Comments 2,284

Re: PlayStation Player Celebration Rewards Free PS4 Themes and Avatars for Playing Games


I just checked the T&Cs -
“Participating Countries/Regions” include: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, Ireland, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, UK, and US.

Re: PlayStation Fans Are the Most Loyal, According to a Recent Study


I'm Sony fanboy in general. Sony phone, almost exclusively Sony A/V stuff over the years (their audio equipment, especially personal audio has such a specific flavour, that once you're used to it - other, even 'better', equipment just doesn't get a look in).

They make good stuff for the most part.

I've owned consoles from all of the big players, and while I did enjoy XBOX and GC, MS and Ninty very much lost me to PlayStation last gen.
PS3 was the better machine in my eyes. It was technologically interesting, It looked like a 'pimped' GF grill, the launch games were great as far as I was concerned and my friends and colleagues at the time had 360's that were RRODing with alarming regularity and were being driven in circles by MS customer support.

Re: Random: Spider-Man PS4 Haunts Jared Leto in New Morbius Trailer


I was not expecting Morbius to look quite as good as it does.

I especially wasn't too sure of Leto's casting (possibly because I'd love to see more of his Joker), but it does look pretty good.

I did hope that it wouldn't stray in to MCU Spider-Man territory, but I suppose Keaton being there puts pay to that.