Comments 164

Re: Guide: Best PS4 Racing Games


Drive Club is awesome, it had a bad start but the amount of stuff that was added and fixed was quality, even the bike add on was sweet. After that for me it would have to be the WipeOut collection, Great stuff.

Re: Cliff Bleszinski Says He'll Never Make Another Game


Always respected the guy, hell he worked on two of my all time faves with UT and Gears. He has not always said the right things and loved to rub people up the wrong way, but for me it was part of his charm. Lawbreakers was a great game that just didnt gel with some people. To call it a clone is just wrong, the traversal and GunSword play was awesome, But then again I was playing on PC. Word Up Son.

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - The Best CoD of the Generation


Not very often I say this about a COD game, BUT well deserved score, and all round a great package. Yes I miss the SP but let’s face it they are normally not that great. I am even loving the standard MP but still suck at it. Zombies is ace, and with the addition of bots as team mates for when my mates are not online is very welcome and the vast amount of customisation you can do to the settings is sweet. Great collection.

Re: Soapbox: Publishers Want You to Pay to Play Early, And It's a Worry


Some of the games i purchase are not the standard editions. As its most of the deluxe and special editions that have early access i cant posibly choose "never" as on option. So it all depends on the game. If it comes with early access obviously you are going to take advantage. Its not like they are adding more to the price of the game realy, you are getting a "special eddition" of the game with extras.
The one thing that is getting more annoying is the amount of versions of a game "deluxe" "special edition" super special edition" "super dooper special edition" and the "Ultimate edition" oh and dont forget the "super dooper Ultimate Extra special edition"

Re: Sony: Cross-Console Play a Major Policy Change


Its funny how this quote is so easy to forget now, "On cross-platform, our way of thinking is always that PlayStation is the best place to play. Fortnite, I believe, partnered with PS4 is the best experience for users – that's our belief." on why they were saying no to cross platform. So are we just supposed to belive that Sony is now the good guy in all this debacle ? Lets face it its all down to the stick the fans and Devs were giving them.

Re: Sony Bringing Cross-Console Play Beta to Fortnite Today


Its funny how this quote is so easy to forget now, lol. "On cross-platform, our way of thinking is always that PlayStation is the best place to play. Fortnite, I believe, partnered with PS4 is the best experience for users – that's our belief." on why they were saying no to cross platform. So are we just supposed to belive that Sony is now the good guy in all this debacle ? Lets face it its all down to the stick the fans and Devs were giving them.

Re: Poll: What Do You Think of Battlefield V?


The trailer was decent, you have to remember there was a three hour presentation given to influencers and press that went a great deal more in to changes and additions to the game that we never got to see. Jackfrags and Angry Joe have great videos that give a much better idea about the new Battlefield. Day one for me.

Re: Xbox One X's UK Launch Sales Eclipse the PS4 Pro


Its a Beast allright and thats an Impresive start to the sales. I am waiting to pick up a 4K TV either in the Black Friday sales or January Sales. At the moment i am rocking a 1080p screen but the improvments are instantly visable. Also due to the fact that games that have not been enhanced also make use of its power, all games get upgraded even the backward compatible titles. Plus the amount of work they put in to the design of the "X" only makes it even more intresting to see what they do to the next gen machines in the future. #ItsGreatToGameOnAllSystems

Re: Sony Doesn't See Much Potential in Portable Platforms


@NintendoFan4Lyf great post man.
@get2sammyb you realy are the ultimate Sony Fan boy.

Portable gaming when done right is a great thing and Nintendo always seem to get it right. Just because Sony say it has no potential dosnt make it true. I love the Switch its an amazing bit of tech and has some great support.

Re: PS5 Is Coming, Sony Confirms


@BAMozzy Sorry but that statment is wrong. Microsoft have also clearly stated that they are looking and designing the next Generation Xbox. Just like Sony the Xbox One X is a iteration of the Xbox One Just like the Pro for PS4, a Next Gen is definatly going to happen. Personaly my self after getting the Xbox One X, I dont want a New Pice of hardawre from either Sony or Microsoft untill 2020 earliest.

Re: E3 2017: Sony Welcomes the Arrival of Xbox One X


Did you watch the Interview with Phil, I did and what Phil said has been blown out of context by the media as usual. The main part about the interview was about co existing with PS4, games and who the One X is for.

This web site doesn't like people praising Xbox or criticizing Sony, it will get you a ban.
But I am a gamer and I game across all platforms, I am not a lemming or Fan Boi, I just call it as I see it.