Comments 2,284

Re: The First Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Artwork Has Leaked Online


@WanderingBullet I think it's going to be akin to the Jedi Academy style.

@PS_Nation it doesn't really matter who is involved if EA hasn't taken the drubbing they got from Disney over Battlefront 2 on board. They're more than willing and capable of taking a great project and turning most interested parties against it.

Re: Talking Point: Should All Games Have an Easy Mode?


Interesting article.

Easy setting and accessibility aren't really the same thing.

But, I honestly think it depends on the game and vision of the creators; arbitrary difficulty scaling would potentially diminish the appeal of a game.

I don't want Ikaruga to be an easy task for example - I know I can get so far without using a continue, I know I can reach the last stage before I'm overwhelmed and that the only way I'll go further is to dedicate myself to it.

When it comes down to accessibility, video modes, controller adaptation etc should all be considered.

Re: Guide: Best PS4 Sports Games


@get2sammyb I read the review before I bought it.
Whether through updates since launch or just personal taste, I can't really tally the review to the game I've been playing other than bits of the presentation getting repetitive.

It's as deep as you want it to be, or not. Looks and sounds good, control is incredible too. And there's an astonishing amount of content there.

Re: Half of Video Game Software Bought in the UK Last Year was Digital


It'll be quite an interesting breakdown if the detail becomes available.

Of course I do buy digital, but generally only if there is no physical option or the digital release is significantly discounted in a sale.

Of the PS4 physical releases I've bought/been gifted recently, only 3 have been brand new shop purchases (Ace Combat, NHL 19 and Grip), picked up Spider-Man through trade.

Re: Sony's Digital Refund Policy Takes a Welcome Step Forward



That is a good step forward.

@SirRealDeal sounds like the Google Play policy. It would be good if Sony did that too, but this will be a small steps thing. The level of shovelware on mobiles and potentially vomit inducing experiences with Oculus are more in need of that sort of policy though.