Comments 165

Re: Rumour: AAA Alien Game Currently in Development, Codenamed 'Marathon'


@Gloamin When no one complains about what Assassin's Creed is more and more copies spawn from the depths of laziness, bloat and greed. A large chunk of AAA games are copies of AC including multiple Sony first party franchises. Those games won't ever improve. Those franchises won't ever improve. Those studios won't ever improve.

You are part of a massive problem that will bite everyone (including you) in the end.

BTW some of the games you mentioned are painfully average and I don't do painfully average. Waste of time. I'd rather replay Deus Ex or jump from my roof.

Re: Rumour: AAA Alien Game Currently in Development, Codenamed 'Marathon'


@Gloamin Assassin's Creed also had great ideas and fantastic authenticity... 10-15 years ago. And look at where the franchise is now. Look at Horizon. Look at Far Cry. Look at Dying Light.

One day you will wake up and you will realize that all of your favorite franchises and all big upcoming games are basically the same exact thing. 200 hour behemoths with game design ripped straight out from the xbox360/ps3 era.

Re: Rumour: AAA Alien Game Currently in Development, Codenamed 'Marathon'


@Gloamin What is the alternative? Not complaining about bloat and lazy game design in general?

If it was up to studios like Ubisoft and whoever made Alien Isolation there would be no innovation or traditional storytelling in games. Just more areas with more of the 3 quest types they bothered crafting a decade ago with more of the same old items, but with different skins with more skills to unlock with more grinding and everyone's favorite:more monetization. Because they are so damn kind they will allow you to skip some of the grind(that exists only because of them). As long as you are willing to pay money of course.

Re: Rumour: AAA Alien Game Currently in Development, Codenamed 'Marathon'


@SlySnake0407 Who cares that the developers wasted everyone's time by making the game too long? The people that didn't buy it sure as hell didn't care.

For the sake of the publishers and developers I hope that they will listen to the well justified criticism because this is a great franchise (or at least 2 great movies and a million terrible movies) and it doesn't need bloat to succeed.

Re: Rumour: AAA Alien Game Currently in Development, Codenamed 'Marathon'


@stvevan The problems are well known. Bloat, obnoxious UI, poor writing, obvious copy pasting of quests, bullet sponge enemies etc

Seemingly no one disagrees, but they still play those games. Would you let your friends and family smoke? It's not good for them and you need to remind them often that they should stop. It's the least you can do.

Re: Spider-Man: Miles Morales Has Better PC Launch Than Sackboy, Uncharted


It's actually a great success.

I can't possibly imagine why would you want to NOT have access to 99% of games and more flexibility in general. How much money will console gamers spend on ps plus and 70 dollars releases and rereleases of old games? It's really not that much cheaper. And let's not ignore that facts that the ps5 pro and ps6 will cause a lot of extra spending. Last Of Us Part 1 Remake Remastered.

I am pretty sure that Microsoft bought ABK just because they can and it will generate a lot of passive income for them. They can't possibly beat Switch and Playstation in console sales. They would actually prefer to allow those users to subscribe to gamepass without buying an XBOX

Re: Spider-Man: Miles Morales Has Better PC Launch Than Sackboy, Uncharted


@RobN Think about what pc offers you. Access to 99% of software ever created. Connect it to any devices, connect any device like the dualsense into it, stream emulate or play natively the entire PS and nintendo llbraries, multitsasking, modding, playing any game in vr or in ultrawide etc, highter framerates, better tech like dlss, you won't have to buy games for a second time ever again, play classics like Deus Ex or new titles like Elden Ring, and I can go on and on and on

As for the price you can definitely build something solid for about ~1000 bucks. You mentioned that you own a series s so that makes the value proposition of a PC even better:

GPU 3060ti - $439.99
CPU 13600k - $300.00
MOBO ASUS Prime Z790M-Plus - $200.00
EVGA 600W 80 Plus Certified - $60.00
SAMSUNG 980 SSD 1TB - $110.00
CORSAIR Vengeance DDR5 32GB - $140.00
some case - $100

Final price for a brand new 13th gen pc is ~$1400 and you can save a lot of money if you go down to 12th gen and ddr4. It will still be much more capable than the console. And you can do EVERYTHING with it.

Re: Spider-Man: Miles Morales Has Better PC Launch Than Sackboy, Uncharted


@themightyant @Kienda A lot of gamers don't follow the news daily like we do so Sony day1 first party releases is still something that they are not aware of wanting. If it became clear that Ragnarok will launch for PC in November a lot more people on PC would have bought it and even upgraded their PCs with a new GPU just like people want PS5 instead of PS4.

I get console exclusivity, but PC is not a competitor to consoles and will never be. People are just not tech savvy and they never will be. If VR ever becomes a thing it would be due to accessibility and simplicity.

@Sil_Am Don't obsess over that 1b+ number. It really doesn't matter and no one cares for it. Also, the people who pirated the game weren't going to buy it anyway.

Re: Spider-Man: Miles Morales Has Better PC Launch Than Sackboy, Uncharted


@themightyant Is there a proof that people buy 500$ consoles that don't require any tech knowledge instead of $1000+ PCs that can run literally 99.9% of all software and thus games because they will play some games a year or so sooner?

That honestly sounds silly to me. Owning a PC as a gamer is the most bang for buck purchase you can make, but people are naturaly ignorant because they are not tech savvy.

Re: God of War, Sony Exclusives Dominate The Game Awards Nominees


@dark_knightmare2 The people who dislike HFW disagree with you completely. The story gameplay and everything else is mind-numbingly terrible imo. Carbon copy of AC.

BTW Origins was disguising too. Absolutely unplayable. Worst UI in gaming history. And Why can't I kill someone with an arrow to the head? Whoever came up with mmo bullet sponges in SP games should never be allowed to work on a game again.