Would love to have a dev person comment here with a quote estimating how many hours of work would be required to create an additional level of difficulty. Ranging from titles/genres. There isnt a simple answer but at the end of the day its a business decision.
Yes it sux they keep breaking the game but you people are pathetic for continuing to sh*t on the individuals who are just doing their job.
Would hate be in their shoes. surely many of you are not so under the microscope in your career (if you even have one). I didnt buy this game because it seemed clear to me it would be troubled.
Lotta gamers made bad decisions to purchase on day 1. This is just how the industry is.
I bought f76 and played for a few hrs only due to rdr and havent gone back. Division2 is a great example where theyved had the opportunity to learn from misktakes. I suspect anthem may be able to turn it around. They are professionals after all.
Hard to argue with that. I did need the guide to beat more than half the puzzles but it was a great game. Beautifully created. You must see no clip witness doc. It wont really spoil/ruin any of the game.
Im very interested for day 1. Unless i see anything glaringly offputting im in. What is the end game/invursion/raid content? The first incursion was broken and ruined the balance of the game with ppl getting super high end gear and brining into darkzone.
@Matroska theres a big difference between a healthy element of sexuality and huge unrealistic flapjacks that defy gravity. Its just cringey IMO. I said the exact same things about quiet in MGS. She couldve been handled a lot better (more maturely).
Anyone playing this game for the skin is a loser, sorry. No interest in this title nor the mammaries. Go ahead and censor it. Focus on real games of quality instead of raunch for the sake of it.
Pubg is meeting my expectations thus far. The one on one battles and final circle give me the same adrenaline as fighting bosses in dark soulls. Love the vibe, world design, strategy, etc of this game. Fortnite doesnt appeal to me at all. Im lvl 14 and still havent won ya haha. Somehow having some fun though. I do see some personal progress at least.
Hate to wish ill on ppl, but i do hope ppl get fired over this games release/reception and current state. I will think twice about buying another bethesda title which is a real shame. This game is worse than no mans sky.
Not surprised in the least. They dropped price to 49 (from 79) in Canada. Its their first foray into this kind of game. I really did expect a clustf*ck. look fwd to playing it though bizarrely
Comments 147
Re: Poll: What Are Your Thoughts on the PS5?
@PaperyWhiteBoy hello my fellow white boy. Apology accepted.
Re: Poll: What Are Your Thoughts on the PS5?
@Tasuki dont talk to me or my son ever again
Re: Poll: What Are Your Thoughts on the PS5?
@PaperyWhiteBoy its amazing how theres always someone looking for an argument on the internet. Have yourself a lovely day.
Re: Poll: What Are Your Thoughts on the PS5?
Should update the price poll as USD. Ppl can thrn convert otherwise the responses are less accurate
Re: The Surge 2 Points Towards A Summer Release After Publisher Event
@Richardcranium u are a doo doo
Re: PSN Name Change Functionality Finally Launches Today and Tomorrow
@Rudy_Manchego have you balls shrunk billy?
Re: PSN Name Change Functionality Finally Launches Today and Tomorrow
Weird how you can change your original name back, and prev ids cant be claimed by others. Gonna keep mine.
Re: Talking Point: Should All Games Have an Easy Mode?
Would love to have a dev person comment here with a quote estimating how many hours of work would be required to create an additional level of difficulty. Ranging from titles/genres. There isnt a simple answer but at the end of the day its a business decision.
Re: You Won't Get a Game Over for Failing Missions in Cyberpunk 2077
Incredible. Things like this be game/genre defining.
Re: Surprise, Latest ANTHEM Patch Is a Disaster as Community Reports New Bugs and Broken Gameplay Issues
Yes it sux they keep breaking the game but you people are pathetic for continuing to sh*t on the individuals who are just doing their job.
Would hate be in their shoes. surely many of you are not so under the microscope in your career (if you even have one). I didnt buy this game because it seemed clear to me it would be troubled.
Lotta gamers made bad decisions to purchase on day 1. This is just how the industry is.
I bought f76 and played for a few hrs only due to rdr and havent gone back. Division2 is a great example where theyved had the opportunity to learn from misktakes. I suspect anthem may be able to turn it around. They are professionals after all.
Re: Animated Arcade Game Cuphead Skipping PS4
@Tasuki watch me
Re: Animated Arcade Game Cuphead Skipping PS4
@Tasuki not unless i ban you first
Re: An Unannounced, 'Fairly Substantial' Second Party PS4 Exclusive Is in the Works, Says Colin Moriarty
Thats a pretty generic/safe comment. Thats like saying theres prob someone somewhere breathing right now.
Re: Quick ANTHEM Update Improves Endgame Loot Chances
Whats an anthem?
Re: Judgment Sales in Japan Halted After Voice Actor Arrest, Western Release Under Consideration
So stupid. Troy bakers scarf collection is a crime against humanity and he gets away scot free
Re: Physical Copies of The Division 2 Will Require a Gigantic 90GB Download
Whiners gonna whine
Re: Soapbox: I Should've Scored The Witness 10/10
Hard to argue with that. I did need the guide to beat more than half the puzzles but it was a great game. Beautifully created. You must see no clip witness doc. It wont really spoil/ruin any of the game.
Re: Sounds Like There's a Lot of Cutscenes in Days Gone's Lengthy Campaign
Sounds good to me. Had it preordered since e3
Re: Site News: Push Square Is Now Ten Years Old (We Think)
Congrats guys. Appreciate the content even if the puns are punishing.
Re: The Division 2's Year 1 Content Is Free, But the Season Pass Supposedly Lets You Get It Early
No biggie. Dont see the need to pay. Too bad that it sounds missions are exclusive to the season buyers
Re: PUBG Celebrates Horizon: Zero Dawn's Second Anniversary with Skins
Wow those look sick. On an unrelated note ghost recon open world map as a battle royale would be a dream. Same with horizon for that matter.
Re: The Division 2 Open Beta Trailer Attempts to Get the Hype Flowing Ahead of Its Launch Later This Week
Not gonna hit the open beta as i plan on buying day 1
Re: Round Up: ANTHEM PS4 Reviews Go Down Like a Lead Balloon
Not buying until big sale or proof of it being supported heavily in the future.
Re: Haven Is a Stylish Co-Op-Enabled PS4 RPG From the Developers of Furi
Furi was cool but i couldnt get past the 3rd boss i think it was.
Re: Sony Says Devs Only Have to Ask for Console Cross-Play, Studios Say It's Lying
Cross play FU
Re: ANTHEM Launch Trailer Tries Its Best to Get the Hype Going
Respect for the sabbath mashup
Re: Hands On: The Amazing Monster Hunter: World Witcher Crossover Event Goes Above and Beyond
Is this a timed quest or permanently added? Still need to get this game but not gonna happen righ now with div2 droppin
Re: Mortal Kombat X, Metal Gear Solid HD Collection, and More Come to PlayStation Now This Month
@Fight_Sora_Fight im so happy i could (glasgow) kiss you
Re: Mortal Kombat X, Metal Gear Solid HD Collection, and More Come to PlayStation Now This Month
Can mgs collection be played via ps4 or only on a ps3 system? Thx
Re: CD Projekt Red Set to Compensate The Witcher Author Following Legal Dispute
@YETi ya but u didnt so ... off
Re: CD Projekt Red Set to Compensate The Witcher Author Following Legal Dispute
Lotta respect for that company. Day 1 buy for CB. Everyone needs to watch noclip witcher documentary.
Re: The Division 2 Beta Codes Being Sent Out
Just got beta code. Suck my boom stick.
Re: Sony Is Inviting Press to Days Gone Protagonist Deacon's Wedding
@Tha_Likely_Lad youre an exclusive flop
Re: Guide: The Last of Us 2 FAQ - Everything You Need to Know
Daddy wants some milk
Re: Guide: The Last of Us 2 FAQ - Everything You Need to Know
All u need to know is sites are gonna milk clicks
Re: Titanfall Dev's Free Battle Royale Apex Legends Out Now on PS4
Game actually looks cool ya nerdarios
Re: Take Cover with 20 Minutes of The Division 2 Co-Op Gameplay
Im very interested for day 1. Unless i see anything glaringly offputting im in. What is the end game/invursion/raid content? The first incursion was broken and ruined the balance of the game with ppl getting super high end gear and brining into darkzone.
Re: PS Plus Members Save Big in US PlayStation Store Sale
Sale sux dog (no i cannot think if anything else to say)
Re: ANTHEM Microtransaction Controversy Starts Early, BioWare Says Pricing Isn't Finalised
@Octane that is what i suspected. I may grab this on megasale but no chance im paying full price (80cad).
Re: ANTHEM Microtransaction Controversy Starts Early, BioWare Says Pricing Isn't Finalised
If 100 shards equals 1$, why not charge 1 shard? Why inflate it?
Re: Dead or Alive 6 Can't Shed Hyper-Sexualisation Or Fans Will Leave
@Matroska theres a big difference between a healthy element of sexuality and huge unrealistic flapjacks that defy gravity. Its just cringey IMO. I said the exact same things about quiet in MGS. She couldve been handled a lot better (more maturely).
Re: Dead or Alive 6 Can't Shed Hyper-Sexualisation Or Fans Will Leave
Anyone playing this game for the skin is a loser, sorry. No interest in this title nor the mammaries. Go ahead and censor it. Focus on real games of quality instead of raunch for the sake of it.
Re: PUBG PS4 Update 1.06 Brings New Vikendi Map Today
Pubg is meeting my expectations thus far. The one on one battles and final circle give me the same adrenaline as fighting bosses in dark soulls. Love the vibe, world design, strategy, etc of this game. Fortnite doesnt appeal to me at all. Im lvl 14 and still havent won ya haha. Somehow having some fun though. I do see some personal progress at least.
Re: Left Alive Sets the Tone with a Suitably Bleak Trailer
Looks cool but what the hell is it.
Re: PlayStation Store Sales Charts: PUBG Earns Itself a Chicken Dinner on PS4
Really enjoying pubg. Haven’t had any issues. Add me if you wanna squad up. Psn id is the same name as here.
Re: Game of the Year 2018: Rebecca's Personal Picks
That garden game is def on my list for 2019
Re: Guide: Spyro: Reignited Trilogy - Sparx the Dragonfly, What He Does, and How to Feed Him Butterflies
Hope spyro burns in hell for flooding the news page. Cant believe ppl wanted this resurrected.
Re: Fans Aren't Happy About Fallout 76 Microtransactions, PC Version Hints at Pay-to-Win
Hate to wish ill on ppl, but i do hope ppl get fired over this games release/reception and current state. I will think twice about buying another bethesda title which is a real shame. This game is worse than no mans sky.
Re: Hands On: Fallout 76's Massive 47GB Patch Does Nothing to Improve the Game's Awful Performance on PS4
Not surprised in the least. They dropped price to 49 (from 79) in Canada. Its their first foray into this kind of game. I really did expect a clustf*ck. look fwd to playing it though bizarrely
Re: UK Sales Charts: Spyro Roasts Red Dead, Fallout, and Pokémon
Spyro eats dog turds.