I love this idea as I don't keep games, I play then sell them. But as i said the techs not ready. 1)youtube and Netflix work because they buffer while you watch and it still can have bad days and pauses. But in general you don't see how inconsistent streaming is because of the large buffer. You can't buffer a game. 2) with net neutrality gone you may live in an area that is paid to promote another service over Google so that will make it worse.
How would this "rock the industry to its core" in any way? Streaming service? Tech not ready for that for 10 yrs at least. New console? Really expect a new console destroy PS? Come on. It's a new development but nothing earth shattering.
I tried it once or twice in RDR2 then realized I'll never do anything with these pics so couldn't care less personally. But I see how many people love it so always good to give players extra features to play with so its cool they did this.
Going to see a lot of 1)mountain top, leaning on your bike. 2)middle of a crazed horde. 3) leaning on your bike in a middle of a horde.
Geesh when did bugs become so horrible that it becomes "disastrous" and "seriously damaging the experience"? It's a big bug yeah, but it's not like it wouldn't be quickly fixed. But you make it sound like it renders the game unplayable forever.
Nobody is thinking something like this is "Anthem all over again'. Bugs happen, they get fixed. This is like the collective freak out when instagram went down for a bit. Relax.
This why I don't think reviews, games or otherwise, should have scores. People see a number and jump all over it. People here are jumping all over that low review number, not which parts of the review they disagree with.
I never rely on scores, I always read them to see if their complaints or praise are things I can relate to. For example, the dark souls games are way too hard for me. But if the next game in series was massively easy it would get low scores, but it would be more fun for me. So score mean nothing without the reasons behind it.
Seriously, forget this game and change it into a future city and make it an Iron Man game. By the time they finish that they should have the loot system worked out.
@Quintumply Never heard of that one. Unfortunately, looking that up its not it. I don't think the one I'm looking for allows you to get out of your car. Shakedown looks like an original GTA throw back.
I believe the one I'm thinking of is just a racing escape police game. It's newly announced, within a month or two. I don't think it has as much retro looking graphics. Dang, been trying to figure out what game it was for weeks. I saw it for less than a minute and wanted to go back and check it out and couldn't find it. Thanks for posting that though.
Side note, not long ago there was a 3/4 top down view car game announced that has police chasing you. I think it is a psn game. Anybody know what it is? I'm cant remember the name but wanted more info on it.
Serious question to those who have gone digital only. Do you still play all your older games? I ask because I rarely if ever go back to games I got long ago. Too many new games to play to go back to a game I beat last year. Surely some sit there untouched since completion.
This is why I go physical, so I can sell it. I'm at a ratio of buy 2-3 games get 1 free by doing that. Totally worth it.
I really hope you update us all in a new post on if the micro transactions truly did or didn't change anything like how much things cost or how many things drop.
This is critical because they purposely didn't have the microstransactions available to reviewers for a reason.
This is a game that did everything right and for some reason I didn't enjoy it and I don't know why. Normally this is exactly the type of game I love but I can't put my finger on why I didn't when I can always understand why I didn't enjoy a game. I didn't hate it, i just can't say I had a lot of fun either.
I don't think I'd get the sequel because I don't know if they changed things I didn't like if I don't know what I didn't like. Never felt this way after playing a game before. It's weird.
Im getting a feeling EA kinda knew this game was not ready and wasnt going to get good reviews and thats why EA suddenly released Apex now as well. Without Apex EA would have crashed hard with just Anthem. So Apex holds them over till Anthem has time to finish up.
What I don't understand is why. PS4 was a runaway success with some of the best exclusives I've seen in a long time. Why wouldn't Sony want the ps4 players to be talking about those games to other players on other consoles. "That's all for me tonight. Going to play some Spiderman. It's a blast."
That being said I never play online because of the toxic environment. I can't imagine how bad it would be with those console warriors going at each other during a game. "Thats all for me. I'm going to play the best game evar spiderman. Enjoy your crap crackdown" is what you'd most likely hear unfortunately.
I never buy consoles till 1-2 years after launch to give it time to build a library of games to play. But if the PS5 was backwards compatible I'd buy it right away. I can play the few launch titles I want and keep playing my old ps4 games. Plus I can sell my ps4 for some extra coin. Win win.
I agree. These days who needs to be lost in a crowd of other games to be known. Why force early pr and expectations on somebody else's preset e3 date when you can share it when ever you want online for free and reach just as many people.
If Nintendo, Sony or MS announce a big new game will it be more well known if reported during E3 among 100 games instead any other day? No.
Heck, Apex proves you don't even need any pre hype at all. It's a new world out there.
It's too bad that they most likely won't release the monetization scheme till after all the reviews come out. We really need to hold the reviewers to update their reviews when it is released.
I didn't feel the game is ready yet. Lots of quality of life changes are needed from ui to map system. It was fun but I will wait 6 months to see how the content and micro transactions play out.
I don't know what it is but I was hyped but more I see something feels off. Cant put my finger on why. Will keep a close eye on it after release, but definitely not an instabuy.
Comments 281
Re: PlayStation Could Have Fresh Competition in Stadia, Google's New Game Streaming Platform
I love this idea as I don't keep games, I play then sell them. But as i said the techs not ready. 1)youtube and Netflix work because they buffer while you watch and it still can have bad days and pauses. But in general you don't see how inconsistent streaming is because of the large buffer. You can't buffer a game. 2) with net neutrality gone you may live in an area that is paid to promote another service over Google so that will make it worse.
Re: Red Dead Redemption 2 Lighting Supposedly Downgraded Following Patch 1.06 on PS4
Ambient occlusion is now buyable with gold bars. Gotta love the micahtransactions.
Re: Google Poised to Announce Potential PlayStation Competitor
How would this "rock the industry to its core" in any way? Streaming service? Tech not ready for that for 10 yrs at least. New console? Really expect a new console destroy PS? Come on. It's a new development but nothing earth shattering.
Re: Days Gone Details Its Seriously Impressive Photo Mode
I tried it once or twice in RDR2 then realized I'll never do anything with these pics so couldn't care less personally. But I see how many people love it so always good to give players extra features to play with so its cool they did this.
Going to see a lot of 1)mountain top, leaning on your bike. 2)middle of a crazed horde. 3) leaning on your bike in a middle of a horde.
Re: Fixing The Division 2's Disastrous Skill Cooldown Bug Is the Developer's 'Highest Priority'
Geesh when did bugs become so horrible that it becomes "disastrous" and "seriously damaging the experience"? It's a big bug yeah, but it's not like it wouldn't be quickly fixed. But you make it sound like it renders the game unplayable forever.
Nobody is thinking something like this is "Anthem all over again'. Bugs happen, they get fixed. This is like the collective freak out when instagram went down for a bit. Relax.
Re: Round Up: The Division 2 PS4 Reviews Start Relatively Strong
This why I don't think reviews, games or otherwise, should have scores. People see a number and jump all over it. People here are jumping all over that low review number, not which parts of the review they disagree with.
I never rely on scores, I always read them to see if their complaints or praise are things I can relate to. For example, the dark souls games are way too hard for me. But if the next game in series was massively easy it would get low scores, but it would be more fun for me. So score mean nothing without the reasons behind it.
Re: ANTHEM's Latest Update Has Broken the Game on a Fundamental Level
Seriously, forget this game and change it into a future city and make it an Iron Man game. By the time they finish that they should have the loot system worked out.
Re: Beat Cop - An 80s Police Adventure That Gets Away with Murder
@SoulChimera Yes that's the one. Thank you! I was wrong, plenty of on foot action like old GTA. Keeping an eye on that one.
Re: Beat Cop - An 80s Police Adventure That Gets Away with Murder
@Quintumply Never heard of that one. Unfortunately, looking that up its not it. I don't think the one I'm looking for allows you to get out of your car. Shakedown looks like an original GTA throw back.
I believe the one I'm thinking of is just a racing escape police game. It's newly announced, within a month or two. I don't think it has as much retro looking graphics. Dang, been trying to figure out what game it was for weeks. I saw it for less than a minute and wanted to go back and check it out and couldn't find it. Thanks for posting that though.
Re: Beat Cop - An 80s Police Adventure That Gets Away with Murder
Fond memories of Sierra's Police Quest.
Side note, not long ago there was a 3/4 top down view car game announced that has police chasing you. I think it is a psn game. Anybody know what it is? I'm cant remember the name but wanted more info on it.
Re: ANTHEM Balance Called Into Question Again as Players Remove Gear to Dramatically Increase Damage Output
Insert ascii Picard facepalm here.
Re: Devil May Cry 5 Microtransactions Are Live on PS4
Somebody who played before the micro can you test to see if gain rate has be stealth nerfed?
Re: Physical Copies of The Division 2 Will Require a Gigantic 90GB Download
Serious question to those who have gone digital only. Do you still play all your older games? I ask because I rarely if ever go back to games I got long ago. Too many new games to play to go back to a game I beat last year. Surely some sit there untouched since completion.
This is why I go physical, so I can sell it. I'm at a ratio of buy 2-3 games get 1 free by doing that. Totally worth it.
Re: CD Projekt Red Talks Cyberpunk 2077 In New PlayStation-Published Video
Probably have limited time exclusive items for ps4 much like they did with RDR2.
Re: Rumour: ANTHEM Players Discover Starter Weapons Stronger Than High-End Gear
So this is now a loot shooter for those who don't like loot shooters?
Re: Devil May Cry 5 - Devil May Cry Back to Its Absolute Best
I really hope you update us all in a new post on if the micro transactions truly did or didn't change anything like how much things cost or how many things drop.
This is critical because they purposely didn't have the microstransactions available to reviewers for a reason.
Re: The LEGO Movie 2 Videogame - A Factory Built Sequel That Plays It Safe
I just want another Lego City Undercover.
Re: Horizon: Zero Dawn Sells Over 10 Million Copies Worldwide in Two Years
This is a game that did everything right and for some reason I didn't enjoy it and I don't know why. Normally this is exactly the type of game I love but I can't put my finger on why I didn't when I can always understand why I didn't enjoy a game. I didn't hate it, i just can't say I had a lot of fun either.
I don't think I'd get the sequel because I don't know if they changed things I didn't like if I don't know what I didn't like. Never felt this way after playing a game before. It's weird.
Re: Leisure Suit Larry Will Seemingly Hit on the PS4 Soon
In this day and age of popular Buster Scruggs and Red Dead I think Freddy Pharkas Frontier Pharmacist would be a better choice.
Re: Talking Point: What Free March 2019 PS Plus Games Do You Want?
I never played the latest mass effect because it didn't seem worth the money because of problems. So why not on plus.
Re: Poll: Have You Bought ANTHEM? What Are Your First Impressions?
Im getting a feeling EA kinda knew this game was not ready and wasnt going to get good reviews and thats why EA suddenly released Apex now as well. Without Apex EA would have crashed hard with just Anthem. So Apex holds them over till Anthem has time to finish up.
Re: Spider-Man PS4 Platinum Trophy Achievers Rewarded with Free Avatar
Only platinum I've gotten are from Telltale games. Oh well, I guess no more plat for me.
Re: Poll: Do You Think Sony Is Telling the Truth About Cross-Play?
What I don't understand is why. PS4 was a runaway success with some of the best exclusives I've seen in a long time. Why wouldn't Sony want the ps4 players to be talking about those games to other players on other consoles. "That's all for me tonight. Going to play some Spiderman. It's a blast."
That being said I never play online because of the toxic environment. I can't imagine how bad it would be with those console warriors going at each other during a game. "Thats all for me. I'm going to play the best game evar spiderman. Enjoy your crap crackdown" is what you'd most likely hear unfortunately.
Re: Dangerous Driving, the New Arcade Racer from Burnout Creators, Smashes onto PS4 in April
Unfortunately there is no split screen. I really enjoyed couch play in Revenge.
Re: Feature: Why You Shouldn't Worry About PS5 Backwards Compatibility
I never buy consoles till 1-2 years after launch to give it time to build a library of games to play. But if the PS5 was backwards compatible I'd buy it right away. I can play the few launch titles I want and keep playing my old ps4 games. Plus I can sell my ps4 for some extra coin. Win win.
Re: Shawn Layden Explains Sony's Decision to Pull Out of E3 2019
I agree. These days who needs to be lost in a crowd of other games to be known. Why force early pr and expectations on somebody else's preset e3 date when you can share it when ever you want online for free and reach just as many people.
If Nintendo, Sony or MS announce a big new game will it be more well known if reported during E3 among 100 games instead any other day? No.
Heck, Apex proves you don't even need any pre hype at all. It's a new world out there.
Re: ANTHEM Launch Trailer Tries Its Best to Get the Hype Going
It's too bad that they most likely won't release the monetization scheme till after all the reviews come out. We really need to hold the reviewers to update their reviews when it is released.
Re: New ANTHEM Trailer Goes In-Depth on Endgame Activities, Loot, and How It Hopes to Keep You Playing
I didn't feel the game is ready yet. Lots of quality of life changes are needed from ui to map system. It was fun but I will wait 6 months to see how the content and micro transactions play out.
Re: See the Numerous Threats and Freaker Types in Latest Days Gone PS4 Trailer
I don't know what it is but I was hyped but more I see something feels off. Cant put my finger on why. Will keep a close eye on it after release, but definitely not an instabuy.
Re: You've Got to See This First-Person Shooter in Dreams
@RogerRoger Maybe if you make a good enough of a project one of the developer teams will see it and hire you for your potential. Keep dreaming big!
Re: Days Gone PS4 Pre-Order Bonuses and Special Editions Detailed
I was hyped at first but the more I see, for some reason, my gut is saying it's not going to be good. Hope I'm wrong.