Comments 85

Re: PS5 Launch Games Have 'No Comparison' to PS4, PS3 Line-Up, Says Sony


Seeing that PS3 launch lineup reminds me of how much I loved both Resistance and Motorstorm, such a jump up coming from PS2 before it.
Killzone Shadowfall is one of the only games this generation I started and didn't finish, just didn't grab me, although Resogun and Contrast on PS plus were great.
PS5 launch gives me that same PS3 launch game excitement and that's no bad thing

Re: Hands On: The New PS App Is a Humongous Upgrade


@SilenceCZ it's weird that the PS app has the same design and layout as the web store, but has more functionality like the trailers and screenshots where the web store still doesn't. If they added text titles to the game list rather than images, the ability to filter/sort search results, and displayed game file sizes then I would be very happy with the app update indeed

Re: Ubisoft Had to Rewrite PS5 Descriptions Due to Concern Trolls on Twitter


The key issue here is that if there was actually any difference in performance between games on the two systems (which there isn't in reality), I would expect a large corporate like Ubisoft to only reveal that distinction in a weasel-worded way like the difference between "and 60fps" Vs "at 60fps" rather than being up front about it, so I can understand how people have been able to wilfully misunderstand here.

Re: WRC 9 PS5 Trailer Shows Next-Gen Rally Gameplay


The car models themselves and the lighting look epic, the environments less so. Gameplay looks right for rallying too. My only real issue is during the bonnet-view camera sections, where all the decals and livery are super jaggy and low-res. If you know you're putting a close up camera on them, maybe some localised high res assets would be a good plan?

Re: The New PS Store for Web, Mobile Is a Dramatic Downgrade


I'm having an issue on the mobile store now where it's supposed to auto-zoom to fill the screen on the mobile friendly format, but it only fills the left half of the screen, and the right side is just empty whiteness. Then as I scroll down it flashes from filling half the screen to all the screen - quite disorienting.

In addition to the issues flagged in the article, where did all the file size information go? That was useful to me and now it's gone on the new store pages...

Re: Marvel's Spider-Man PS5 Costumes Will Also Be Added to PS4 Game


@TheFrenchiestFry I think the point is that the ultimate edition of Miles Morales costs $20 more than base Miles Morales to get the remaster. In that case, a $20 increment for a PS5 version of the Spider-Man GOTY edition seems perfectly reasonable compared to the GOTY cost on PS4 (if like me you are going to buy miles Morales regardless). Of course if you're paying $70 just for the access to the remaster of Spider-Man PS4 then it's expensive, but you get Miles Morales with it and that's hardly worthless

Re: Spider-Cat Is the Reason to Buy Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales


@sketchturner Miles has a full suite of new moves (venom attacks, invisibility), he's a new character model with new "less confident" swinging animations, there's a new fully voiced and acted story (even if it's 8 hours, that's longer than some games), there's the new crime app to stop you swinging through the city for ages waiting for a police scanner crime to pop up like the original, and they've reskinned the entire city of New York. To me, that all sounds like enough to justify a full sequel! It's still a game in the Spider-Man series so it has to be vaguely similar to the first one. Short of changing the location (and to me New York = Spider-Man 100%) what more could you want?

Re: PS5 Controller Will Convey Player Fatigue in NBA 2K21


This sounds awesome and I hope more games put it to use, especially the heavy triggers to convey tiredness/sluggishness!

People often liken the Dualsense features to HD rumble on the Switch and say that HD rumble was pointless - if I was impressed by the feelings of chopping wood and breaking rocks in Animal crossing with HD rumble then I'm certainly keen to see what all these Dualsense features feel like

Re: This Is How Tasty Overcooked Looks on PS5


@get2sammyb fair point - possibly a case that the release of the PS5 has let them dedicate more time that they wouldn't have otherwise, rather than they were waiting for the specific hardware performance that the PS5 brings 👍

Re: This Is How Tasty Overcooked Looks on PS5


While this is a big upgrade, I'm not sure why they couldn't get a version like this new one running on PS4 hardware? Is it a case of a game not being efficiently optimised and thus needing upgraded hardware and resources to run a relatively modest game?

Re: PS4 Games Will Take Advantage of PS5's New User Experience Features


@get2sammyb a good example for me is that I have been playing Celeste - as the levels get harder it can be many rooms between checkpoints, and hundreds of tries on the hardest levels. If I get frustrated and want to play something else, or my GF wants to use the PS4 then currently I either have to grind to the next checkpoint (easier said than done) or quit and lose my progress back to the last checkpoint (10-20+ minutes of hard earned platforming progress). With Quick Resume this would be a non-issue. Suspend Celeste, play something else, then come back to exactly where I was in Celeste before, independent of checkpoints in the game.

Re: Phwoar! Here's a View of the PS5's Rear


Why all the secrecy in the Japanese YouTube videos at the weekend about not showing the rear of the console? A power-hungry, internet enabled multimedia device like the PS5 unsurprisingly has a power cord, an internet port, and an AV out port on the back, along with some peripheral connectors - what was there to hide?

Re: Ghost of Tsushima: Legends Arrives 16th October, Update 1.1 Adds New Game+


@Bluetrain7 any PS4 game you play on PS5 as a backwards compatible PS4 game has its save carried over or so they've said, so it you played this exact same game on PS5 you'll be fine. The issue is with the special "upgraded for PS5" versions of games (i.e. remasters) where the saves don't carry over in every single game, so you might be out of luck trying to use your save in "Ghost of Tsushima Remastered" for PS5 if that ever becomes a thing

Re: UK Sales Charts: Physical Crash 4 Sales Down 80% on N. Sane Trilogy


@Turbodream yeah I bought TLOU2 on pre-order digitally and that was £54.99 for a Sony first party game, which I then used discounted PSN credit to get for £47, the same as a physical copy in stores. Crash 4 was £59.99 on the digital store, there's no way I would pay that much for it, or any game really. It's not about me not valuing platformers or that this shouldn't be a full price title, I just don't buy any games at £60!

Re: PS5 Fan Noise First Impressions Are Promising


I literally couldn't play TLOU2 on my base PS4 without headphones, as the fan noise was so loud and annoying when the console was pushed that hard. Having said that, my PS4 was pretty silent at launch too - come back and ask me in 2026 whether my PS5 is still silent, not now at launch

Re: Watch Lots of Brand New PS5 Gameplay with Japanese YouTube Videos


@tatsumi did I see from those links that all of the accept/confirm commands on PS5 use the circle button rather than the cross button as currently? Is that a Japan-specific thing or is that going to be the new normal. Reminds me of how jarring it was pressing circle to jump in God of War in contrast to cross on most other games - I got used to it soon enough though

Re: Demon's Souls PS5 Demo Running 1440p, 60 Frames-Per-Second


Demon's Souls had that next-gen wow factor that people have been looking for, and clearly it's nothing to do with resolution. There will be people who take this as "evidence" (yawn) that the PS5 is too weak to do 4K60. Until the DF anlaysis noone was saying Demon's Souls looked low Res, they said it looked amazing. If it looks this good at 1440p and this smooth at 60fps, why would you play it at 4K30? You will hardly notice the resolution bump but you will certainly notice the frame rate reduction.

Re: Reaction: Spider-Man PS5 Debacle Shows Sony Is Out of Touch


I've defended the paid upgrade for Spider-Man on here before, and it still makes sense - it doesn't have to be free to PS4 owners. The bizarre part is walling off the upgrade behind Miles Morales. I don't get why the remaster isn't available separately, nor available as a $20 upgrade for owners of the PS4 game?

Re: Soapbox: Screw Sony's PS5 Game Pricing, I'll Just Wait for Sales


I've got used to paying less for older titles via games under the "PlayStation Hits" banner. I don't think I've paid £70 for Horizon Zero Dawn, God of War, Uncharted LL, and Spider-Man put together! I'm certainly not going to spend £70 to get one single game at launch. I just add games to my wishlist on a PS store price tracker and wait for them to go on sale - in fact it adds to the fun as I never know what I'll end up playing next, just depends on what gets discounted first!

Re: Fans Want to Know if They Can Upgrade from PS4 to Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered on PS5


@KathyQ I'd say the key difference is that a game like Cyberpunk has been built from the ground up for that kind of cross-gen scalability as they knew they were releasing at the end of a generation, and are also releasing on PC where having a range of graphics options are normal. Insomniac's Spider-man was a PS4 game built solely for the PS4 in 2018 - if the new Miles Morales PS5 game had the same characters and moves then fair enough they should use that to improve the original game for free, but they're talking about doing next gen rework on the Peter Parker, MJ character models etc. which is an entirely new project. In my view it's essentially a paid sneak peek at the assets they'll go on to use for Spider-Man 2 in the future.

Re: Fans Want to Know if They Can Upgrade from PS4 to Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered on PS5


I'm not sure what the concern is here. If you own Spider-Man on PS4 then I'd expect that you can play that original game on your PS5 for free via backwards compatibility, very probably with faster load times and at 60fps just through the power of the system, without much developer input. What you cannot expect is that this new game, a remaster with new assets and textures which take time and money to create, is given to you for free just because you want it. This is entirely different to the Control scenario where the assets are all there already and 505 just pay-wall them off until you pay an upgrade fee...

Re: Poll: How Much Are You Willing to Pay for PS5?


Being honest, I'll pay what it costs. There's no way that I'd miss out on access to games like Miles Morales, Horizon Forbidden West etc. I might not be happy if it cost £550, I might choose not to buy an extra controller or headset if it cost £550, but I'd still buy the box and the software...

Re: Demon's Souls PS5 Will Bring You Straight Back into the Action to Avenge Your Deaths


@wiiware - Celeste was also particularly good for that. You could die hundreds of times in a level (and I did...) but because you respawn at the beginning of that screen immediately it never felt frustrating. You could try new strategies to see if they worked, and if they didn't pan out there was no penalty - if full 3D action games could be the same on PS5, that will be awesome!

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