Comments 97

Re: Hands On: Has Just Cause 3 on PS4 Blown Us Away?


Yeah, it's disappointing to see technical bugs like that crop up in a game that's supposedly been gold for months. I'd like to think that more time would have went into ironing these things out, but I can't say that I'm surprised it didn't.

Re: Fallout 4's Got a New Video Series Which Will Help You Build Your Character 


@NomNom @Splat Yeah. 'Strength' to break your controller in half after the 40th crash, 'Perception' to figure out what the heck's making it crash this time, 'Endurance' to stop yourself from giving up on it, 'Charisma' for when you're on the phone to Bethesda's support team, 'Intelligence' so that youre actually able to fix it, 'Agility' for trying to accomplish as much as you can before the next crash, and 'Luck' because, well, you'll need it.

Re: Review: Super Time Force Ultra (PS4)


@SteveButler2210 I think they're unlocked by getting Glorbs, yeah. A good way to get them might be to blast through the easier Helladeck missions on offer and rack some Glorbs up there, instead, since you get roughly three a level.

Re: Review: Super Time Force Ultra (PS4)


@SteveButler2210 @sub12 Yeah, that's very true. If you ever feel like there's ever too much going on at once, though, I'd recommend taking a step back and making it easier for yourself ahead of time. One of the starting characters, Aimy, is great for this because her charged attack can hit enemies through walls. Use her right, and by the time your runner enters the fray, all of the bad guys will already be dead.

@JoeBlogs Unfortunately not, but I can maybe see it being patched in at some point.

Re: Review: Super Time Force Ultra (PS4)


@xMEADx I'd argue that without the time limit, there'd be no challenge, though - utilising the Time Stop ability in order to cut corners and save a few seconds is what it's all about. Take that away, and it'd be too easy, don't you think?

Re: Uncharted Will Scale the Silver Screen in 2017


My dream cast:
DJ Khaled as Nathan Timothy Drake
Willem Dafoe as Victor "Sully" Sullivan
Troy Baker as the ghostly voice of Elena Fisher
And featuring Mel Gibson as the franchise's biggest and baddest villain to date, the enigmatic "Dr. Scrumps"

(Note to whoever is making this movie - I haven't bothered to check - Mr. Dafoe should
deliver his lines exclusively through gritted teeth)

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