series x gamers must be so used to not paying, that there is no going back for MS.

The ones that think this is a good thing and ms will do good are short sighted. Even some are still in the denial phase. Can't believe some of them believe this would have reached 3 billion gamers, or 100m. Ps plus is a requirement to play online and that caps at 50m. Something that is a necessity for most that own a console.

I'm glad sony and nintendo didn't pull this, because they can actually make games that can sell and move units.

Re: PS5 Sales Increased 202% in Europe Year-over-Year, Xbox and Nintendo Switch Both Down



Uh. Lots of people here said forspoken was looking spooky. A lot. Plus ppl here didn't like the demo. I even had my doubts.

I never said if Starfield is bad, xbox gone. Just that it will be a crucial marker. If Xbox can't get the hit with probably their most successful studio in terms of critical and commercial success, they might need to turn a lot of things around. You can't go 3 years without your massive SP only game hit. Hellblade 2 might be the next one, but I don't feel like that game will be massive in terms of content. There hasn't been a word on what certain games will come in 2024. Their development is going soooo slow atm that I hope 2025 (yisus) is when they get their big hit.

Starfield is going vs Factions (maybe), FF16, Spider-man 2 and maybe ff7 remake part 2 (reaaaally doubt it). Just Spider-man 2 is enough to beat xbox's 2023 in terms of pull.

The only massive 90 plus game I am sure of is Zelda. That game has goty on lock. Re4 too, but that won't win goty.

Maybe FF16 and/or Spider-man hit the 90s, but I'm expecting more like an 88 at best

Re: PS Plus, Xbox Game Pass Aren't Big Enough to Impact Business, Says Take-Two Boss


Lets be honest. There are barely 300m UNIQUE people that actually consume gaming on the regular. If we take consoles and steam players to estimate.

When we see games like pentinent, hi rush, grounded, age of empires, bleeding edge, psychonauts 2, Halo Infinite missing components, Starfield not looking up to par, you start to see that they need smaller budget games to compensate for losing money with the service. Phil convinced other bigwigs that it will work out, and clearly he convinced them with gamepass being the netflix of gaming, but that is over as you see netflix bleeding money and games having longer longetivity so buying a game vs a movie is not the same. A movie might be 2 hours, a season might be 15 hours max, but a game can be 100s of hours. Gaming is a different media and services believers need to get that.

People thought series x was going to dominate because of services. Either they don't know how games are consumed or they got a very wrong estimate on how many people will actually benefit from gamepass.

Anyways, gamepass has been out for a couple of years, and the gap for budgets for xbox and ps games is starting to get bigger and bigger. I don't want a mtx forced engangement fomo style of games for my console that comes with the gamepass territory. Incomplete games, modes, dlc finished later and not pushing the console that was hard to find to the limit.

Re: PS5's Market Share Is Expanding Significantly in Xbox's Backyard


A rental service won't be enough to compensate for the lack of exclusives from last gen and current gen so far (psychonauts, deadloop, minecraft don't count because they are on ps4/5). Ofc people will jump. ofc it was expected for ps to win again with the bad taste ms left last gen... and still is. Objectively speaking. I wish there was an actual competition (not buying publishers)