Comments 90

Re: Game of the Year: #2 - Baldur's Gate 3


@UltimateOtaku91 Considering they gave BG3 a higher score than SM2 on their own website, even without the fact that BG3 is a masterpiece, they completely contradict themselves. It's obvious bias. We call out XB websites and players all the time for theirs, and with this top ten push square has definitely earned it's criticism.

Re: Two of PS5's Biggest 2024 Titles Will Have Massive Musical Components


@LazyLombax If we're not going to classify games as exclusive simply because they also release on PC then Xbox doesn't have any at all. That makes no sense. PC is a different category and doesn't really matter in this context. Regardless HD2 is a console exclusive, if you want to be picky word it that way.

Re: ISPs Seemingly Clamping Down on Downloads of Stolen Marvel's Wolverine Build


@Mince Comparing life and death starvation to some people checking out leaked information... yea makes complete sense 😑

@EfYI "illegally obtain stolen data" 😂 ok, what's illegal about downloading something publicly available? And if it's illegal what law will they use to prosecute those who downloaded it from public websites? Here's a hint, there isn't one.

Re: ISPs Seemingly Clamping Down on Downloads of Stolen Marvel's Wolverine Build


@koverby See the problem is, it is publicly available. You know what that means right? How it came to be publicly available is irrelevant to someone's desire to see it. You act like it's impossible to separate the two. Like I said no one should be happy about it, it's not like I am... but to act like those who are interested are somehow even close to as culpable as the hackers themselves is ridiculous.

Re: Bill & Ted's Excellent Retro Collection Will Be Removed from PS5, PS4 Very Soon


😂 limited run games has been dead to me ever since they fired Kara Lynne because some trans activist on twitter complained she has a solid grip on reality. Shame for B&T love that series, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy every bit of negativity LRG encounters. They already had a horrible record of delivering their products in a timely manor, many people having to wait over a year for their purchase to finally be delivered.. then they pulled that virtue signaling trash. They deserve more criticism than they receive.

Re: GTA 6 Hacker Ruled a High Risk to the Public, Sentenced to Life in Hospital


@riceNpea We're talking millions of dollars, not chump change. All you people acting shocked fail to realize they're talking about more money than the whole comment section will make in their lifetimes. Kid clearly showed he wasn't going to stop and didn't care about the damage he was doing. Not sure how many of you have experience with autism but I have more than I'd like and I can vouch for the fact autistic people have a tendency to be the definition of selfishness and entitlement. Just because someone has a mental issue doesn't mean it's the ok and the rest of us should just suffer and deal with it. Kid earned what he's got. Considering he's gonna be in a hospital, he got off light. And he won't be there for life. He'll be there for a decade at most and then released under some sort of probation. Those whining about the punishment he faces for his own damn actions are too soft and people like that are probably part of the reason he's been able to push his luck so far because he's never been truly held accountable until now.

Re: ISPs Seemingly Clamping Down on Downloads of Stolen Marvel's Wolverine Build


@koverby No one is saying the hack was right or that those effected shouldn't be pissed. Just that there are plenty of people who are curious that just want to see under the hood and it's not a sign they endorse the hack. If someone wants to look and possible ruin the game for themselves what does that matter to you? Be mad at the hackers sure, but the others that had nothing to do with it who simply are looking at what is publicly available deserve no animosity or shame.

Re: ISPs Seemingly Clamping Down on Downloads of Stolen Marvel's Wolverine Build


All these people talking about "why would you want to play an unfinished game?".... have you ever been curious about how the things you enjoy are made? There's 32 whole ass seasons of the How it's Made TV series. I'd love to see what the scaffolding of a game looks like bare showing all it's imperfections and unfinished parts. Just out of pure curiosity and interest. As far as ISPs doing anything, while I don't think the hack was right and most importantly the personal information released was wrong, they should have zero authority to do anything about it and shouldn't be looking at what you're doing anyway. They are no different than phone companies who cannot just cut off your service just because they don't like what you say or are using it to do something illegal. This is a rights and privacy issue, the root of which has nothing to do with games. The email contacting these people about their downloads itself is a gross violation of privacy because they had to monitor what you're doing online to even know.

Re: Hands On: Fortnite Festival Rekindles Fond Memories of a Forgotten PSP Favourite


A lot of people seem pretty down on everything they're doing. I've always been pretty anti-Fortnite, particularly because of how they have inflated the MTX market which still applies. But people don't realize there are game modes on there with like 53 people playing them, they don't really "need" to be mindful of their servers getting bogged down. I don't play Rocket League but specifically downloaded Fortnite for the first time in years to try the racing. I don't want to play soccer in cars I want to race them, I'm sure I'm not alone. As long as they can monetize these new additions (which they can because unfortunately there are enough people out there that will actually spend $20-$40 on a car skin with some decals) these modes will continue to get support. Epic knows they already have a large audience of people playing their platform, they already have all the servers necessary, and they have the particular talent already in-house to create an arcadey racer or rhythm based music game worth players' time and money. They're not just giving current players something new to spend money on and keep them engaged, they're getting a significant amount of new or returning players who haven't even thought about playing Fortnite in years. Sure plenty will go back to whatever but many will stick around for all the other stuff too. I played a user created Hotline Miami mini game top down gameplay and all last night. They do not care what you play, as long as you play. Because they know most will eventually spend money on something they create and have monetized. They're happy to have users sell their creations and take a cut as well. This isn't going away, it's only the beginning of an expansion into Epic's plans to truly mold Fortnite into the closest thing we have to "the metaverse".

Re: Could Marvel's Blade Come to PS5? Bethesda Declines to Comment


We've seen the MLB force Sony's hand into releasing The Show on Xbox. I could see a similar situation here. Particularly because it is Marvel, a massive entity in it's own right, who's owned by Disney. The bigger the fanbase and bigger the company owning the IP the more likely they'll want to see their product available everywhere possible. And considering how poorly games sell on Xbox compared to Playstation I could easily see Marvel/Disney requiring them to release it on other platforms. It wouldn't surprise me at all if they wouldn't have done the deal otherwise.

Re: GTA Publisher Lays Out Complex Entertainment Per-Hour Pricing Algorithm


@MattBoothDev Which averages to about $42 a copy, when it originally sold for $60. Doesn't sound bad at all. Wait until it goes on sale if you want to cry about it 🤷🏽‍♂️ if you could see past your own wallet maybe you would be able to see how you use your wallet directly affects the industry you're interested in. How many studios have to fold or lay people off before you get it? How many more samey games do we have to get because taking a risk with a game concept is financially too risky for most studios before you get it? Inflation alone has made the money they get from selling games worth less than before meanwhile games are getting more expensive to make. How is that so hard to understand? You're complaining because a massive outlier who is successful is calling for the price raise, if it was some indie studio you would be signing a different tune, trust me the indie devs need the price increase too. Just because someone or a company is successful doesn't mean they shouldn't receive the same benefits. You wanna know what self harm is? It's suffocating the industry you love out of profits and forcing them to lay off devs or make safer games all so you can save a measly $10 on your new game purchases. You suck the life and creativity out of the industry because you aren't willing to pay what it requires to keep it healthy. Its like someone not paying taxes complaining about the roads being pristine. Pay what it costs or find another hobby. Rather have one less person supporting the industry than one who's just going to complain and suck it dry.

Re: PS Plus Indie Hit Teardown Updated with Invert Y-Axis Option


Finally, I couldn't believe it dropped without it. Disappointing it took this long for them to patch in a common option but I've been waiting months to play it so a few more weeks wasn't that bad. Although having it installed just staring at me knowing I couldn't play it was rough.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 505


Just got a new laptop so I've been getting back to more PC style games. Found Paradise Killer was included with premium so I've been playing that. And with the Dragons Dogma 2 announcements I found the first one on Steam for $5 so I'm gonna be playing that on PC because I just can't take 30fps anymore.

Re: PS Plus Subscriptions on Sale Now, But There's a Big Catch


@Darude84 Well I guess those are the things you have to do, beg the consumers to buy their inferior offerings. Just like they had to give Activision a better cut just to get their games on XB because they don't sell games on that system, or when a sports teams from a smaller market has to overpay to get stars to come to their team because of their current standing. I will agree though the way they made the sale pricing linked to upgrading the subscription only is pretty *****.

Re: GTA Publisher Lays Out Complex Entertainment Per-Hour Pricing Algorithm


@MattBoothDev I don't really see what you're trying to say here. The money they made is irrelevant to the value a consumer receives. GTA5 was $60 at launch, and most people who purchased it have put tens if not hundreds of hours into it. Even at 20 total hours which is ridiculously low for a gta game that has online play, that's $3 an hour. You own anything that has anywhere near that price to value ratio? $3 in gas won't even last an hour. And remember that's generous, there are plenty of people who have paid less than $1 an hour to play gta5. Doesn't it tell you something when people spend $20 on a skin pack in COD or Fortnite? That's a pack of a few purely cosmetic items for a third of the price of GTA. Perhaps you should take up your issues with the people who have completely skewed the marketplace with microtransactions before you complain about a completely reasonable price increase. Especially considering inflation basically wiped out the $10 increase this gen already so companies are back to square one again, to a place where game prices were less than they were in the 90s yet becoming more and more expensive to make.

Re: US Children Want Subscriptions and Currencies for Christmas, Not Games


I would take this with a grain of salt. 500 people is hardly a comprehensive survey, with a stated margin of error of over 5% to boot. I don't disagree with it completely, though I think it implies a skewed view of the current economic climate. It seems to paint a "subscriptions are winning" picture which in a way is correct but with a caveat. There's no mention that a decent amount of those requests are related to the base online requirements like ps plus essential or xb core, which are not the chunk of the subscription model that is currently a highly contentious subject in the industry. And what of those who already have a base subscription and are asking for the additional tiers because they wouldn't buy it themselves? Many will take this as a sign the subscription model (the kind that includes a library of games) is becoming the new viable standard, but this is shaky evidence at best. I also bet most of the requests for currencies are general ones for specific ecosystems like the PSstore/Steam/etc. which will at least partially be used on games. Again tempering the strong outlook for the game library subscription model this survey and subsequent summaries tend to imply. The survey is so vague and thin it creates more questions about itself than it answers about people's purchasing decisions.

Re: GTA Publisher Lays Out Complex Entertainment Per-Hour Pricing Algorithm


It really is quite annoying when people complain about the price of entertainment in general but especially in this industry. The amount of money spent for the amount of entertainment received is far beyond most people's purchases. The hours of entertainment we get out of games amounts to days, meanwhile most entertainment purchases last a couple hours at best and often times require repeating the same content to reach the same amount of time. When's the last time you bought some sort of entertainment that lasted nearly as long per dollar spent? Was it as enjoyable, was it as impactful as an experience through a controller? Even subscriptions don't compare. Sure it costs less, but it's not a one time fee. After a few months of service you'll now be paying more than you would for the game, yet you still won't own anything. Stop paying and its gone, and as we've seen those prices can jump at anytime without much warning. We should be grateful that game prices haven't risen along with everything else, but at the same time I'm concerned if they don't the industry will suffer and there are already far too many whiny babies about a measly $10 price increase which should've happened decades ago. I'm afraid many have become entitled brats who don't truly understand or appreciate what goes into making these games, and that any more increases in prices (which will absolutely be necessary) will create a backlash lead by the least worthy

Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3's First PS5, PS4 Campaign Review Is a Massacre


@JohntheRaptor Not saying it shouldn't be patched but just because you looked it up and found other that had the same issue doesn't mean it was widespread. I've never even heard of it until you said it, so it's clearly not "all over the internet" or common. Even without finished it you still got more out of the campaign than you can with MW3. Guess that 3 stands for 3 hours, which is far worse than a 6-8hr campaign most people enjoyed and finished bugged or not. All MW3's campaign is, is a tutorial for warzone. That's not a campaign, it's a slap in the face to their consumers who they've been disappointing for over 2 years now.

Re: Modern Warfare 3 Set to Claim 140GB of PS5 SSD Space


@Dusk_Actual I feel the same. Xdefiant may have a horrible name but it looks good. I would recommend checking out The Finals too. It's made by a bunch of ex-Dice devs who left and took the greatness of Battlefield with them. There's an open beta right now on PS5, running until Nov 8th I think. Pretty fun so far

Re: Multiplayer Shooter The Finals Gets Open Beta, Live Now on PS5


Been waiting for this game for years honestly. Ever since the old Dice devs left and started Embark studios I've been anticipating what they create. Just from watching gameplay videos I can tell it has that old Battlefield feel. Hopefully the game/servers get fixed before the beta ends I want to have a real go at it.

Re: Rumour: The Next Far Cry Game Is an Extraction-Based Multiplayer Shooter with Permadeath


So much hate 😂 I think its sounds dope. A Far Cry BR/extraction shooter could be really good. I know a lot of people aren't fans of the Ubisoft formula but I usually like the far cry games. Granted it's usually for the story.. if its good, competition can take a story's place. Far Cry kinda of already is an extraction shooter the way the maps are as well as consumables and placement, with all the NPC stronghold style outposts for teams to take on. It's all kinda there save for other players and the goal of extracting. I've wanted something like Tarkov (that isn't garbage COD DMZ) for a while now on consoles. This might be it.

Re: Sony's Allegedly Testing a Super-Secret Soulsborne for PS5


So wait... did you guys just roll with the headline and article being about a souls like game without ANY evidence to support it? So it could've been literally any kind of game, right? This feels disingenuous, and kinda gross. Using the genre for clicks while getting people's hopes up, setting them up for disappointment? Not cool.

Re: The Last of Us Multiplayer Game Is 'Basically on Ice' Right Now


@jmac1686 You might be right about the size and direction but I think that sounds great. The main problem, I think, is that Neil isn't just a writer he's a true author. He creates great stories, which require a beginning, middle, and most importantly an end. And I think that clashes with Bungie's idea of a great game, which is one that goes on forever.

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