Comments 476

Re: Persona 5 Ultimate Edition Hits the PlayStation Store Today at an Outrageous Price


Oh and i think from the looks of things they have a deal with Sony on making Persona Anime A1 pictures i think is owned by Sony.

Don't quote me but i think it was a year back when one of the devs said They make mainline Persona games for Sony and Sony makes anime and other stuff for them i really don't remember that too well but it was something like that.

Re: Persona 5 Ultimate Edition Hits the PlayStation Store Today at an Outrageous Price


Yeah i know which thing are you talking about that statement came from Atlus Usa not Atlus Jpn correct?
That part of the company from my knowledge doesn't have any right to even begin thinking to create a port on a another Platform without Atlus Japan Approval and it's all up to Jpn side to create a port because USA section is only for dubbing and Subbing their games and outsourcing to retailers and stuff like that they don't have any hold on where the game is being made.

And Couple of Months back didn't Sega and Atlus confirm it's only on PS3/PS4

Re: Persona 5 Ultimate Edition Hits the PlayStation Store Today at an Outrageous Price


Heh yeah that's the thing our IP is better then anyone else's so we can charge how much we want.
Just like Iphones and their prices but the biggest problem here is not them setting those prices it's people buying those games that's the problem.
And yeah Lol Street Fighter 2 was selling for 40$ on switch and people still bought that lmao.

Yeah i get what you are saying but IP brand is all in it's self the biggest factor let's not forget Atlus doesn't care that much About Rest of the world they care about only Japan and in Japan these things are not that surprising.
You should see how much Anime is Being Priced at this is nothing.

Re: Persona 5 Ultimate Edition Hits the PlayStation Store Today at an Outrageous Price


Aaa ok I got a different Vibe from his text.
I thought he said Nintendo Knows the worth of Their Games and worth Of their IP's so they know people will buy them which is Apparently true from the the amount of games that they have sold,and in the end there is no reason for them to slash the prices in a few months.

I don't get that Switch Tax isn't that only for Physical Games like 10% higher because of Cartridge Production costs more or something like that.

Re: Star Wars Battlefront 2's Single Player Certainly Makes for a Great Trailer


I like how they let Dice create Single Player campaign even thought Dice's in most games Single Player portion sucks the chrome of a 57 chevy bumper compared to their Online Part.
But Visceral who can create Amazing Single Player based stories but sucks at making Multiplayer(Hardline) games was shut down.

And I'm here just....wut.

Re: There Will Be People Who Think This Sonic Forces Gameplay Is Good


Lol I don't know what's worse people raising their pitchforks and axes being insulted by a joke article
or @get2sammyb thinking Sonic was ever good there is no such thing as good sonic game (except sonic 2)
And i have a Question Are Sonic's arms blue this time and will I be able to play as Sonichu this time.

Re: Xbox Boss Isn't Optimistic About Sony Changing Its Cross-Platform Play Policy


Funny thing is when I look at it now Sony even has better Multiplayer then Microsoft they are even destroying them at that and Microsoft was the best at Multiplayer based experience.

And plus now we are getting 10x better Plus games then Xbox Gamers and plus ton of more exclusives, infinetly better deals,sales etc i would say they really are for the gamers (For Playstation gamers that is because in the end those matter the most for Sony)

Re: PUBG PS4 Discussions Taking Place Between Bluehole and Sony


Don't know what to think tbh on one hand cool more people get to play but this is setting some dangerous precedent a game that is in early access and it costs 30$ and is filled with microtransactions is a bad sign where the industry is heading.
But take it how you will I'm not a fan where this is going with this early access games.

Re: Sony Has a Smartphone App Smash Hit That Few Realise


Of course i use to remember this game making a milion a day back in it's prime(maybe it still does)...when Pokemon Go was the craze this game was bigger in Japan...Fate is one of the biggest mobile games right now and it's no wonder we have Fate/Apocrypha fate Haven's feel movies coming out.

Re: Soapbox: Open World OCD - How Too Much Content Can Ruin a Game


I love that there is content but add a little variety to the side quests pls don't be like Metal Gear 5 Phantom Pain 156 sidequests almost all of them were to capture a soldier or something.

Best Open game for me is Gravity Rush 2 it doesn't have content as witcher or other Open world games but that game is so good on it's own right.

Re: Destiny 2 Butchers Shaders for the Sake of Microtransactions


That answer right there is why I say that the biggest problem is when people say don't buy it that's not the point if i give 60$ for a game i expect everything to be there,not microtransactions that are becoming so intrusive it's insane.

And if you want for microtransactions to be there then all the game should be F2p because Destiny 2 right now is not worth 60$ and all of us already know that there will be 6-7 parts of dlc content so buying games is not viable anymore since you don't get anything anymore all a guy that can do now is wait for few years for GOTY or Complete version of the game to come out and buy it (if there are any players left by then to play with)

Re: Destiny 2 Butchers Shaders for the Sake of Microtransactions


I find it sad that people say it doesn't matter or it's not a big deal,imo because of people like that gaming is in this trouble that it is now with microtranactions instead of boycotting this devs and microtransactions people aren't doing anything what's even worse is the attitude of “if you don’t like it, don’t buy it” has risen to astonishing levels among the gaming community,but that's not the point though and publishers know this.

The fact is that when you pay for a product, you should get that product. You don’t buy a car then pay extra to get the tyres inflated as an optional extra
You don’t watch a movie, only to have a character scene taken out because “it’s not essential”.
Games as a medium are built on making the experience your own. What separates games from movies is the fact that you can experience a game how you choose. By saying that these customisable options aren’t essential, you’re effectively undermining the point of video games.

At the end of it all if we don't do another gamergate against the devs this time,they will never listen and we will be getting games that that have more cut content and later re released as dlc or microtransactions...Pick your poison