Comments 40

Re: Review: Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (PlayStation 4)


@get2sammyb The game really isn't lore heavy. It is just set in that universe. There are the bajilion data logs for the hardcore Tolkien fans, but it is just a fun murder simulator with many (and I do mean many) gameplay hooks.

@Subie98 I find the difficulty completely fair. In Assassin's Creed you are a damage sponge that can make multiple mistakes without penalty. Even dying isn't a big deal. In Mordor you have to actually plan and in theory you could go an slaughter 20+ orcs, but you die in about 5 hits so until you level up it is quite risky. One does not simply kill the war chiefs of Mordor.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 41


@FullbringIchigo I really enjoyed the central hub and all the mini gestures you are able to do. I and some complete strangers spent half an hour doing Fusion. Bandai should have included a small tutorial or a controller mapping. It took me a couple of matches to get how everything works. But yeah. It seems we have a winner on our hands.

@hadlee73 I'm really enjoying Sherlock. A very polished detective game indeed.

This weekend I've been condemning criminal individuals for murdering people in Sherlock Homes and then I went on murdering hundreds of orcs in Shadow of Mordor.

Re: Kick the Hobbit with This Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor PS4 Trailer


@LDXD The spear guys could also be quite sneaky since they deal tons of damage and can get you in the back. My Nemesis Skuld The Taskmaster killed me while I was low level and kept getting stronger. One time I went after him he managed to escape and then I exploded him with a barrel. He then returned from the dead all burned up and cover is scars. After an epic battle I turned his head into my new coffee mug just to be certain. Love that Nemesis system.

Re: Feature: Our Three Favourite PS4 Games from EGX London 2014


My game of the show from what I was able to play for one day was MKX. The gameplay is fluid and I'm really happy with Cassie Cage's move set. Johnny should be proud. I also enjoyed The Order (had to choose between it and Until Dawn) and the Batman Arkham Knight demo deserves a mention even if it was only a video - the most impressive game I've seen period. I wasn't able to play Shadow of Mordor, but it is immensely enjoyable in the comfort of my home.

Re: Reaction: EGX London Hammers Another Nail in PS Vita's Coffin


"After all, gamers in the UK tend to be unimaginative" - what the hell? The largest market for COD is the US (since it is essentially a patriotic w*nk) and I bet the lines for NFL would be similar there. Not everybody at EGX was a hardcore gamer. I was with a friend who plays maybe 1 or 2 games per year and don't think that he's unimaginative. In fact UK gamers have the tendency to try unorthodox games considering how populated the Rezzed area was.

Re: Round Up: Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor PS4 Reviews Rule the Ring


@glassmusic Oh, come on. They couldn't find any other heroic sounding male? I remember the Era of North where he was in everything and even used the same voice. They are using the names as celebrities so that you make associations with the previous blockbuster games that they starred in. You don't remember North for Knight's Contract you remember him for Uncharted. You don't remember Baker for Final Fantasy 13, you remember him for the Last of Us. It is simply a marketing ploy and I agree that it is effective.

From a gamer perspective though when I hear the voice of Delsin and even his face it takes me a bit out of the game. I shouldn't be thinking about personalities and other games while playing. Most of the times this is not an issue, but I had an overexposure to him recently - Bioshock Infinite, Injustice, Last of Us, Lego Marvel, Batman Arkham Origins, Infamous and soon Lego Batman and Far Cry 4. He doesn't have the range of North yet so the voices are pretty similar.

So yeah. It is an issue for me.

Re: Round Up: Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor PS4 Reviews Rule the Ring


I don't really trust reviews so they don't affect my decision to buy a game. I'm very hesitant for Shadow of Mordor. It will definitely butcher the LOTR lore, but the gameplay looks good.

One of the main reasons keeping me from buying the game is that WB are quickly becoming infamous with DLC and season passes so I'm thinking of waiting for the complete edition. I'm also a bit sick of Troy Baker - he's in every single game this year. I'll meet him again in Lego Batman 3.

Re: Soapbox: Please Protect Me from the Purgatory of the PS3


I still occasionally play my PS2 so there's that.

The PS3 is still quite alive and there will be games that make me go back to it other than my backlog. For this year I expect to play the new Digimon game and maybe sometime next year the Godzilla game if it ever comes out outside Japan.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 39


PS4: I finally beat Rouge legacy. I decided that I have no patience to grind my way in order to defeat the secret bosses and simply fought the final guy. New game plus is pretty brutal, so I don't think I'll be returning to this game any time soon.

PS Vita: Completed Murasaki Baby - very unique feel good and yet creepy game. I'm also slowly perfecting each level in Velocity 2x.

Re: Gulp! There's Actually No Date for Final Fantasy XV's Demo Yet


@Gamer83 They are indeed a horrible publisher - not EA or Capcom level yet, but still. I don't play many of their games, but the thing that put SE on my **** list is the abomination of a game called Nosgoth. Fans of the Legacy of Kain series wanted another game for years or at least a remaster of the old titles, but instead we got a free to play MOBA. When the game doesn't do well it will bury the franchise.

So yeah. I'm not happy with Square.

Language - get2sammyb

Re: Review: Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution (PlayStation 3)


@Alpha I was mildly interested in Asura's Wrath - I loved the artstyle, the influences from Hindu and Buddhist mythology. The gameplay in the demo was what discouraged me. It was essentially a rhythm game with some very limited hack and slash elements.

I was thinking of getting it on sale, but then Capcom dropped the "True Ending" bomb and now they are not getting my money.

Re: Talking Point: Is Japan Finally Back in the Game?


I've seen some interesting stuff, but not sure what will make it to the West (stares at SEGA).

I'm not exited for MGS5 or Bloodborne (ducks) and I'm still kind of hesitant for Guilty Gear Xrd.

I'd like to see some gameplay for Tekken 7 and Dragonball Xenoverse.