Comments 162

Re: Of Course The Last of Us 2 Is Being Review Bombed


eh who gives a hoot about metacritic that site went to dog **** longtime ago...

may be someone should make game about it circle of salt, how we are getting salty about them review bombs who are salty about game for obvious reasons hence it goes on... circle of salt.. hey i am on to something may be i should pitch it for part 3 salt of druckmann & co.. its just salt nothing else. Tommy Wiseau in TLOU part 3 as salt...


Re: PS Vita Exclusive Persona 4 Golden Is Jumping to PC, No Word on PS4


some of the peeps above acting like oh no they are releasing exclusives to pc why bother with playstation of sorts. really ? this game is out back in 2008 game is now releasing on pc after 12 years, did it change anything you can play it again on pc you dont have to worry about backwards stuff every now and then once its on pc. besides sony is not stupid to release these exclusives on day one they will wait for 2 years min.

Re: Video: Find Out Which New PS4 Games Are Releasing in June 2020


idk about you guys but this year did not start good for us in here..we are on similar path but the covid-19 thing came in as diversion ....we had 2 months lockdown ***** is still going harder than ever yet gov is trying to open things up which will lead to more deaths.. no proper testing.. this will be the worst year in recent times.

Re: PS5 Reveal Event Scheduled for Thursday Has Been Postponed


@Makina you realize most of the media sites are from USA! if they went ahead with schedule they have to deal with PR disaster every media outlet be calling them out even though none of them speak against ***** going around the world it has to be ME ME its understandable given the nature of Americans they better delay..

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 325


completed mafia II definitive ed & downloaded The Witcher 1 enhanced edition on steam (replay) now this is the game i love most in series its bit outdated in terms of gameplay and visuals but boi the atmosphere,ost, story its all good.. i hope cd projekt remakes this game sometime in future. if you are fan of witcher 3 and never bothered with previous games you should give it a is free on if you subscribe to gog newsletter and system req are not high..

Re: Poll: How Much Do 'True' Gameplay Trailers Matter to You?


if we are being honest here i love cgi trailers even in 2020 always waited for one especially Assassin's creed series, Digic pictures did some quality work over years..and still does.

but when they say gameplay i want actual gameplay as the name says not some ingame cinematics... this is not first time either lot of publishers are doing this over years almost every e3 or game awards or vga before its same...