Comments 2,284

Re: GRID's 40-Car Mode Apparently Not Possible on PS4, But Launching on Google Stadia


That's the best case for it I think. It's the sort of thing that they should be pushing without putting the pricey controller/bundle to the forefront as trying to convince people that latency won't be a problem.

They should establish the service first. Impress people then add accessories and 'wow' folk with how low the latency for fighting and rhythm games can (maybe) be.

Re: Google Stadia's Weak Launch Lineup Won't Have PS Now Sweating Yet


Stadia will not work on cellular networks at launch - so not quite 'on the go'. I can't see many available hotspots offering enough bandwidth to support it well.

Also, depending on nat type, networks like EE probably won't support it at all.

PS4 launched with new/cross gen entries in popular franchises and, importantly, new exclusives.

Re: Mini Review: Antigraviator - This Anti-Gravity Imitator Wipes Out on PS4


@doctommaso They'd gone by Fusion I think (which is second only to WipEout 64 in the 'meh' stakes).

2048 and it's bits in Omega are a little easier - the tracks are generally wider than normal - but the rest of Omega is mostly what was in HD/Fury - which was mostly taken from Pure and Pulse anyway, which did get involving very quickly.

With Antigraviator, and a lot of pretenders - it seems that speed is something that they're keen to emphasise. Pacer also looks pretty quick, but it doesn't look like it handles all that well.

Re: Mini Review: Antigraviator - This Anti-Gravity Imitator Wipes Out on PS4


@quintumply Bit of a silly decision that.

@doctommaso I hadn't heard of Pacer. Just had a look. It does look nice, but unfortunately just looks like another 'not as good as WipEout' WipEout clone. With Omega Collection being essentially perfect it's difficult to see why they bother other than for the PC players.

With so many dev's seeming to have a taste for futuristic racers these days, it's a shame noone has picked up the Xtreme-G IP. The first two games were crap, but XGIII and XGRA especially were fantastic.
Having bikes alone sets it apart from WipEout enough without having to come up with non-WipEout like mechanics to differentiate from the king.

And just because I feel like I haven't said it enough - WipEout!

Re: Terminator: Resistance Looks Surprisingly Okay in 10 Minutes of Gameplay


Maybe. Its obviously relatively basic and will absolutely struggle at full retail price (which it appears to be), but that said - the gameplay I saw seemed largely based around avoiding more dangerous Terminators, like T-800s - which quite rightly kill you rather quickly - until you've gathered resources and better weaponry.

There are plenty of fps games out there that start you off under-equipped. My point more verges on the fact that people really, really want to see balls-to-wall future wars pink lasers.

Re: Check Out Need for Speed Heat's PS4 Trophies Right Now


Looks pretty good.

I'm rather tempted by this!

From the gameplay stuff I've seen, the REP is accrued with a climbing multiplier the longer you stay out at night doing events. You can head home and bank it whenever you want, but if you get busted you lose some of your total score.

Re: Watch the Need for Speed Heat PS4 Launch Trailer Right Now


@jdv95 Oh I know, what criticism was leveled at the likes of Hot Pursuit and Rivals was the lack of all the neon junk etc. This really is what a lot of NFS fans want.

I just don't care about any of that really.

@Quintumply Online cops & robbers in Koenigseggs with mates is still one of my favourite gaming memories.
The companion app was actually pretty good too.

Re: Sony Grants Refunds to Some WWE 2K20 Buyers on PS4


@RogerRoger That's a good point.

We're all aware of the practice of games that aren't ready being certified for release digitally and even at retail - on the promise that there will be a 'day 1 patch' to iron out bugs that weren't sorted before the game went 'gold'. All about money and timing between publishers and platforms.

I'm happy to assume that the same is the case with WWE 2K20 - but there obviously appears to be no actual patch.

Release working games. Quite simple really.

Re: Doctor Who: The Edge of Time Brings a Dalek Invasion to PSVR This November


@Johnnycide It's had it's moments. Capaldi and Michelle Gomez were great on screen together, though Capaldi really suffered from some really boring stories and an uneven direction for his Doctor.

Surprisingly, Jodie Whittaker's first series actually wasn't terrible - and they actually managed to go a whole series without any of the companions being annoying or, more importantly - cosmically significant!