Comments 1,676

Re: Surprise! Persona 3 Reload Is Real, and It Definitely Didn't Leak



Good for you.

Idk. The ai, animations and potential bugs since they showed extremely short clips of gameplay might hold it back. F4 shouldn't have been nominated for the exact same reasons. Doesn't seem bethesda has improved along with other AAA devs.

Hellblade 2 is walking sim and Avowed looks double A. Doesn't seem the studios will get a second game for this gen unless they're indies. So I don't see a reason to get an xbox. Even if iD releases a great shooter, still too little.

I'd say this. Avowed + Hellblade 2 > nothing for ps5 as exclusives for 2024.

I forgot ff16 btw, the only game that can compete with zelda. Spider-man 2 won't be as good as zelda, but will be better than starfield from what I'm seeing.

Re: Reaction: Sony's PS5, PC Live Service Strategy Won't Work If It's All Samey Shooters


Me hate GaaS, all of them doa blah blah blah. I want all games to be single player blah blah blah. Sony is changing blah blah blah.

It's getting quite tiresome. Shooters are what sony needs most and so they're trying multiple attempts to please that crowd.

Looking forward to bungie, last of us factions, concord and fairgame because I have yet to see if it shakes the shooter market.

Re: Deviation Games' PS5 Exclusive Project Doesn't Appear to Be Progressing Well



"most of them are bad"
and none of them are from sony so this is irrelevant.

Most single player games are bad, but sony rarely makes one.

You mean the hardcore single player minority that don't play multiplayer games doesn't want multiplayer?

Um? God of war, returnal, demon souls, spider-man 2, horizon, ratchet...

and you have no clue what they're making because we don't know sony's full pipeline lmao.

Oooof, a PC port from a game that was well received on console that most people already played while other pc ports have been good (besides HZD) is such a bad view. How will Sony recover?

Xbox doesn't compete with Sony. They're clearly incapable of that at this point.

I don't see why Sony trying to please the single and multiplayer crowd is such a negative thing! What would pushsquare community do with their 90% of single player sony games that have been released? the end is neeear!!!

Re: Deviation Games' PS5 Exclusive Project Doesn't Appear to Be Progressing Well



There is no bias when it comes to microsoft. When both of them close/cancel a project, has multiple delays/too long of a development cycle, it will obviously be worse for microsoft since they don't have almost anything to make up for it. I wish people could understand this a little bit better.

Sony releases a dud in a sea of big amazing titles, it's fine. Microsoft releases a dud in a sea of dissapointing games, now that is a problem.

So until that changes I don't want any comparisons about xbox vs any of the other two. They're just not on the same level. Not even a quarter close where they should be.

Games don't matter my azz. Nintendo is literally alive for that only reason. What a horrible leader to have in xbox atm.

Re: Deviation Games' PS5 Exclusive Project Doesn't Appear to Be Progressing Well



Hahahaha those multiplayer games haven't been released or even shown. I don't know why people expect them to be bad lol. Sony has made great multiplayer games back then. Sony makes duds but they completely make up for it with other games.

And I completely disagree. Them doing this means to me they're laser focused in quality. Same thing with the kotor remake, final strike studios game and other games they have cancelled. Gladly would prefer this instead of releasing whatever into the wild like MS does.

People can complain about sony, but when it's complained about while using xbox as comparison that's just funny to me. Xbox is trash atm. There's no reason to have one and I'm gladly buying the next nintendo instead. No console manufacturor has survived two bad console gens. People investing on it should just know they're throwing their money away as I think the support for the console will end in a few years.

Re: Deviation Games' PS5 Exclusive Project Doesn't Appear to Be Progressing Well



I rather have games be cut instead of grounded, sea of thieves, crackdown 3, halo infinite, redfall, bleeding edge being released.

All people defending xbox at this moment should really shut their mouth. 1 miserable decade, maybe more since 360 last years weren't that good either.

All you have is halo, gears as forza and units sellers and two of them are not as good as they used to be, and indie games don't cover that.

Just stop complaining for no good reason. Go back to your dead on arrival box. None of xbox fans have the right to speak and complain about other consoles and I'm serious with that.

Re: Horizon Forbidden West Has Become One of PS5's Best-Selling Games


Huh. Not as impressive as GoWR but was expected. I honestly thought they would have reached 10m by now but at least it's the second best selling game as I expected it.

I wish we could know ratchet, gt7, returnal and demon souls current sales.

Oh and Spider-man will def beat everyone and I think it'll stay that way until the end of the gen.