Comments 133

Re: Random: Assassin's Creed Origins Catching Strays as Ubisoft Review Bombing Gets Underway


@Max_the_German That's a fair point but in the same sense neither Arrowhead nor Concord were made in house. Sony foolishly bought Firewalk for the talent that didn't pan out and HD2 was a stagnant product Sony funded for years beyond the typical 4-5yr dev cycle to bring to market. Both are atypical situations but I'd be lying if I didn't say Sony should've seen each for what they were. Oddly while both were Sony's responsibility at the end of the day it didn't matter who got what money. Trial by fire beats toxic positivity any day. HD2 and Concord are perfect examples

Re: Housemarque Recruits PlatinumGames Dev of 11 Years as Lead Designer on Next PS5 Game


Platinum's recent offerings haven't been the slam dunks they used to be, and this guy was a lead on a canceled game, so I wouldn't get my hopes up just yet like so many here. Also I wonder how far along in the development cycle their next game is if they're bringing in a lead like this. Maybe he'll be more of a tweaker of designs and the game will only have a few of his own, which is kinda what I'm hoping. Otherwise this news may mean their next game is farther out than a 4-5yr cycle would suggest.

Re: Gaming Colossus Tencent Added to US Blacklist, Accused of Ties to Chinese Military


Pretty much every large Chinese company has some sort of ties to their military. There is no doubt their military benefits at the very least financially from Tencent, but likely receives data they can use for all sorts applications. Many of these games listen to VC, that alone would be interesting from an intelligence perspective. Plenty of people worth monitoring play games. They could learn a lot just listening to a group of Army guys play a war game, or monitor a guy from R&D hoping to hear them talk about a project with others online. There's also a possibility they have some sort of backdoor into system data through their games/applications that give them access to computer files. And then there's always those annoying TOS we have to agree to that no one reads which could give them the legal right to do so simply because you wanted to play Valorant and agreed to it. None of us can say for sure if this is warranted or not, but I'd honestly be surprised if Tencent wasn't helping their military in one way or another.

Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Will Conquer a Hefty Chunk of Your PS5's Storage


That's really not that bad. Unless a person regularly plays COD, GTA, and 2k (in which case where would they find the time?) there's a decent amount of space on the base console. You either don't have the time/money/interest to play enough games regularly to fill up a hard drive, or you've expanded your storage/plan to. 80 is on the larger side, but triple digit games are the real monsters.

Re: Random: Assassin's Creed Origins Catching Strays as Ubisoft Review Bombing Gets Underway


@Max_the_German So far the only game done mostly by a PS studio was tlou which was mainly because they're.. particular about their games, and that was a disaster of a launch. PC titles are not going to take much away from PS studios because they've made it pretty clear they want to leave PC ports to people that excel at them like Jetpack Interactive and Nixxes. Tlou was an outlier. It wasted their time and effort on the port instead of Intergalactic or whatever else, and it was bad. I doubt they make that mistake again.

Re: Random: Assassin's Creed Origins Catching Strays as Ubisoft Review Bombing Gets Underway


@Drago201 That's a bit ridiculous. MS does not have access, nor should they, to Ubisoft game code. They can't change someone else's game. It's their fault, they should be catching flak left and right, but Ubisoft updated many games to fix the issue. They left old games be because they can't make much money off them anymore so why fix those games? That's the point and that's what people are mad about. The Windows update was over a month ago, at this point it's on Ubisoft.

Re: Helldivers 2's Creative Director's Latest Comments Have Landed Him in Hot Water


@Flaming_Kaiser Relatability is an issue many have with gay characters, for one. Some have religious beliefs that clash with it as well. And many are just tired of seeing something over represented in media. We don't come across unapologetically gay people in every day life often, at least most people don't. Yet it is in plenty of games, often in an unavoidable way. Once you see something put in your face over and over in an attempt to normalize something that never needed it to begin with, you get pretty sick of it. People get sick of things they like if they're exposed too much, forget things they couldn't care less about or even hate. This is the pendulum swinging the other way after years of swinging too far too the left. The only way to slow it all down is to acknowledge how ridiculous both sides have been and agree on being reasonable and reliant on merits of people and the truth of matters, not what their identity is or what their ideology tells them is the truth.

Re: PS Portal Owners Spend More Time Playing PS5, Says Sony


@Deljo It's not for everyone for sure but I know a lot of people use it for when the wife or family wants to watch something lame, or while they're watching football on Sundays they'll play a turn-based game or something. They're great for those that have a use case. I have access to multiple screens in the room I have my PS5 in so I don't really need it but I could see myself grabbing one if that wasn't the case. I also wonder why it would take owning a handheld to get a person to use their home console regularly, but I guess some people just prefer the screen in their hand instead of on the wall 🤷🏽‍♂️

Re: PS Portal Owners Spend More Time Playing PS5, Says Sony


I mean, duh lol of course it results in more play time. People buy them for when they can't play their PS5, or when it would be more convenient like in bed. I can't stand the engagement metric though, it really doesn't tell you anything other than interaction time. It says nothing about how much a person spends, even though these companies (particularly MS) love to act like it's the ultimate metric. I'd be curious to see how buying one effects a player's purchasing behavior. It's clear, big boost in PSstore sales or not, that they must pursue handhelds going forward. I hope they stick to the Portal's form. It does look kinda weird just being a Dualsense split in half with a screen in the middle, but using it compared to many others like Switch or handheld PCs feels much better.

Re: Naughty Dog Turns Off Intergalactic PS5 Trailer's Comments As Discourse Turns Nasty


@PCPS4XB You cannot speak for everyone not sure why you are trying. You can't just say everyone who cares about how a character looks cares only about their clothing or equipment, I mean you can but you're wrong. I played Concord and commonly used one of the most hideous characters I've ever seen designed. I hated the way they looked, how they talked, everything about them except the way they played. It was an extreme turnoff. Nothing about a game should be such a turnoff, especially relating to style. You're taking the word attractive to weird lengths, it doesn't inherently mean a character is "hot". Cool, dope, rad, badass... all can explain an attractive design. It's not so much about being hot or sexy, it's about not being lame. Elden Ring would have a much different feel if your character or the bosses you fight look like pokemon instead intricately detailed gothic themed characters. Ugly isn't cool, attractive is, it's that simple. If Lara Croft was some overweight square faced troglodyte, or even a 6 with a shaved head, the games wouldn't have been as popular. There's a reason people like Brad Pitt and Sydney Sweeney are the leads in movies, and people like you and me are not. People want to see attractive people in entertainment, that's literally part of what is entertaining about it. No one cares about or wants to see a story starring a standard Walmart shopper.

Re: Naughty Dog Turns Off Intergalactic PS5 Trailer's Comments As Discourse Turns Nasty


@themightyant Anyone can cherry pick a highly disliked video to support their argument... but I find it funny you use the very "unreliable" by your assessment like/dislike ratio to support your own argument. It's not exact, but it's a pretty good estimation based upon the people who use the plugin. Instead of attacking someone's argument for using it, and then with an amazing level of hypocrisy in the same reply using the same plugin data to support your own argument... how bout just be honest about it?

Re: Naughty Dog Turns Off Intergalactic PS5 Trailer's Comments As Discourse Turns Nasty


@LogicStrikesAgain For sure, but I can understand it. People are tired of seeing "masculine female character" types everywhere. Jack in Mass Effect was fine. The problem is now almost every game has a "Jack" and many times it's the main character. Add the "woke" culture being shoved down people's throats everywhere, not just gaming, and you're going to have an equally ridiculous resistance to it all. I'm tired of it too, no one asked for it. Devs in their bubbles and echo chambers think this is what the world wants and many think if we don't like it too bad. They've forgotten we are the whole reason gaming is worth having an industry around. Voting against this excessive forcing of liberal culture with our wallets is the only power we have as consumers. Many games have already suffered for it and more will if they continue to push agendas like activists. That being said I don't think these more egregious comments are ok, just that I understand where that energy is coming from. I'm waiting to see how the gameplay looks and what the story is like. I think it sounds dope. A new bounty hunter game inspired by Cowboy Bebop with what looked like some great retro future style 👌🏽 But... if it's anything like Dragon Age where everything is Disneyfied or has some preachy cultural elements I won't support it with my money.

Re: Sifu Dev Teases a Surprise for The Game Awards


I'd love to see it but that'd be one hell of a turnaround. 2 years while supporting the first one isn't much time. I'm not getting my hopes up for it, I think it's more likely something else they had cooking already alongside Sifu that was in an early stage of development.

Re: Game of the Year: #2 - Baldur's Gate 3


@UltimateOtaku91 Considering they gave BG3 a higher score than SM2 on their own website, even without the fact that BG3 is a masterpiece, they completely contradict themselves. It's obvious bias. We call out XB websites and players all the time for theirs, and with this top ten push square has definitely earned it's criticism.