Its the same as what PS do, When PS or Xbox show games they don't show the other company's logo on the Trailer. Then you have to go look and find out if its coming to other platforms. They are both guilty of it.
@__jamiie Totally agree, I am mainly an Xbox gamer but also have Switch, PlayStation and PC. There are a bunch of hypocrites that like to make out its only Xbox that are buying up studios/publishers, whilst Sony, TenCent and Embracer are out there doing the exact same thing, also with Sony that love to pay to keep games away from competition. Some people need to read back what they type and see their comments for what they are. This goes for users and journalists.
This is awesome news, All new games and a shed load of older games coming to Gamepass. Its great having access to all systems. Gonna save me even more money.
I am more interested in which games I can carry over game saves and progression. Yea upgrades are good, but whats the point if i cant carry on where I left off.
First off, I game on all consoles, including my retro devices. I am a computer engineer of over 30 years experience. The series S is not here to compete with the PS5 hardware specs. It's here as an introduction to the new console generation. It's a lot more capable than the One X unlike what people are saying in the comments here. It's a cheap way in to the Xbox eco system with all the new hardware advantages. Yes I prefer Xbox, for probably a lot of the reasons people prefer PS. I will get the PS5 as I love the Sony exclusives and it's an awesome machine. I will also get the series X and a series S. The series S for when my Mrs is doing my head in. I seriously don't get why people have to play one box off against the other. Play your games and enjoy them. It's that simple.
Review scores are personal opinions. Just because someone gives a game a lower score than someone else doesn't mean they are wrong, its right to them. You don't need to feel hurt or angry that not everyone likes everything that you think looks good. They are opinions.
@Sentinator Whats to explain, The PS3 was cell based the PS4 is more x86 based which is what PC's are so easier to port. Or Sony couldent be botherd to port it to the PS4. Still tho if you own a PS4 and still dont have Bloodborne on said system it's probably because the game dosn't apeal to you. PC only guys that don't have a PS4 get to own a great game and provide more revenue for the developer to make more games. Its that simple. You dont have to feel hurt that more people get to play a game that is awesome.
I dont get it, Its an old game now, An awesome old game but still. Why would it be so bad to release it on PC and make even more money that can then be spent on...... well more games. Grow up.
@thefirst scalability dosn't hold anything back, if this was the case then PC's would not be used for Gaming, also Xbox has this thing called Smart Delivery.
@TrueAssassin86x Thing is, the Series X is not that big. These new consoles are powerfull bits of Kit, I would just rather them be sufficiently cooled.
@GoblinKing86 Sorry but you have no clue about what you are saying. Bleeding Edge was not pushed on Ninja Theory at all. It was a passion project a very small team was working on.
@GoblinKing86 LOL's. Lockdown getting to you. While this might not be everyones cup of tea, I love the game, maybe you find it a bit hard. Definatly worth a look at. Great little indi game.
lolz at some of these comments, the click bait title dosn't help. Maybe you should read Phils article to understand why he is refering to Google and Amazon. He is not having a dig at Sony at all. If you like it or not the future is in cloud gaming. I have X-Cloud and its awesome for when I am at work, it gives me an OPTION. Maybe because I am a grown man with a Job and money, I can be happy with the fact that I can game on what ever bit of hardware that I want, The One box only crew give this hobby a bad name.
Didnt explect to like this game, Downloaded it with GamePass and after arround 1 hour of play I purchased it. So fun, so adictive, a real little gem. Honk.
@JimbobLink Was thinking exactly the same thing regarding the way @rjejr is being "exposed" as a troll, what he says makes sence. @antdickens just another journo thats thinks only his oppinion counts. My grandson has Labo, I have had a play with it and its awesome for waht it is, and what it is, well its "VR" plain and simple.
Good thing that is just someones idea cos damn that is fugly. I would be up for wireless charging but not on top of the console as that would lead to scratches and so on. Plus that one would cook its self within a week.
@Col_McCafferty Yea, but this is personal preference, not anti consumer do you not agree ? Some people class me as too old to game, I have been gaming since pong and I will probably game well in to my over the hill age, I am 45 and I still love this industry just as much now. My dad was still gaming on his PlayStation until around a year before cancer put an end to it. People have branded me a fan boy before, which I definitely am not. I love the games not the box as much. If someone offers me an easy way to play more games (and as long as I have the time) I will take it.
@TheBuzz I would class myself as a hardcore gamer, I own PS4, Xbox One X and a pretty good Rig. I have over 600 games installed on my X and arround 100 on the PS4 and god knows how many on PC. Sorry, but calling Game Pass or even PS Now anti consumer is laughable, Its an option just like Netflix and Spotify. Why you think there is going to be a sting in its tale I cant see why you would think this. We as the consumers are getting a great deal of content and access to some games thet we probably wouldent normally look at. I for one know that i am getting my moneys worth from the service.
Its great value, been on it on Xbox since launch. Only thing is, if it comes to PS4 what about all the BC titles Xbox gets. As PS4 dosnt have back compat it will be missing a bunch of content.
Comments 164
Re: Microsoft Welcomes FTC's Injunction on Xbox's Activision Blizzard Buyout
@Nem LOL what that they are doing is embarrassing ? What they said is correct, its welcomed as it will bring this to an end quicker.
Re: Persona 3 Reload, Persona 5 Tactica Finally Confirmed for PS5, PS4 After Xbox Embargo Lifts
Its the same as what PS do, When PS or Xbox show games they don't show the other company's logo on the Trailer. Then you have to go look and find out if its coming to other platforms. They are both guilty of it.
Re: Poll: Share Your First Thoughts on The Last of Us TV Series
Its excellent, But then again so is the source material.
Re: Shocking: Sony Doesn't Want Game Pass on PlayStation, Microsoft Has a Pop at PS Plus
@__jamiie Totally agree, I am mainly an Xbox gamer but also have Switch, PlayStation and PC. There are a bunch of hypocrites that like to make out its only Xbox that are buying up studios/publishers, whilst Sony, TenCent and Embracer are out there doing the exact same thing, also with Sony that love to pay to keep games away from competition. Some people need to read back what they type and see their comments for what they are. This goes for users and journalists.
Re: Sony to Acquire Minority Stake in Elden Ring Dev FromSoftware
@Mylo Nearly spat my coffee all over my monitor. You do realise Sony pay to keep 3rd party games off other platforms ??
Re: Sony Responds to Activision Blizzard Buyout, Expects Games to Still Come to PS5, PS4
@ORO_ERICIUS LOL, COD will die ?? OK
Re: Poll: What's the Best Uncharted Game?
Uncharted 2 and its not even close.
Re: Microsoft Buys Call of Duty Publisher Activision Blizzard
This is awesome news, All new games and a shed load of older games coming to Gamepass. Its great having access to all systems. Gonna save me even more money.
Re: Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart (PS5) - Intergalactic Stunner Puts PS5's Power on Display
Great review, don't understand why people are bashing an 8/10 score. Nothing is perfect, nothing.
Re: PS4 to PS5: All Games with Confirmed Free Upgrades
I am more interested in which games I can carry over game saves and progression. Yea upgrades are good, but whats the point if i cant carry on where I left off.
Re: Reaction: PS5 Price Under Scrutiny After Disruptive Xbox Series S Reveal
First off, I game on all consoles, including my retro devices. I am a computer engineer of over 30 years experience. The series S is not here to compete with the PS5 hardware specs. It's here as an introduction to the new console generation. It's a lot more capable than the One X unlike what people are saying in the comments here. It's a cheap way in to the Xbox eco system with all the new hardware advantages. Yes I prefer Xbox, for probably a lot of the reasons people prefer PS. I will get the PS5 as I love the Sony exclusives and it's an awesome machine. I will also get the series X and a series S. The series S for when my Mrs is doing my head in. I seriously don't get why people have to play one box off against the other. Play your games and enjoy them. It's that simple.
Re: Reaction: PS5 Price Under Scrutiny After Disruptive Xbox Series S Reveal
@AlisonPentouseus LOL you just dont get it.
Re: Xbox Boss Takes More Shots at PS5 Exclusives Saying Fans Won't Be 'Forced' into Next-Gen
A lot of uneducated people in this comments section, and i game on all sytems before you brand me an Xbot or whatever.
Re: Round Up: Ghost of Tsushima Reviews Are Sharp As a Samurai's Blade
Review scores are personal opinions. Just because someone gives a game a lower score than someone else doesn't mean they are wrong, its right to them. You don't need to feel hurt or angry that not everyone likes everything that you think looks good. They are opinions.
Re: Bloodborne PC Rumours Are Weak, Wishful Right Now
@Sentinator Whats to explain, The PS3 was cell based the PS4 is more x86 based which is what PC's are so easier to port. Or Sony couldent be botherd to port it to the PS4. Still tho if you own a PS4 and still dont have Bloodborne on said system it's probably because the game dosn't apeal to you. PC only guys that don't have a PS4 get to own a great game and provide more revenue for the developer to make more games. Its that simple. You dont have to feel hurt that more people get to play a game that is awesome.
Re: Bloodborne PC Rumours Are Weak, Wishful Right Now
I dont get it, Its an old game now, An awesome old game but still. Why would it be so bad to release it on PC and make even more money that can then be spent on...... well more games. Grow up.
Re: Talking Point: Could PS5's Price Be a Problem Against Xbox's Rumoured Lockhart?
@GoblinKing86 The One X is being phased out and supposedly being replaced with the Series S (Lockhart) so yes it has a place.
Re: Talking Point: Could PS5's Price Be a Problem Against Xbox's Rumoured Lockhart?
@thefirst scalability dosn't hold anything back, if this was the case then PC's would not be used for Gaming, also Xbox has this thing called Smart Delivery.
Re: PS5 Heatsink Patent Has the Web Hyped About Sony's Next-Gen Cooling Solution
@TrueAssassin86x Thing is, the Series X is not that big. These new consoles are powerfull bits of Kit, I would just rather them be sufficiently cooled.
Re: Feature: Which Studios Could Sony Realistically Acquire?
@GoblinKing86 Sorry but you have no clue about what you are saying. Bleeding Edge was not pushed on Ninja Theory at all. It was a passion project a very small team was working on.
Re: PS5 Is Attracting an Obscene Amount of FUD Right Now
Nobody from Windows Central verified his claimes, check your sources.
Re: Former Xbox Exclusive Below Comes to PS4 on 7th April
@GoblinKing86 LOL's. Lockdown getting to you. While this might not be everyones cup of tea, I love the game, maybe you find it a bit hard. Definatly worth a look at. Great little indi game.
Re: Talking Point: Why Isn't Sony Saying More About PS5?
Alot of people damage controlling this with COVID-19, truth is Sony will release news when they want to and stuff the fans.
Re: The Outer Worlds Is a Big RPG Success with Two Million Copies Shipped
You left out the part where they also said it has made them a bit more open minded regarding sub based systems due to Xbox Gamepass.
Re: Xbox Boss Phil Spencer Doesn't See Sony As Competition Going Forward
@JoeBlogs You dont need to call your self a loser man. Have some self respect.
Re: Xbox Boss Phil Spencer Doesn't See Sony As Competition Going Forward
@JoeBlogs We have a winner !!
Re: Xbox Boss Phil Spencer Doesn't See Sony As Competition Going Forward
lolz at some of these comments, the click bait title dosn't help. Maybe you should read Phils article to understand why he is refering to Google and Amazon. He is not having a dig at Sony at all. If you like it or not the future is in cloud gaming. I have X-Cloud and its awesome for when I am at work, it gives me an OPTION. Maybe because I am a grown man with a Job and money, I can be happy with the fact that I can game on what ever bit of hardware that I want, The One box only crew give this hobby a bad name.
Re: PS I Love You XOXO Podcast Returns with PS5 Hopes and Dreams
Sorry, Greg is a tool, Colin is the one with the charm and witt. Pass.
Re: Mini Review: Untitled Goose Game - 2019's Most Popular Indie Waddles Onto PS4
Didnt explect to like this game, Downloaded it with GamePass and after arround 1 hour of play I purchased it. So fun, so adictive, a real little gem. Honk.
Re: Xbox Series X Has a Share Button, Hellblade Sequel
@carlos82 Well I double dipped, Got it on both the PS4 and the Xbox One.
Re: Live: Watch the PlayStation Awards 2019
Sorry but that is hard watching, too corporate and too boring. I will read the head lines later.
Re: Shuhei Yoshida Shuts Down Xbox Boss' Comments on VR
@antdickens What !!? you said "Labo VR isn't a VR platform is it? You can't buy games for it" contradict yourself much ?
Re: Shuhei Yoshida Shuts Down Xbox Boss' Comments on VR
@JimbobLink Was thinking exactly the same thing regarding the way @rjejr is being "exposed" as a troll, what he says makes sence. @antdickens just another journo thats thinks only his oppinion counts. My grandson has Labo, I have had a play with it and its awesome for waht it is, and what it is, well its "VR" plain and simple.
Re: PS5 Concept Video Shows What One Retailer Thinks the Console Will Look Like
Good thing that is just someones idea cos damn that is fugly. I would be up for wireless charging but not on top of the console as that would lead to scratches and so on. Plus that one would cook its self within a week.
Re: Death Stranding - Hideo Kojima's Latest Masterpiece Has Arrived
@LiamCroft Cool, as I am totally undecided on this I may just wait till it's a bit cheaper and work on my backlog.
Re: Death Stranding - Hideo Kojima's Latest Masterpiece Has Arrived
@LiamCroft You keep skirting the questions I would also like answers to, is this a one and done game, is there any kind of repalyability ? Cheers.
Re: The Outer Worlds Is Purportedly Not Enhanced on PS4 Pro, Runs at 4K on Xbox One X
@Col_McCafferty Yea, but this is personal preference, not anti consumer do you not agree ? Some people class me as too old to game, I have been gaming since pong and I will probably game well in to my over the hill age, I am 45 and I still love this industry just as much now. My dad was still gaming on his PlayStation until around a year before cancer put an end to it. People have branded me a fan boy before, which I definitely am not. I love the games not the box as much. If someone offers me an easy way to play more games (and as long as I have the time) I will take it.
Re: The Outer Worlds Is Purportedly Not Enhanced on PS4 Pro, Runs at 4K on Xbox One X
@TheBuzz I would class myself as a hardcore gamer, I own PS4, Xbox One X and a pretty good Rig. I have over 600 games installed on my X and arround 100 on the PS4 and god knows how many on PC. Sorry, but calling Game Pass or even PS Now anti consumer is laughable, Its an option just like Netflix and Spotify. Why you think there is going to be a sting in its tale I cant see why you would think this. We as the consumers are getting a great deal of content and access to some games thet we probably wouldent normally look at. I for one know that i am getting my moneys worth from the service.
Re: The Outer Worlds Is Purportedly Not Enhanced on PS4 Pro, Runs at 4K on Xbox One X
@Nintyfan Game Pass anti consumer ?? wtf, plus its not a streaming service you download and install all the games on Game Pass.
Re: PS Plus September 2019 PS4 Games Announced
Great selection, I have Batman already but no biggie.
Re: Xbox Boss Phil Spencer Won't Take Away from Sony to Achieve Success
@GodGamer I think you will find that deal was already in place before Phil took over.
Re: Xbox Boss Phil Spencer Won't Take Away from Sony to Achieve Success
@GodGamer That deal was not put in place by Phil
Re: Talking Point: Is E3 Still Relevant?
Will you be asking this same question next year when Sony are back at E3 ?
Re: Feature: Predict E3 2019 with the 5th Annual Push Square Community Quiz
@johncalmc even tho they are showing 14 first party games ?
Re: Poll: Are You a Big Borderlands Fan, and Are You Hyped for Borderlands 3?
I am playing on a different platform, but yeah sweet man. But after all this time it's still fun to play.
Re: Naughty! RAGE 2 Cheat Code Unlocks Cockney Geezer Danny Dyer as a Gameplay Commentator
Legend, Pre orederd.
Re: Poll: Are You a Big Borderlands Fan, and Are You Hyped for Borderlands 3?
Was playing number 2 again last night to check out the visual upgrade. Cant wait for number 3 to get my proper loot shoot fix.
Re: PS Plus April 2019 PS4 Games Announced
The Surge is great, Pitty i have it already, and Conan i have been wanting to try. Not a bad month at all.
Re: Round Up: ANTHEM PS4 Reviews Falter
@Djtyme Thanx for that link, Great review.
Re: EA Access May Finally Be Making Its Way to the PS4
Its great value, been on it on Xbox since launch. Only thing is, if it comes to PS4 what about all the BC titles Xbox gets. As PS4 dosnt have back compat it will be missing a bunch of content.