Comments 97

Re: Nathan Drake's Regenerative Health Was Actually His 'Luck Running Out'


I think I jokingly gave a friend of mine this explanation a few years ago, when they asked "How is this guy still jumping and climbing all over the place? He's taken like 50 bullets to the chest by now."

I think it's a really nice touch, though. Reminds me of the sort of health systems that you might see in tabletop RPGs, where a character's HP is more an abstraction of how much fight they have left in them than it is their actual, physical condition. I'd like to see more games implement something similar.

Re: Feature: How to Prepare for the Second Coming of Knack


@Nightcrawler71 You think this a game? That we're all just sat giggling like a bunch of monkeys on gas over here? Repent, sinner, lest the wrath of Cerny be upon you!

@Gamer83 We've been taking bets on how long it'd be before someone cracked that old chestnut out. I'm surprised we made it to comment #21...

Re: Review: Rainbow Moon (PS4)


@consolfreak1982 The game does allow you to transfer your save files between different versions of it, but you're right - they can't be cross bought, unfortunately. I might recommend picking it up on the PS3 if money is an issue, as it'll no doubt be cheaper on there.

Re: Review: Not a Hero (PS4)


@SonyInfinity Given the 'street cred' that publisher Devolver Digital and developer Roll7 have earned for themselves, I'd wager that a lot of the PS4's indie-savvy userbase will have already been waiting to snap this one up - especially after seeing it played on the PC and other platforms.

@MDHegs I think the gameplay is way more methodical in Not a Hero, since your actions are almost always going to involve skidding to cover or knocking down enemies. Broforce plays a little more loosely, allowing you to clear paths by shooting rubble and climbing walls.

Having said that, though, there are some definite similarities between the two, and if you enjoyed Broforce then you'll probably have fun with Not a Hero.

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