Comments 706

Re: PS Plus Version of Greedfall Won't Upgrade to PS5 Version for Free


@torne The fact that the paid PS4 version can be upgraded has nothing to do with the point that I am making. I am well aware of that, and that the same thing happened in March with FF7.

The point is that you have a Playstaion Plus customer and a Gamepass customer. Both get Greedfall for no additional cost beyond what was paid to subscribe. But if you are an Gamepass customer, you also get an upgrade. The PS Pus customer does not.

You may think that is irrelevant, but it is undeniable that the PS player is getting a worse deal than the MS player. And it is not out of bounds for gaming outlets to tell gaming consumers about the difference.

Re: PS Plus Version of Greedfall Won't Upgrade to PS5 Version for Free


Reading through the comments, there is a lot of sentiment that Push Square should not compare the results of Plus with Gamepass, and that surprises me. Not because it is wrong to have that opinion or anything, just that it is so very different from the way I look at it.

Sammy's post near the beginning of this thread sums up my view: When it comes to Greedfall, PlayStation consumers are getting a worse deal than what is available from Sony's direct competitor, and I think that is newsworthy.

Re: PS Plus Version of Greedfall Won't Upgrade to PS5 Version for Free


@torne I completely understand what you are saying. But consumers are not at all concerned about whether it is "fair" to compare the different services available through MS and PS. They only want to know: What games/upgrades can I get if I am part of the PS Ecosystem? What games/upgrades can I get if I am part of the MS ecosystem?

That is why the comparisons between Plus and Gamepass are being made everywhere. The important thing to people is not whether PS Now or PS Plus can be properly compared to gamepass. It is what is available from each ecosystem taken in total. Here, it is likely that if you are a member or the MS ecosystem you have yourself a free Greedfall upgrade, and if you only have PlayStation it is certain that you don't.

Re: PS Plus Version of Greedfall Won't Upgrade to PS5 Version for Free


@torne Respectfully: Microsoft is Sony’s direct competitor, and they feature a service that is not available in the PS ecosystem. What is available there is always going to be compared to what Sony can offer through its services, and has been since the latest console generation started. Not just at Push Square, but at every gaming outlet.

It isn’t going to make me run out and get an Xbox or anything, but I think that game pass subscribers being able to upgrade when Plus users cannot is relevant information for consumers to have.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 379


@ApostateMage As a big Mass Effect fan, I have some friendly advice for you: ME:A has a pretty good game in there hidden under a lot of crap. For some reason, BioWare made the odd decision of absolutely littering the game with side quests and then making a large chunk of them tedious fetch quests. It is one of the more ridiculous development choices I have ever seen.

The story is decent, and I think the combat is the best in any ME game. And there are side quests worth doing-all the ones pairing you with a ship companion are good, and there are decent side stories to be found.

But if an NPC wants you to collect parts of a ship, or herbs, or minerals, or medical supplies from different outposts, you should leave those unfinished in the quest log and just keep moving. This was a hard adjustment for me, since I tend to want to do all the side content in a game. But I was much happier in ME:A when I realized many of the obvious slog quests could be safely ignored. Why BioWare chose to bury a good game under hours of tedium, I have no idea. People talk about graphics and such when criticizing the game, but the main problem is you have to navigate a lot of crap to get to the good stuff.

Just my experience of course. Hope you enjoy the game!

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 379


Mr. Barker’s post got me thinking of Assassins Creed: Valhalla. It is a good game, it really is. Well worth playing, and raiding as a Viking is fantastic fun.

But: I don’t think I have ever been more ready for a game to end than I reached the conclusion. Even just the main story is utterly endless-not to mention the side content. May be the first game where I ever said to myself “this needs to be cut way down”.

I am still punching my way through Yakuza 3. 25ish hours in and this is my weakest game in the series so far. Story is just not grabbing me. But a weaker Yakuza game is still a good game!

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Crash Rates Charted in Official CDPR Graph


@Shepherd_Tallon I agree with this completely. Under all the bugs and stuff, the issue is that Cyberpunk is a pretty average game. No patch can fix that.

I put 100 hours into it and saw the end credits roll. It is a solid game worth playing. But it is not near to the level of something like Witcher 3 no matter how much they patch it.

Re: PS Plus June 2021 PS5, PS4 Games Announced


I received Squadrons as a Christmas present from my wonderful wife. Why couldn’t she see into the future to know that it would shortly be a Plus game? 😃

The game is good, but I had an awkward time with the controls after growing up playing Tie Fighter on PC. I think I just stink at flight sims.

Re: Biomutant (PS4) - The Classic Case of What Could Have Been


I have read a few reviews of this game, and even the positive ones point out a lot of the flaws noted here in the Pushsquare review. The reviews that gave the game a higher score just seem more willing to overlook them because they find the game generally fun.

I am really looking forward to this game, and I am bummed about what appears to be some issues with the game. I am still going to try it some day, but maybe wait for a sale.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 377


Finished Children of Morta (highly recommend), and now continuing my agonizingly slow advance through the Yakuza series and starting Yakuza 3 remastered.

I am looking forward to seeing what Push Square has to say about King of Seas. If a game is sci-fi or about being a pirate, it automatically has my attention. Reviews are going to dictate whether I make a purchase, so I thank Mr. Tailby in advance for his thoughts on the game.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 376


@Col_McCafferty Shadow of War was odd to me. Mordor was the first game that really grabbed me on PS4-the Nemesis system and the whole formula was so great.

I was so certain I would love the sequel that I bought it day one. But it just felt like an ultra bloated retread of the original, with nothing to add except pointless busy work. I didn’t even complete the castle defense missions to get the true ending (thank you YouTube!) because after the first few I was so bored I was desperate to move on to something else.

Shadow of War shows again that more is not always better........

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 376


More Children of Morta, which is super fun. Trying to finish on hard mode this time.

I am really tempted by ME Legendary Edition. I convinced myself that I didn’t have time for it in my life right now, but that trilogy was my favorite gaming experience of the PS3 era. The more everyone says how great it is, the more I find myself wanting to take the plunge.

Re: Days Gone Director on Skipped Sequel: 'If You Love a Game, Buy It at F***ing Full Price'


1.I understand the frustration of people involved with a game when it does not do well or does not get a sequel. But:

2. No one should lecture anyone else about how to spend their money. And:

3.The best way to ensure a sequel is to create an amazing game. I played and finished DG. I liked DG. It is by no means a stand out game.

I finished Ghost of Tsushima, but I didn’t pay full price for it. Somehow that game is getting a well deserved sequel. Wonder why?

Re: Poll: Is PlayStation Losing Ground to Xbox?


@kyleforrester87 Agreed on all counts. I tend to have a Nintendo console in addition to PS. I have a Switch right now, but I haven’t used it in months because getting it away from my kids is hard. 😃

I am not missing out on Starfield or Elder Scrolls, period. If that means an Xbox is finally brought into the fold, so be it.

Re: Poll: Is PlayStation Losing Ground to Xbox?


@kyleforrester87 This is exactly where I am too. I have been a PS guy since PS1, and I always will be.

But for the first time ever, mainly driven by the Bethesda et al acquisition, I am considering also adding an Xbox. If Microsoft is making similar in roads with long time PS fans, it shows how well recent moves are going for them.

A few months ago, I would not have even considered ever adding an Xbox to the mix.

Re: PS Plus April 2021 PS5, PS4 Games Announced


I have no complaint about PS Plus-the last few months have been spectacular for free games. And, I am glad that those who own PS4 only will get to play Days Gone, which is a decent game. I wasn’t really hooked by the story or bike maintenance, but the game play loop and hordes are pretty fun.

But, I really don’t think including games available on multiple services people already pay for in the monthly games is a well Sony wants to go to super often. DG is already available on PS Now and the PS Plus collection.

It is going to ruffle some feathers at a time when everyone is talking about game pass and Bethesda et al.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Details First Fixes Coming With Patch 1.2, Including Overhauled Police System


@theheadofabroom Well..... of course my comment is subjective and simply my opinion. Most of the time posts on these boards are opinion, even if “in my opinion” is not placed in front of what is written.

I will say that my opinion about the driving in the 2002 Mafia game seems pretty widely shared. I assume that is why the remastered edition features an option to skip a lot of the driving, and why the racing missions are considered by far the worst part of the game (Google it and see!).

However, just because an opinion is widely held does not mean it is right, and certainly does not mean you agree with it. I am very happy you enjoyed that part of the game! I wish I did, because I thought a lot of other things about the game (story/atmosphere) were great.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Details First Fixes Coming With Patch 1.2, Including Overhauled Police System


I enjoyed Cyberpunk. It is not the masterpiece I wanted it to be after Witcher 3, but there is a game worth playing under all the bugs. Thing is: I think many of us wanted a detailed RPG with lots of options and choice and a very immersive world. I don’t think we got that, and I don’t think any number of patches will salvage that. Even after all the bugs are addressed, this is was simply closer to good than great for me.

That said, driving mechanics desperately needed patching. Every vehicle but motorcycle handles like you are driving a big log around a dirt track. Worst driving since the original Mafia game.