Comments 706

Re: Horizon Zero Dawn: Full Story Recap


Thanks so much for this! HZD was one of my absolute favorite games of last generation, but I had forgotten a lot of the story details. I was going to search for a recap-now I don’t have to. Well done!

Re: Microsoft Buys Call of Duty Publisher Activision Blizzard


Here is what I posted at Pure Xbox:

I have no dog in this fight at all. I have an Xbox and a Playstation and a Switch and a couple of other systems kicking around too.

I don't like Microsoft continuing to buy up huge developers. I think it is going to keep a lot of gamers from playing games they want to play, and I think continuing to carve out what is closer and closer to a monopoly is bad for creativity and the industry as a whole. I also don't like it that Bobby K is gong to get a huge payout from this sale.

Again: This will have no impact on me at all. I will still play the games I want to play. But some people won't be able to, and that is sad to me. I understand why it is good business for Microsoft, but I don't think it is good for gamers overall.

Re: Poll: How Would You Rate PS Plus in 2021?


I have been a Plus subscriber for a long time, and this was the worst year in all of that time for me personally. Most of the games that were featured on the service were either of little interest to me or I already had. And I thought the discounts (and really, the PS Store sales in general) were pretty poor last year.

I am well aware that it is not up to Plus to cater to my gaming whims, and that some years will be better than others for every individual person. All I can give is my personal perspective, and that is that other than my sporadic online play, Plus was of very little benefit to me in 2021.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - New Year Edition


Happy New Year everyone! It is going to be a great year for gaming.

I am playing Ruined King, and I am enjoying the heck out of it. Airship Syndicate knocked it out of the park with Battlechasers, and did the same here. The art style, story, and wonderful combat system are all excellent.

If you like turn based games at all, I strongly urge checking out this and Battlechasers. Just top notch games.

Re: Game of the Year: #6 - Hades


@Colour I agree. Supergiant is one of the best devs. going, one of the few I will always buy from day one with no questions asked. Art style, music, story are top notch in every game they make. And Hades deserves all the praise-I played it all the way through, and it is really good.

But......I enjoyed Pyre, Transistor and Bastion more. That may be an unpopular opinion, but Hades got grindy for me at times in a way the others did not. Limitations of the genre I suppose, although still one of the best rogue lites ever.

Those who liked Hades should also play Children of Morta, which also adds story progression to the formula with good results.

Re: Challenging PS5, PS4 Brawler Sifu Won't Have Difficulty Options at Launch


I have mentioned this here before, but I have a strange gaming quirk where difficulty options stress me out. I always worry a little about getting the best experience and how my choice of difficulty is going to impact that. So it is actually kind of a relief to me whenever developers have no difficulty options-I know I am playing exactly as intended.

To be clear: I am generally all for gamer choice and have no beef with difficulty options. I just find starting a game more relaxing when I don't have to choose the difficulty.

February is Horizon FW time, but I will def. play Sifu down the line.........

Re: Soapbox: I Think I'm Over Trophies


This is a very nicely written perspective, thank you.

Gaming without guilt with regard to trophies or my backlog is my secret to happy, stress free gaming. I think trophies are fun-they are a good record of what you did in a game, and something to check to see if there are other fun ways to play (and they are easy to ignore/shut off notifications if you don't want them!). But I never go into a game looking for trophies-the few Plats I have pop because I am having fun and want to do everything in the game, or I realize I only have one or two left.

Same with the backlog-I have a lot of games I got on sale waiting to be played, but that doesn't stop me from buying a game if that is what I want to play at the time. If the worst thing that happens in my life is I die (hundreds of years from now!) with a bunch of games I spent a couple bucks on unplayed because I wanted to play Death's Door over the holidays instead, oh well.

My point is: my gaming philosophy is to play what I want when I want. In my youth I played every game to the bitter end and got as many trophies as possible. Now I play only as long as I am having fun (usually to the end credits, but I now feel free to put aside games that I bounce off or don't like).

This hobby is supposed to be fun! I think trophies are great, but being beholden to them or a backlog or slogging through a game just because you paid money for it is not fun.

Re: Poll: 10 Years Later, What Are Your Thoughts on Skyrim?


For some reasons a bunch of other open worlds have drawn me in a lot more, but Skyrim was still a great game. The first few times you fight a dragon in that game are unforgettable.

Strangely, I played Skyrim on PS3 and encountered surprisingly few bugs. Just got lucky I guess.

Also: obligatory “Arrow in the knee” joke here.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 400


Thanks to PS staff and commenters for all the years of great games discussion!

I am dipping into the olde backlog and playing Rebel Galaxy: Outlaw. It is a really fun game! Very good arcade like space dogfighting.

I liked a lot of things about the first Rebel Galaxy, but the grind to build up your ship burned me out after a while and I didn’t finish it. It isn’t bothering me this time-I think I just like piloting a fighter in this game rather than a capital type ship in the last one. And the vibe I liked so much from the first one is still there. Game is a gem.

Re: Talking Point: How Would You Improve PS Plus?


If I ruled Playstation, I would implement two things:

1. Bundle in PS Now

2. Provide a selection of free games to choose from during a month rather than 3 that are locked in.

Both of those have huge challenges-not everywhere has PS Now, and negotiating with each developer to get stuff on Plus is probably difficult even without there being a few games to choose from. But Now would be incredible value, and a choice would give a better chance that subscribers would get something they would play rather than a month that is a complete whiff (like last month was for me).

I am honestly fine with Plus the way it is-I have been a subscriber for a long time, and I completely feel that I have gotten value out of it. But I do think the service can be improved.......

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 389


@fR_eeBritney I could not agree more. LIS 2 was a good game, but I was totally bummed by the ending I got.

The thing that was cool for me is that I have two sons that have the same age difference as the two main characters, and the game absolutely nails the sibling dynamic between them (under extreme circumstances of course).

Looking forward to True Colors, as the original LIS was also really good.

Re: PS Plus August 2021 PS5, PS4 Games Announced


I have a policy of adding all Plus games to the library. I endorse that policy, as you never know what you might want to play someday. And I will add these games too.....

....but wow, these games are a stiff test of my “add everything policy”. I can’t imagine ever taking the time to play these.