Comments 352

Re: FIFA Enters New 'Long-Term' Partnership with Liverpool FC


One of the best things that could happen to sports games would be taking away exclusive licenses. The reason EA keep shoveling out this micro-transaction yearly trash tricking fans into buying is because they have no competition. Every sports fan I know is going to buy the football game with the actual teams over the one with made up teams.

EA is the master company of just not quite sucking enough to actually kill their sales. They don't have to put any real effort into their products when they have all the official teams and player rosters.

And all yearly sports games are obsolete. In the era of DLC and internet downloaded updates, there is absolutely no reason to release a new one every year. No reason aside from EA loving the money people burn on them.

I remember around 2009 when I was in high school, the local game store put up a sign saying they would not take sports games for trade in that were older than one year. I remember seeing their dumpster full of old copies from the previous 8 years.

Re: PS Vita's Not Quite Done Yet, Despite Reports to the Contrary


The Vita was really cool. But it was also kind of a seriously missed opportunity. I feel like Sony totally failed to push it in the west. The only thing that got worse advertising than the Vita was the Wii U. In college I knew 2 people who had Vita and like dozens of people with 3DS. And the people I saw with Vita were usually just using them as MP3 players.

But it's really cool little machine that really deserved better.

Sony should revive their gaming phone idea they had back in the day. A Vita phone would be hella cool! I'd gladly trade my Galaxy for a Vita phone!

Re: Guide: How Much Will the PS5 Cost?


@Flaming_Kaiser How many people will still have PS3 games?! lol. A LOT OF PEOPLE. Having PS3 backwards compatibility would be a huge selling point that a lot more people would actually be able to use and enjoy. Unlike 8K and hard drive speeds which are nothing but fluff. Even the most demanding games on PS4 rarely have loading times beyond half a minute. Sure the SSD will be nice and way faster... but ultimately it wont be that big of a deal. And 8K is a joke. Totally unnecessary. Almost no one has an 8K TV yet because they are hardly better than 4K, which most people still don't have. The average consumer definitely still has 1080p or even 720p.

Re: Guide: How Much Will the PS5 Cost?


From what we know about the PS5 so far. I am not interested in purchasing it. A PS4 with better graphics and faster load times... Meh. That's why I didn't upgrade to the PS4 Pro.

Now if PS5 features backwards compatibility all the way to PS3, meaning I could buy a PS5 and then put both my PS4 and PS3 into the closet... Now that would be pretty nice!

Re: Feature: Which Studios Could Sony Realistically Acquire?


I'm not gonna lie, I don't like seeing 3rd party studios get bought by first parties. That might be good for that first party, but it is bad for consumers.

The only time I like it, is when the choice is between a company failing or being bought out. So if a studio were struggling financially or had some other problem, I'd like a successful first party to buy them, but otherwise no, please stay 3rd party and release games on as many platforms as is realistic.

Re: EA Believes Loot Boxes Are Ethical, Deems Them Surprise Mechanics


Loot boxes are much like packs of trading cards. False rarity created to make money. It's a practice that goes back decades.

It goes back because it works. People do like opening that pack and finding the card the want, or opening the loot box and getting the skin they want.

But do we honestly like having to buy things this way? For me, no. When I played Pokemon and other card games I quickly gave up on buying booster packs. I would just order the cards I needed online or buy them individually in stores. And I hated having to do that almost as much as buying an entire box, opening 30 packs and not getting the cards I needed to build my deck.

It was largely for that reason I quit card games aside from Hearthstone. Because at least HS allows you to turn unwanted cards into a currency you can use to obtain the ones you need.

I don't like packs of trading cards as a system and I don't like loot boxes. But they persist because we are not given an alternative. Companies who use them do not provide an alternative. I can't go to Pokemon's website and order a Charizard. I can't go to Blizzard and order a golden Sylvanas, I can't go to EA and just buy the players I want. Even though they are all in the game. I can't buy them or unlock them. They force us to use their randomized system.

Because it benefits them. And since it is profitable, they aren't going to stop unless we force them to by law.

Re: PS5 Is 'Hard to Get Excited About', Says Platinum Boss


@Porco Sony was hardly the first company to do VR. They added a function that was already becoming popular elsewhere. I give Sony plenty of credit for doing what they do well, very well. But they don't innovate.

Innovation is doing something new or different that either hasn't been done before, or at least hasn't been done well.

Sony doesn't take any chances or try anything new or different. They look at what works and say "let's just go with that and give it our A-game" and for Sony that's usually more than good enough.

Re: The Famous Cross-Dressing Mission in Final Fantasy VII Is 'More Modern' in the Remake


Creepy things happen. Uncomfortable things happen. Changing or taking them out of fiction makes the story less realistic, not more.

I feel like some people what to pretend things don't exist. But burying your head in the sand doesn't change anything. It just leaves you unable to deal with situations when you don't have a choice.

That's not becoming "desensitized" it's becomes mature.

Re: Rumour: Word That PS5 Is More Powerful Than Project Scarlett Corroborated by Colin Moriarty


I'm not yet sold on PS5. If all it is is a more powerful PS4 Pro, which was a more powerful PS4, which was a more powerful PS3...

Now if it were backwards compatible all the way to PS3 titles... well, then we could talk. That sort of 3 generation support on one device, with the combined libraries of all 3 devices. THAT would peak my interest.

But a super charged PS4? Meh. I already have a blue ray player.

Re: Keanu Reeves and Final Fantasy VII Remake Dominate Social Media at E3 2019


People need to temper their expectations about FF7's remake. The game is overblown in people's collective memory as this unshakable, timeless masterpiece. And while it was an amazing game for its time, the remake will never match that sort of impact that FF7 had. Even if it turns out really awesome, it just isn't going to have that same sort of impact because it is still just a remake.

Also I don't remember the last time I saw Reeves in a role that was interesting. If ever. But that's just a personal opinion.

And yes, Nintendo absolutely dominated this year. There is no comparison at all. Don't care what social media has to say. None of the other companies, present or not, had anything or real significance to announce, while Nintendo had several huge release dates, game announcements, and hotly anticipated DLC.

Re: Talking Point: Is E3 Still Relevant?


Sony doesn't attend E3 one time and Playstation fans are this salty? Guys, PS5 is coming next year. Relax.

E3 isn't as important as it once was because of how the Internet has risen to prominence. But E3 as a concept will continue to be an important time of year for companies to generate excitement about their upcoming games and products. E3 might evolve from a traditional event in one location into something else, but the idea will remain important.

Re: Rocksteady Games Skipping E3 2019


The picture got me hoping that something from the old Batman: The Animated Series would get made. The old DC animated universe was by far the best DC has ever been aside from the comics themselves. Far better than newer cartoons and most of the movies.

Some of the newer more adult oriented animated films have been good, but lack the awesome shared universe that the old series had and that the live action films keep failing to build.

Oh right, this article was about the games. I'd honestly rather have an RPG or an action/adventure super hero game than a stealth focused game.

Re: Feature: What Not to Expect at E3 2019


While I loved the Sims when I was much younger, I have to say I hate the business model. I remember reading at one point that, for one of the entries in the series, to have bought every expansion pack for that entry new, at full price, you would have shoveled out over 1000 dollars!

Re: Poll: Are You Hyped for E3 2019 Yet?


The lack of Sony is a bit of a bummer, but Nintendo was always going to be the highlight for me anyway. At least until PS5 is announced in full detail.

Oh, Microsoft is still around? Sometimes living in Japan I forget they are a real contender in video games. XD

Re: Soapbox: Why 3D Audio Will Be PS5's True Game Changer


I don't think we are anywhere near the peak of graphical prowess in gaming. However where I do see distinct diminishing returns is in 4K and 8K TVs. People online seem to love those big numbers but even when I look in a store, where they have 1080, 4K and 8K side by side... 8K isn't that much better than even 1080, even with video designed to show it off. It's a bit crisper, the colors are a bit deeper, but not that much. Not really.

Re: Sony: We Empower Our Studios to Push the Boundaries of Gaming


@SaikoWaifu2003 The Romans conquered the world known to them, but they had contemporaries in Asia that easily rivaled them. And honestly, they weren't totally unaware of each other, as evidence has been found to suggest limited trade did occur.

@AdamNovice The censorship rules and copied ideas totally are.

Also in general my comment was meant largely as sarcasm guys.