I believe this game will end up like Anthem. Almost 2 years after launch, they have since fixed most of the bugs but not the core mechanics of the game like the missions and content.
But they have promised a revamp of the entire game.
However, by the time this revamp is released in a few years' time, I think there will be barely any interest in the game left.
Will Cyberpunk 2077 also require 2+ years to improve the A.I., content and gameplay mechanics?
The bigger problem I think is the lack of attractive titles for PS5. Here in Singapore, the biggest market in Southeast Asia for gaming (and PS), the PS5 sold less than 2000 units since launch on Nov 19. That is due to both lack of stock allocation and also launch titles that many people I know were not interested in at all, including myself.
Superhero games like Spider-Man generally do not attract much attention in East Asia, unlike in the West where that title was considered a very anticipated launch game. Other launch games on PS5 are either shooters, racers, or very casual ones that cater more to Western tastes, since they either are set in Western countries, or feature Western actors/characters.
We prefer RPG and multiplayer games much more than singleplayer ones. And especially games that feature places, characters and art styles we are more familiar with. Games like Monster Hunter World sell very well here, because of the aesthetic, RPG elements, a fantasy style and multiplayer gameplay. Singleplayer games do not achieve high sales in East Asia.
Games with serious and/or political themes like Fallout or Cyberpunk also have low popularity. Games with more carefree attitudes and cuter graphics or don't take things too seriously are more popular, like Yakuza games.
The taste for PS games, PC games and Mobile games here are very similar. The most common and popular games are all multiplayer and RPG types, like MOBAs which combine both elements. On PC, the most popular game is League Of Legends, on Mobile it is Mobile Legends.
I don't really know anyone who say they prefer singleplayer over multiplayer. Social aspects in games is very important to East Asian gamers. Multiplayer music/dance games like Audition and HighStreet5 ruled the PC and mobile scene for almost 20 years and are still popular on mobile today.
The graphics are also very important. We do not like serious-looking characters or people. Western games tend to have characters that look too rough or aggressive, which does not appeal to us. We like soft and gentle-looking male and female characters, with warm attitudes. You can also see this contrast in beauty ideals and the features available in the most popular apps (SnapChat vs Meitu) in Western and East Asian countries respectively.
This is a major reason why more cartoonish graphics are more popular than realistic graphics. Personally, I prefer realistic graphics that retain a highly idealized or stylized look versus a completely photorealistic look, like Monster Hunter World style versus Last Of Us 2 style. Or Yakuza style versus GTA style, respectively.
On PS5 none of the launch titles attract me at all, except for Demon's Souls. I am very confident Japanese gamers also feel the same way, with lack of games that fit their taste, resulting in less popularity for PS over time as PS games become more Westernized. Even I am thinking of switching to PC gaming if this trend continues. I used to be an exclusively PC and Mobile gamer before becoming a PS-only gamer starting October 2017. But that may soon change.
Putting aside all bugs and glitches, the game is not good. Every part of the city looks the same, with no incentive to explore to find unique locations. Most of what you find will be shards, junk to sell or disassemble, or money. There are no special surprises that make you feel glad you explored.
Quests almost all take place within one small location like a multi-floor building, no travelling across the map on a wide-spanning adventure.
A.I. is non-existent. Enemies just rush towards you or stand there shooting at you without any tactics. NPCs do the same routine in the same spot from day to night. Police just spawn next to you if you commit a crime, you can see them pop up in front or behind of you. Races do not work because of no A.I. Rival cars teleport to catch up instead of driving to overtake you. If you stop driving they stop driving too or teleport in front of you.
All side content is just killing Enemies, fetching item or finding an item. There is nothing else to do. Main quests are just more elaborate and scripted but content is similar.
All guns feel the same, and melee too. It is very clunky and feels floaty because hits are hard to register when even you know you can't miss. A lot of clipping enemies and objects, sometimes even spawn inside one another so you have enemies with 2 heads or 4 arms and legs.
Ememies often get stuck in environment. I couldn't enter a room because an NPC I couldn't kill got stuck in the doorway with Talk option overriding the Open Door option.
Cars I summon do not have A.I. either. If another car blocks them, my car will just stay there 50 meters away stuck in that position instead of finding a way around and driving towards me autonomously. Sometimes my car I summon fall through the map after hitting another car. Switching camera view when driving takes 10 seconds or just doesn't work.
Answering calls sometimes require multiple presses of the button because inputs don't register or take 10 seconds to register. The settings in game reset to default on every start.
There is the illusion of choice in dialogue and quests because your choice doesn't really affect the game and are just meaningless. Prologue for Life Paths last 30 minutes and do not affect anything else after that. After Prologue there is a montage of various scenes which are actual gameplay segments cut out of the game. A minute of scenes you thought you would experience in the future but no, they are just there to show you what you supposedly did without letting you do it.
The world just feels very barren and lifeless like a game on rails. There is no autonomy in anything anyone does. It is all scripted in a very predictable way with no variation in behaviour. You can tell exactly how any enemy will behave the moment you start combat so there is no strategy at all.
My settings reset to default after patch 1.04 and this turned off my HDR which I had used since starting playing 15 hours ago. I can't believe this game looks so much richer in colours and detail with HDR off! Reflections are more vivid, surfaces look clearer and lights don't glow like the Sun anymore. HDR off is like playing in a different graphics engine! On PS4 Pro with HDR/FG/MB/CA/DoF/LF off it looks incredible at night! The disgusting muddy, blurry, washed-out look is gone! Everything is sharp and clear now. Also found out HDR in CP2077 is currently broken.
@Biolan found that the best way to deal with combat in this game is to focus heavily on combat quickhacks and smart weapons. Due to controller sensitivity being problematic in this game even with the best tweaking.
Once I got smart sniper, assault rifle and pistol, focus on those with headshot multiplier bonus and high base damage rather than DPS, install smart link cyberware and all your shots will home in on targets' heads without even needing to precisely aim, just get an enemy into your view and push up on stick to shift targeting to head. Makes combat almost effortless.
For combat quickhacks, get cyberdecks and perks that boost quickhack damage and duration. The best quickhacks are the Overheat (for organic enemies) and Short Circuit (for cyborgs and mecha) which covers all enemies, the remaining mod slots can be used for debuff and ping or anything else you like. Get decks with high base RAM and perks that boost ram and recovery rate.
Use quickhacks to start a battle by stealthily picking off enemies without being seen, and finish remaining enemies with smart weapons.
Makes game super easy on even higher difficulties.
@Kienda Digital Foundry did the PlayStation 4/Pro/5 analysis and found that CP2077 on PS5 has the exact same resolution and graphical quality as the PS4 Pro, the only difference is framerate of 20-30 on Pro and 50-60 on PS5.
@ILikeStake If you want to know what Nudity Censor On is like, just look at gameplay videos of the Japanese version, which has Nudity Censor permanently on. From what I've seen in Japanese version, there are:
1) No Breast Size Change option, 2) No Nipples shown, 3) No nipple change option, 4) No genitals shown, 5) No genital change option, 6) No pubic hair change option, 7) Bra and Panty as a permanent texture on all female playable and non-playable characters, and shorts on all males, 8) Dancer hologram in Lizzie Club has bra instead of pasties, 9) Milfguard billboard censored with black bar across breasts, 10) Billboards with fully bare buttocks covered with skirt or censor bar (like the one outside Lizzie Bar), 11) Nude and eviscerated corpse in the apartment in a prologue quest is completely covered with a plastic sheet, 12) Woman you save from tub is not nude but with bra and panty texture like all other females, 13) Prostitutes and Joytoys have no nudity and are covered with either permant textures or with other clothing, 14) No(?) Sex Scenes (this one I'm not sure)
Most of these censors in CP2077 were also present in Japanese version of Witcher 3. The same permanent textures on breasts and lower body.
The beginning of the video, like the scenes and especially the narrator and narration, suddenly reminds me very much of the intro to Animatrix: The Second Renaissance. I'm so hoping for a Matrix game one day!
Worms without destructible environments is boring. Most of Worms strategy utilises environment for killing enemies, like blowing up the ground under a Worm and letting it drown in the water
The most important thing is the look and feel of the ball. Without a good ball, there is no game. It is the star of the show, everyone comes to see the ball and chase the ball. The ball must look realistic, it must bounce with good energy and have a handsome appearance when being tossed.
@Jacko11 ship turn speed is a stat called maneuverability and the only way to change it is to use different ship like Interceptor with the fastest maneuverability or add engine components that increase it.
You should also mention the severe lack of PS4 players. The only way I can get into a match since launch day is to enable crossplay, but then 3-4 out of 5 players on each team are PC players. Haven't seen any Xbox players yet. Already at a disadvantage against PC players since they have better aim with mouse. In this game the targets are tiny because of vast distances between players so mouse has the precision needed to aim properly at those small and fast-moving targets like Interceptors and Fighters especially when they have high maneuverability and high flight speed.
Consoles are so outdated, in most games the controller buttons can't even be customized, instead there are preset configurations to choose instead of full customizability.
In PS4 audio volume, there are only 25 bars, with each bar changing 4% of the volume, and you have to literally count the bars to know what volume it is currently at. Why is there no % indicator and also why not allow users to change volume at 1% increments?
The O/X mapping is also stupid, forcing us to use what they want us to instead of allowing choice to choose. It is the most basic of customizability that is lacking!
Also, the Live From Playstation on my PS4 has been glitched for 5 months now without being fixed. The number of live broadcasts for games have ridiculous numbers or inaccurate numbers. It sometimes shows Fortnite having a million live broadcasts, while before the glitch the average would be between 8000 to 12000 at any one time. It also shows some games having hundreds of live broadcasts but when I check, there are fewer than 10 broadcasts live.
PS4 is so outdated and buggy I think the developers have given up on fixing it.
I much prefer O as Confirm and X as cancel for more practical reasons. I noticed that in certain games, if X is the system standard for Confirm, then in games it is usually the same, meaning O becomes jump/dodge. I remember playing Mortal Shell which released in East Asia. The game's controls were not adapted to Asian button mapping, where system standard is O for Confirm and X for Cancel. So Mortal Shell had X for Confirm and O became Dodge/Evade.
I grew up playing Dark Souls where O was Select and X was dodge. It is more intuitive because X is closer to right analog stick so it is easier to move the fingers for quick dodging and camera control. Playing Mortal Shell where O was dodge was so difficult for me I eventually gave up playing.
It's not just affecting Japan. In the whole of East Asia, even outside of Japan, the O is used to Confirm and X to cancel on PlayStation. So it is affecting many more players than just Japanese. We already have to deal with different games having different buttons for select/cancel because many of them are unoptimized for standard button mapping when released here in East Asia.
It won't look even close to this good on current generation consoles, which is why I will only play on PS5. The first experience for me is very important, when I play a highly-anticipated game like this, I want to have the best visual quality, audio quality and also the new haptic feedback on Dualsense controller. So I will wait until a PS5 version comes out.
It won't be the same as a PS4 upgraded version because the upgraded version on PS5 will still have the same game design as PS4 such as loading corridors even though there is no need for them but it's the same game just with backwards compatibility with some graphical and performance improvements.
However, a PS5 version designed specifically for next-gen will overhaul the game world design and get rid of many elements in the PS4 version due to technical limitations.
I would rather have a game that takes 5 years to make but has infinite replayability like Monster Hunter World or some other MMOs, especially MMORPGs of high quality that is constantly being expanded.
I only started playing console games in October 2017. My first and only console is PS4 Pro, and in all this time, I've never used the disc drive. All my games are bought and played digitally.
Here in Singapore, the cost of physical disc-based games is usually US$5-10 more expensive than the digital version due to the trouble for retailers importing for such a small market across the world from countries such as USA and Japan. The number of physical retail stores for console games is shrinking rapidly as well.
This makes sense, considering Singapore is the most networked country with the fastest internet speeds in the entire world. Most adults here buy digital; usually it's the kids without access to credit cards that buy physical.
Another thing is that only the very big-budget AAA titles make it to Singapore in physical form. Indie games or those from smaller developers won't be available in physical discs here. The number of physical games is miniscule at retail stores here compared to what I can find on the PSN store.
"This isn’t the first time this year that Sony’s censored a game, after it outright refused Omega Labyrinth Z’s release on the PS4 outside of Japan entirely."
This is also inaccurate; Omega Labyrinth Z was released physically and digitally with Chinese, Korean and Japanese versions throughout Region 3 (Southeast Asia, Taiwan, Hong Kong and South Korea).
I'm so excited for this game, it's similar to Second Life but although I played that game for almost a decade I never really felt comfortable with it since the ingame creation tools were crap and couldn't make anything look good, so almost everyone had to rely on external 3d design software which are expensive and take years to learn and master, then create stuff in those software and important assets into Second Life. Too user-unfriendly. Dreams should be an inspiration for Second Life to make creation games more simple and convenient to use, without needing to rely on external software. The only good things about Second Life are the open-world social system and that there are zero restrictions and censorship on what can be made and displayed. That is the only thing Dreams will not allow on PS4 due to Sony censoring adult content.
Seems like it may be a strategy base-building game similar to Fallout: Shelter, but obviously more detailed and in 3D and perhaps able to fight against other players' vaults in the online component.
The Chinese version of Yakuza 3 Remastered has been available for pre-order on my SEA store since a few days ago. No doubt the rest would come out of Japan after I saw that there.
I heard there will be 3 parts, if each takes 5 years to release, that will be PS6 by the time the final part of FF7 remake is out and half the development team would have turned senile from old age. Reminds me of James Cameron's Avatar sequels, he takes so long just to make one movie, he will most likely be dead before he finishes everything.
Definitely should have new maps and entire ecosystems and biospheres created for that map. With endemic creatures, small monsters, large monsters and Elder Dragons unique to the new maps.
Tried the Chinese demo when it came out on my store a few months ago, but strangely, the English demo never released here so I can't compare if they improved it or not.
On my Singapore PS Store for the English/Chinese/Korean version, the description doesn't mention any Heavy Rain inclusion or PSN avatars for the Deluxe Edition. There is also 1 Theme (didn't say Dynamic so it must be Static) not two. There is only a dynamic theme and no soundtrack for any preorder.
I can't imagine this games subscription service if implemented, in combination with the existing PS Plus subscription, would be attractive to people who have never owned a console to want to actually buy a console. As we can see over the past years, console and PC gaming are getting a smaller proportion of players compared to mobile gaming which has increasingly become more popular. Even though they have outrageous P2W microtransactions, vast majority are still free which is why mobile gaming is so popular (also people having shorter attention spans which I mentioned in another article). If consoles have these monetary barriers to entry and get more expensive over time, consoles will just lose out to both PC and Mobile gaming especially. Steam is free cloud save, no subscription to play online, and gaming computers are becoming cheaper too.
Can anyone elaborate on what this games subscription service means? Does a subscriber get to play any and all games on the store when they pay a fixed subscription rate? And when they stop subscribing, do they lose access to play all the games? What about save data, like if someone does not resubscribe, their saved data will be erased after a while? So basically no one gets to own games at all? Then what about physical copies on disc, are these the only games players truly own and all digital-only games must require a subscription to play?
@DLB3 Those who only get news through reading posts on social media are easily manipulated, no wonder the problem with fake news having huge impact these recent years. If people did more research or get their info from reliable sources instead of just from people reposting news on each other's feeds (which tends to get distorted over time) then fake news wouldn't have become as much of an issue.
There is also the problem of people jumping onto bandwagons nowadays when it comes to gaming. Look at how when a certain game becomes popular, it gets a massive surge in population due to the herd mentality where "my friends all play it, so I must play it too". And then developers join the party too by making clone games to cash in on the new gaming fads.
After a while, when certain popular streamers start playing a different game, and that game then becomes popular, everyone goes to that other game and the cycle repeats.
I think one of the main reasons is younger people having shorter attention spans. This can be seen across all entertainment mediums. Nowadays the younger generation prefer reading short news on social media rather than lengthy ones in newspapers, whether digital or on print; they prefer watching anime rather than reading manga, which is part of the "not interested in reading books" trend due to wanting more passive and quicker forms of entertainment; playing short multiplayer matches rather than long story-based SP games; the rapid shift towards mobile gaming over PC and Console gaming and the proliferation of spending on microtransactions over grinding due to wanting instant gratification.
Older gamers like myself still remember spending hours reading the thick game manuals that come in those huge game boxes, but the younger gamers nowadays don't even read the short tutorials in games and just jump right in without knowing anything. Then they go online to read guides for a quick solution instead of trying harder to overcome an obstacle on their own.
These "Lets Play" Youtubers and Streamers also have to be blamed. Because many of them play games as a job, they have to get through games as quickly as possible, also they get games free from the developers so they don't have as much of an incentive to play it properly and fully and just rush through the game. People who only watch single player games through these Lets Plays lose interest or don't develop an interest because they think SP games are boring since these steamers only do the bare minimum to get through the game ASAP then move on to other games, hence not being able to show off many of the game mechanics and features outside of the main story line.
Ironically, even though people are less busy nowadays and having more time for themselves due to increased AI capability taking over repetitive labor in the workplace, people are having shorter tolerances for entertainement that is not quick, simple and offer relatively faster reward gains.
@Deadlyblack Yakuza 0 is also the only single player game in the last 4 years which I've spent more than 50 hours on. Most games bore me after 20-30 hours but I completed Yakuza 0 in 120 hours and still wanted to play more.
I prefer how the minigames are more high-tech now since it's set in recent years unlike the 1988 Yakuza 0 setting where they were mostly board games and took so long to learn and get good.
I already know it's going to be amazing and I'm always excited to see more post-modern/near-future settings in games, especially since these can be creative predictions of what kind of future we can look forward to in our lifetimes.
Comments 49
Re: Despite Delisting, CDPR Promises Cyberpunk 2077 Players Will Still Receive Patches on PS5, PS4
I believe this game will end up like Anthem. Almost 2 years after launch, they have since fixed most of the bugs but not the core mechanics of the game like the missions and content.
But they have promised a revamp of the entire game.
However, by the time this revamp is released in a few years' time, I think there will be barely any interest in the game left.
Will Cyberpunk 2077 also require 2+ years to improve the A.I., content and gameplay mechanics?
Re: Sony Removes Cyberpunk 2077 from PS Store, Pledges Refunds for All PS Store Purchases
I am getting Access Denied and unable to load or enter the link even when switching the address to my region PSN.
Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Sells 104,687 Copies At Launch in Japan
The bigger problem I think is the lack of attractive titles for PS5. Here in Singapore, the biggest market in Southeast Asia for gaming (and PS), the PS5 sold less than 2000 units since launch on Nov 19. That is due to both lack of stock allocation and also launch titles that many people I know were not interested in at all, including myself.
Superhero games like Spider-Man generally do not attract much attention in East Asia, unlike in the West where that title was considered a very anticipated launch game. Other launch games on PS5 are either shooters, racers, or very casual ones that cater more to Western tastes, since they either are set in Western countries, or feature Western actors/characters.
We prefer RPG and multiplayer games much more than singleplayer ones. And especially games that feature places, characters and art styles we are more familiar with. Games like Monster Hunter World sell very well here, because of the aesthetic, RPG elements, a fantasy style and multiplayer gameplay. Singleplayer games do not achieve high sales in East Asia.
Games with serious and/or political themes like Fallout or Cyberpunk also have low popularity. Games with more carefree attitudes and cuter graphics or don't take things too seriously are more popular, like Yakuza games.
The taste for PS games, PC games and Mobile games here are very similar. The most common and popular games are all multiplayer and RPG types, like MOBAs which combine both elements. On PC, the most popular game is League Of Legends, on Mobile it is Mobile Legends.
I don't really know anyone who say they prefer singleplayer over multiplayer. Social aspects in games is very important to East Asian gamers. Multiplayer music/dance games like Audition and HighStreet5 ruled the PC and mobile scene for almost 20 years and are still popular on mobile today.
The graphics are also very important. We do not like serious-looking characters or people. Western games tend to have characters that look too rough or aggressive, which does not appeal to us. We like soft and gentle-looking male and female characters, with warm attitudes. You can also see this contrast in beauty ideals and the features available in the most popular apps (SnapChat vs Meitu) in Western and East Asian countries respectively.
This is a major reason why more cartoonish graphics are more popular than realistic graphics. Personally, I prefer realistic graphics that retain a highly idealized or stylized look versus a completely photorealistic look, like Monster Hunter World style versus Last Of Us 2 style. Or Yakuza style versus GTA style, respectively.
On PS5 none of the launch titles attract me at all, except for Demon's Souls. I am very confident Japanese gamers also feel the same way, with lack of games that fit their taste, resulting in less popularity for PS over time as PS games become more Westernized. Even I am thinking of switching to PC gaming if this trend continues. I used to be an exclusively PC and Mobile gamer before becoming a PS-only gamer starting October 2017. But that may soon change.
Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Aiming to Be a 'Playable, Stable Game without Glitches and Crashes'
Putting aside all bugs and glitches, the game is not good. Every part of the city looks the same, with no incentive to explore to find unique locations. Most of what you find will be shards, junk to sell or disassemble, or money. There are no special surprises that make you feel glad you explored.
Quests almost all take place within one small location like a multi-floor building, no travelling across the map on a wide-spanning adventure.
A.I. is non-existent. Enemies just rush towards you or stand there shooting at you without any tactics. NPCs do the same routine in the same spot from day to night. Police just spawn next to you if you commit a crime, you can see them pop up in front or behind of you. Races do not work because of no A.I. Rival cars teleport to catch up instead of driving to overtake you. If you stop driving they stop driving too or teleport in front of you.
All side content is just killing Enemies, fetching item or finding an item. There is nothing else to do. Main quests are just more elaborate and scripted but content is similar.
All guns feel the same, and melee too. It is very clunky and feels floaty because hits are hard to register when even you know you can't miss. A lot of clipping enemies and objects, sometimes even spawn inside one another so you have enemies with 2 heads or 4 arms and legs.
Ememies often get stuck in environment. I couldn't enter a room because an NPC I couldn't kill got stuck in the doorway with Talk option overriding the Open Door option.
Cars I summon do not have A.I. either. If another car blocks them, my car will just stay there 50 meters away stuck in that position instead of finding a way around and driving towards me autonomously. Sometimes my car I summon fall through the map after hitting another car. Switching camera view when driving takes 10 seconds or just doesn't work.
Answering calls sometimes require multiple presses of the button because inputs don't register or take 10 seconds to register. The settings in game reset to default on every start.
There is the illusion of choice in dialogue and quests because your choice doesn't really affect the game and are just meaningless. Prologue for Life Paths last 30 minutes and do not affect anything else after that. After Prologue there is a montage of various scenes which are actual gameplay segments cut out of the game. A minute of scenes you thought you would experience in the future but no, they are just there to show you what you supposedly did without letting you do it.
The world just feels very barren and lifeless like a game on rails. There is no autonomy in anything anyone does. It is all scripted in a very predictable way with no variation in behaviour. You can tell exactly how any enemy will behave the moment you start combat so there is no strategy at all.
Re: Capcom Shares Three New Resident Evil Village Screenshots
The checkerboarding in pixels is very obvious in the hair
Re: How to Make Cyberpunk 2077 Look Better on PS5, PS4
My settings reset to default after patch 1.04 and this turned off my HDR which I had used since starting playing 15 hours ago. I can't believe this game looks so much richer in colours and detail with HDR off! Reflections are more vivid, surfaces look clearer and lights don't glow like the Sun anymore. HDR off is like playing in a different graphics engine! On PS4 Pro with HDR/FG/MB/CA/DoF/LF off it looks incredible at night! The disgusting muddy, blurry, washed-out look is gone! Everything is sharp and clear now. Also found out HDR in CP2077 is currently broken.
Re: Cyberpunk 2077 (PS4) - The Potential of a Masterpiece, Totally and Utterly Unrealised
@ILikeStake yes, very surprised to see same levels of violence and dismemberment, which usually gets censored
Re: Cyberpunk 2077 (PS4) - The Potential of a Masterpiece, Totally and Utterly Unrealised
@Biolan found that the best way to deal with combat in this game is to focus heavily on combat quickhacks and smart weapons. Due to controller sensitivity being problematic in this game even with the best tweaking.
Once I got smart sniper, assault rifle and pistol, focus on those with headshot multiplier bonus and high base damage rather than DPS, install smart link cyberware and all your shots will home in on targets' heads without even needing to precisely aim, just get an enemy into your view and push up on stick to shift targeting to head. Makes combat almost effortless.
For combat quickhacks, get cyberdecks and perks that boost quickhack damage and duration. The best quickhacks are the Overheat (for organic enemies) and Short Circuit (for cyborgs and mecha) which covers all enemies, the remaining mod slots can be used for debuff and ping or anything else you like. Get decks with high base RAM and perks that boost ram and recovery rate.
Use quickhacks to start a battle by stealthily picking off enemies without being seen, and finish remaining enemies with smart weapons.
Makes game super easy on even higher difficulties.
Re: Cyberpunk 2077 on PS4 Is Being Slaughtered By Metacritic Users
@Kienda Digital Foundry did the PlayStation 4/Pro/5 analysis and found that CP2077 on PS5 has the exact same resolution and graphical quality as the PS4 Pro, the only difference is framerate of 20-30 on Pro and 50-60 on PS5.
Re: Cyberpunk 2077 (PS4) - The Potential of a Masterpiece, Totally and Utterly Unrealised
@ILikeStake If you want to know what Nudity Censor On is like, just look at gameplay videos of the Japanese version, which has Nudity Censor permanently on. From what I've seen in Japanese version, there are:
1) No Breast Size Change option,
2) No Nipples shown,
3) No nipple change option,
4) No genitals shown,
5) No genital change option,
6) No pubic hair change option,
7) Bra and Panty as a permanent texture on all female playable and non-playable characters, and shorts on all males,
8) Dancer hologram in Lizzie Club has bra instead of pasties,
9) Milfguard billboard censored with black bar across breasts,
10) Billboards with fully bare buttocks covered with skirt or censor bar (like the one outside Lizzie Bar),
11) Nude and eviscerated corpse in the apartment in a prologue quest is completely covered with a plastic sheet,
12) Woman you save from tub is not nude but with bra and panty texture like all other females, 13) Prostitutes and Joytoys have no nudity and are covered with either permant textures or with other clothing,
14) No(?) Sex Scenes (this one I'm not sure)
Most of these censors in CP2077 were also present in Japanese version of Witcher 3. The same permanent textures on breasts and lower body.
Re: Mini Review: Ray's the Dead - A Flawed But Novel Zombie Adventure
I waited for this game for almost a decade. Now it's released, I'm not even interested anymore.
Re: Dress to Impress in Cyberpunk 2077
The beginning of the video, like the scenes and especially the narrator and narration, suddenly reminds me very much of the intro to Animatrix: The Second Renaissance. I'm so hoping for a Matrix game one day!
Re: Monster Hunter Movie Trailer May Bemuse Franchise Fans
Now people who never heard of Monster Hunter will think it's a lame game.
Re: Yakuza: Like a Dragon's Yokohama Map Is Bloody Huge
Does not look bigger, just less dense. It's like a zoomed-in version of Kamurocho.
Re: These Are the PS4 Games That Won't Play on PS5
Doesn't matter because none of those games are on PS4 for my region.
Re: Worms Rumble Brings Real Time Mayhem to PS5, PS4 in December, Open Beta Announced
Worms without destructible environments is boring. Most of Worms strategy utilises environment for killing enemies, like blowing up the ground under a Worm and letting it drown in the water
Re: NBA 2K21 on PS4 Is a Great Looking Game, But This PS5 Comparison Is Insane
The most important thing is the look and feel of the ball. Without a good ball, there is no game. It is the star of the show, everyone comes to see the ball and chase the ball. The ball must look realistic, it must bounce with good energy and have a handsome appearance when being tossed.
Re: Star Wars: Squadrons - This Might Not Be the Game You're Looking For
@Jacko11 ship turn speed is a stat called maneuverability and the only way to change it is to use different ship like Interceptor with the fastest maneuverability or add engine components that increase it.
Re: Star Wars: Squadrons - This Might Not Be the Game You're Looking For
You should also mention the severe lack of PS4 players. The only way I can get into a match since launch day is to enable crossplay, but then 3-4 out of 5 players on each team are PC players. Haven't seen any Xbox players yet. Already at a disadvantage against PC players since they have better aim with mouse. In this game the targets are tiny because of vast distances between players so mouse has the precision needed to aim properly at those small and fast-moving targets like Interceptors and Fighters especially when they have high maneuverability and high flight speed.
Re: Sony Abandons Decades-Old Japanese Controller Logic for PS5
Consoles are so outdated, in most games the controller buttons can't even be customized, instead there are preset configurations to choose instead of full customizability.
In PS4 audio volume, there are only 25 bars, with each bar changing 4% of the volume, and you have to literally count the bars to know what volume it is currently at. Why is there no % indicator and also why not allow users to change volume at 1% increments?
The O/X mapping is also stupid, forcing us to use what they want us to instead of allowing choice to choose. It is the most basic of customizability that is lacking!
Also, the Live From Playstation on my PS4 has been glitched for 5 months now without being fixed. The number of live broadcasts for games have ridiculous numbers or inaccurate numbers. It sometimes shows Fortnite having a million live broadcasts, while before the glitch the average would be between 8000 to 12000 at any one time. It also shows some games having hundreds of live broadcasts but when I check, there are fewer than 10 broadcasts live.
PS4 is so outdated and buggy I think the developers have given up on fixing it.
Re: Sony Abandons Decades-Old Japanese Controller Logic for PS5
I much prefer O as Confirm and X as cancel for more practical reasons. I noticed that in certain games, if X is the system standard for Confirm, then in games it is usually the same, meaning O becomes jump/dodge. I remember playing Mortal Shell which released in East Asia. The game's controls were not adapted to Asian button mapping, where system standard is O for Confirm and X for Cancel. So Mortal Shell had X for Confirm and O became Dodge/Evade.
I grew up playing Dark Souls where O was Select and X was dodge. It is more intuitive because X is closer to right analog stick so it is easier to move the fingers for quick dodging and camera control. Playing Mortal Shell where O was dodge was so difficult for me I eventually gave up playing.
Re: Sony Abandons Decades-Old Japanese Controller Logic for PS5
It's not just affecting Japan. In the whole of East Asia, even outside of Japan, the O is used to Confirm and X to cancel on PlayStation. So it is affecting many more players than just Japanese. We already have to deal with different games having different buttons for select/cancel because many of them are unoptimized for standard button mapping when released here in East Asia.
Re: Gallery: Cyberpunk 2077 Screenshots Are Stunning, But How Will It Look on PS4?
It won't look even close to this good on current generation consoles, which is why I will only play on PS5. The first experience for me is very important, when I play a highly-anticipated game like this, I want to have the best visual quality, audio quality and also the new haptic feedback on Dualsense controller. So I will wait until a PS5 version comes out.
It won't be the same as a PS4 upgraded version because the upgraded version on PS5 will still have the same game design as PS4 such as loading corridors even though there is no need for them but it's the same game just with backwards compatibility with some graphical and performance improvements.
However, a PS5 version designed specifically for next-gen will overhaul the game world design and get rid of many elements in the PS4 version due to technical limitations.
Re: Ex-PlayStation Boss Wants to See 15 Hour AAA Titles Return
I would rather have a game that takes 5 years to make but has infinite replayability like Monster Hunter World or some other MMOs, especially MMORPGs of high quality that is constantly being expanded.
Re: Report: PS5's Price Could Be $50 Cheaper if You Go for the Digital Edition
I only started playing console games in October 2017. My first and only console is PS4 Pro, and in all this time, I've never used the disc drive. All my games are bought and played digitally.
Here in Singapore, the cost of physical disc-based games is usually US$5-10 more expensive than the digital version due to the trouble for retailers importing for such a small market across the world from countries such as USA and Japan. The number of physical retail stores for console games is shrinking rapidly as well.
This makes sense, considering Singapore is the most networked country with the fastest internet speeds in the entire world. Most adults here buy digital; usually it's the kids without access to credit cards that buy physical.
Another thing is that only the very big-budget AAA titles make it to Singapore in physical form. Indie games or those from smaller developers won't be available in physical discs here. The number of physical games is miniscule at retail stores here compared to what I can find on the PSN store.
Re: Sony Seemingly Censors Controversial Senran Kagura Mode
"This isn’t the first time this year that Sony’s censored a game, after it outright refused Omega Labyrinth Z’s release on the PS4 outside of Japan entirely."
This is also inaccurate; Omega Labyrinth Z was released physically and digitally with Chinese, Korean and Japanese versions throughout Region 3 (Southeast Asia, Taiwan, Hong Kong and South Korea).
Re: Media Molecule's Dreams Is Absurdly Innovative
I'm so excited for this game, it's similar to Second Life but although I played that game for almost a decade I never really felt comfortable with it since the ingame creation tools were crap and couldn't make anything look good, so almost everyone had to rely on external 3d design software which are expensive and take years to learn and master, then create stuff in those software and important assets into Second Life. Too user-unfriendly. Dreams should be an inspiration for Second Life to make creation games more simple and convenient to use, without needing to rely on external software. The only good things about Second Life are the open-world social system and that there are zero restrictions and censorship on what can be made and displayed. That is the only thing Dreams will not allow on PS4 due to Sony censoring adult content.
Re: Fallout 76 Announced, Teaser Trailer Released
Seems like it may be a strategy base-building game similar to Fallout: Shelter, but obviously more detailed and in 3D and perhaps able to fight against other players' vaults in the online component.
Re: Sounds Like the Yakuza 3, 4, and 5 PS4 Remasters Will Head West After All
The Chinese version of Yakuza 3 Remastered has been available for pre-order on my SEA store since a few days ago. No doubt the rest would come out of Japan after I saw that there.
Re: Devil May Cry Inspired Lost Soul Aside Thrills on PS4 Pro
It brings back memories of playing Noctis and spamming warpstrikes with my sword in FF15
Re: Yakuza 6 Demo Coming Back to PS4 Following Full Release Fumble
The English version of Yakuza 6 full game has just released in all Southeast Asian PS Stores!
I was so surprised when I saw it there since I thought it was supposed to be out in April!
Strange that there was no preorder unlike the Chinese version. It just appeared out of nowhere.
Immediately bought it and downloading now!
Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake Sounds Like It's Still a Very Long Way Off
I heard there will be 3 parts, if each takes 5 years to release, that will be PS6 by the time the final part of FF7 remake is out and half the development team would have turned senile from old age. Reminds me of James Cameron's Avatar sequels, he takes so long just to make one movie, he will most likely be dead before he finishes everything.
Re: Guide: Can You Play A Way Out in Single Player on PS4?
Is there no playing with randoms through matchmaking?
Re: Capcom Livestream Will Share Monster Hunter: World News and Updates Next Week
Definitely should have new maps and entire ecosystems and biospheres created for that map. With endemic creatures, small monsters, large monsters and Elder Dragons unique to the new maps.
Re: Japanese Sales Charts: Even Dragon Quest Can't Knock Monster Hunter: World Off the Top
In the 20 years I have been gaming, there are only 5 games I have played for more than 200 hours:
Monster Hunter World
Killing Floor 2
Warcraft 3 (and Frozen Throne)
Starcraft (and Brood War)
Diablo 2 (and Lord Of Destruction)
All of them have good replayability which is the most important thing for me.
Re: Rumour: Geralt from The Witcher Could Guest Star in an Upcoming Game
What if we could play Witcher game inside a gaming device within the game world of Cyberpunk. A game within a game like the Yakuza minigames.
Re: Hands On: Yakuza 6 PS4 Demo Promises Big Changes for Kiryu's Final Adventure
Tried the Chinese demo when it came out on my store a few months ago, but strangely, the English demo never released here so I can't compare if they improved it or not.
Re: Super Seducer, the Game About Getting Laid, Hits on PS4
I would buy if it was a game about Shimiken and his adventures in the JAV industry.
Re: Pre-Order Detroit for Instant Access to Heavy Rain PS4
On my Singapore PS Store for the English/Chinese/Korean version, the description doesn't mention any Heavy Rain inclusion or PSN avatars for the Deluxe Edition. There is also 1 Theme (didn't say Dynamic so it must be Static) not two. There is only a dynamic theme and no soundtrack for any preorder.
Took some screenshots:
Re: Talking Point: Could Microsoft's Xbox Game Pass Model Work on PS4?
@BAMozzy So it is exactly like the Free Games section for the PS Plus but with many more games. Thanks for explaining.
Re: Talking Point: Could Microsoft's Xbox Game Pass Model Work on PS4?
I can't imagine this games subscription service if implemented, in combination with the existing PS Plus subscription, would be attractive to people who have never owned a console to want to actually buy a console. As we can see over the past years, console and PC gaming are getting a smaller proportion of players compared to mobile gaming which has increasingly become more popular. Even though they have outrageous P2W microtransactions, vast majority are still free which is why mobile gaming is so popular (also people having shorter attention spans which I mentioned in another article). If consoles have these monetary barriers to entry and get more expensive over time, consoles will just lose out to both PC and Mobile gaming especially. Steam is free cloud save, no subscription to play online, and gaming computers are becoming cheaper too.
Re: Talking Point: Could Microsoft's Xbox Game Pass Model Work on PS4?
Can anyone elaborate on what this games subscription service means? Does a subscriber get to play any and all games on the store when they pay a fixed subscription rate? And when they stop subscribing, do they lose access to play all the games? What about save data, like if someone does not resubscribe, their saved data will be erased after a while? So basically no one gets to own games at all? Then what about physical copies on disc, are these the only games players truly own and all digital-only games must require a subscription to play?
Re: 'People Ask for Story-Based Games, But Don't Necessarily Buy Them'
@DLB3 Those who only get news through reading posts on social media are easily manipulated, no wonder the problem with fake news having huge impact these recent years. If people did more research or get their info from reliable sources instead of just from people reposting news on each other's feeds (which tends to get distorted over time) then fake news wouldn't have become as much of an issue.
There is also the problem of people jumping onto bandwagons nowadays when it comes to gaming. Look at how when a certain game becomes popular, it gets a massive surge in population due to the herd mentality where "my friends all play it, so I must play it too". And then developers join the party too by making clone games to cash in on the new gaming fads.
After a while, when certain popular streamers start playing a different game, and that game then becomes popular, everyone goes to that other game and the cycle repeats.
Re: 'People Ask for Story-Based Games, But Don't Necessarily Buy Them'
I think one of the main reasons is younger people having shorter attention spans. This can be seen across all entertainment mediums. Nowadays the younger generation prefer reading short news on social media rather than lengthy ones in newspapers, whether digital or on print; they prefer watching anime rather than reading manga, which is part of the "not interested in reading books" trend due to wanting more passive and quicker forms of entertainment; playing short multiplayer matches rather than long story-based SP games; the rapid shift towards mobile gaming over PC and Console gaming and the proliferation of spending on microtransactions over grinding due to wanting instant gratification.
Older gamers like myself still remember spending hours reading the thick game manuals that come in those huge game boxes, but the younger gamers nowadays don't even read the short tutorials in games and just jump right in without knowing anything. Then they go online to read guides for a quick solution instead of trying harder to overcome an obstacle on their own.
These "Lets Play" Youtubers and Streamers also have to be blamed. Because many of them play games as a job, they have to get through games as quickly as possible, also they get games free from the developers so they don't have as much of an incentive to play it properly and fully and just rush through the game. People who only watch single player games through these Lets Plays lose interest or don't develop an interest because they think SP games are boring since these steamers only do the bare minimum to get through the game ASAP then move on to other games, hence not being able to show off many of the game mechanics and features outside of the main story line.
Ironically, even though people are less busy nowadays and having more time for themselves due to increased AI capability taking over repetitive labor in the workplace, people are having shorter tolerances for entertainement that is not quick, simple and offer relatively faster reward gains.
Re: Granblue Fantasy Is Probably the Most Promising PS4 Exclusive You've Never Heard Of
0:38-0:42 those are some adorable little plushie children 😄
Re: New Trailer for Yakuza 6 Highlights Typically Excellent Minigames
@Deadlyblack Yakuza 0 is also the only single player game in the last 4 years which I've spent more than 50 hours on. Most games bore me after 20-30 hours but I completed Yakuza 0 in 120 hours and still wanted to play more.
Re: New Trailer for Yakuza 6 Highlights Typically Excellent Minigames
I prefer how the minigames are more high-tech now since it's set in recent years unlike the 1988 Yakuza 0 setting where they were mostly board games and took so long to learn and get good.
Re: Rumour: Cyberpunk 2077 Will Be Shown in Detail at E3 2018
I already know it's going to be amazing and I'm always excited to see more post-modern/near-future settings in games, especially since these can be creative predictions of what kind of future we can look forward to in our lifetimes.
Re: Fortnite Battle Royale Passes 40 Million Total Players
And that's just the player count in NA, EU and Aus/NZ. It's still not yet released (probably never will) in other countries on console and PC.