

Sex Symbol and Cupcake Connoisseur

Comments 169

Re: Dead Space 3 Awakens with Post-Release DLC


They try to throw in scares and tense atmosphere into DS3. I think everyone is just jaded to the Dead Space universe now and nothing seems as frightening.

DLC looks sick. Glad it's coming out soon and not half a year or more later when I could care less about the game (Skyrim).

Re: Feature: Crafting the Contrasting Sounds of The Unfinished Swan


Great read. I just finished this game and it's one of the most amazing experiences I have had playing a game in a long time (even better than Journey). The music was a massive part of making this a truly beautiful work of art. So its cool to get some insight on what went into making the score.

Seriously can't recommend this game enough. If you haven't played this yet you owe it to yourself to pick it up.